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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. Well, the way it works in most countries you need to start in one of a few ways...

    1. You get a different type of loan (i.e. Car loan is most common) with your parents co-signing for you. Once you start making payments on-time you will develope a credit histtory and can qualify for a credit card

    2. You apply for a securred credit card and then use and pay on time and eventually you will build a credit history and then you can either change your securred card to an unsecurred card or as your credit improves you can apply with a different credit card issuer.

    3. Some credit card companies actually specialize in issuing cards to "high risk"comsumers, their interest rates are higher and many have other "fees" but it is a way to get your foot in the door.

    4. If you are a univerisyt student in the US, many credit card companies will hang out around campus trying to get students to apply for cards. In many cases they will tell you to add the ammount of school tuition to your salary along with any other part time income you may have. This inflates your income and makes it easier to be approved. I asked them isn't this dishinest and they all usually advised the same thing... no this is what everyoine does...

    5. Get a good job... I high income that is provable will also make it easier to get a credit card...

    *If this is in Thailand and you are a foreigner, then forget all of the above as the only thing that will help is if you have a well paying job provable with payslips and a work permit

  2. Depends on which media outlet you are looking at... the REDs TV and radio stations have been favouring the REDs and the GOvernemtn controlled media outlets seem to be favouring the govenment.

    The government shut down the REDs TV station becuae it was "Distorting the governemtn" and the REDs captured some TV Vans because they were "distorting the REDs"... I guess that the REDs believed that turnabout is fair play...

    But yes, I agree that number three would be nice, but in a "free" media the best you can hope for is that both side will be free to report their disttorians and the public will decide who to believe...

  3. I hope that you are wrong... but I do not regret my previous support of their position.

    I would not change my position, but rather remove my support (not that that would really mean anything to anyone) as I would no longer believe that the REDs are staying true to their claims.

    I still believe they have valid arguments, but if they are not willing to accept it when they win then they are being unreasonable and any future violence is unneeded and will be on their hands, simple as that.

    But even if that happens, it would not invalidate manyof the point that they have raised.

    (This is also based upon the government also agreeing to the below compromise... otherwise if REDs are willing tocompromise, but governemtn is not, then I would lay the blame for any future violence at the feet of the current government)

  4. I still believe that the Reds to have many valid arguments, but given the violence over the weekend (I believe neither side is free of blame for the violence) it should be time to head backj to the negotiating table to see if this can be resolved without any further bloodshed.

    The below compromis seems very fair and dissolving Parliament in 3 months seems very fair and a win for the REDs. I hope the reds accept that this would be "a win for them" and end this as soon as possible.


    Academics offer solutions to end violent conflict

    303 Academics from 14 institutions came out and requested that

    1. The government should establishe the central committee consists of experts and professionals from forensic science, law, crowd control, and representatives from academia groups both for and against the house dissolution, to investigate the violent clashes with transparency as soon as possible. There should be a daily report of the progress until the situation is resolved.

    2. Law enforcement must be strictly followed, so the protestors should stop breaking the law by taking over public areas or instigate violence, to allow the country to recover. The crowd control should not be done after 5.30 pm because it would be too dark, thus too difficult to control the situations.

    3. The press should present the news without bias, by only focus on the facts. The words refer to each side should not be labeled in such a way that would lead to negative feelings on each side and lead to misunderstandings.

    4. There should be a negotiation to end the immediate conflict, like the talk over the government’s request for the crowd to gather only at Panfah Bridge, or the request by DAAD to lift the emergency decree and arrest warrants of the key leaders.

    5. All 303 academics offer to become mediators, and request that the group of 155 academics who suggested that the government dissolve the Parliament within 3 months to join in as well.

  5. I would say that you are pretty lucky the way things worked out and should not be thinking about suing anyone.

    It appears that the credit card company has accepted their responsiblility and is asking for your cooperation in order to file a police report. so that the culprits can be punished. This is a good thing and you should support them in any way that you can.

    Sure it will mean that you will have to spend a bit of time, but if you want to blame someone for that it should be the guy who stole the card, not the credit card company.

  6. I do not have any plans of joining the protest, but I do not have any problems or hold foreigners to any different standard than I would for a Thai Citizen.

    I would also not hold any non-us citizen who wished to protest in the US about the US to a different status than any US citizen.

    If the protesters get arrested... then the foreigners shoudl get arressted and charged righ along side of the Thais. If the Thais are not arrested then neither should the foreigners.

    I believe that it is every person in the world's right to protest against any government if they chose to.

    I also agree with the comment that kmj made, about reserving the right to protest if something affect himor his family.

    Many foreigners are not guest visiting Thailand... for many foreigners Thailand is there HOME and they are raising their familoes here. The fact that they are not citizens or permanant residents is only based upon the current immigration system.

    So if they shouldn't be allowed to protest because they do not have PR or citizenship and the Thai government wont allow them PR or citizen status (none aproved since 2006), is that really a fair test? I say no

  7. You might be advised to study a bit about the history of such crackdowns in Thailand. Usually there is a bit of shooting at first, and a number of people are killed and a number wounded. Then they make everybody in the place lie down on the ground, facefirst with their hands above their heads. Anyone who doesn't comply is shot or beaten. Then they load everyone onto trucks and take them off to prison (if you're unlucky people will be stacked 5 or 6 high, and a number will suffocate). Something I would rather avoid, but you have your educated opinion and all.

    And that is why it is essential for the governemtn to shut down the RED TV station.... they will need to control all media outlets and information given to the public and the rest of the world.

    Then they can crack down with immunity...

    The last thing they wanty is pictures and videos of the military/police crack down being distrubed on the RED tv channel.

    There will be enough international media reporting the actual news, that we don't need Red TV to be spouting their propaganda.

    In that case, they should also shut down the government controled stations that are spouting the pro governement propaganda...

    But that would not be good either.... the better option is to leave media outlets for both sides open and lewt people view the ones they want and make up their own mind.

    Any government who controls all media outlets within the control is not a good gonvernment (in my opinion).

    If the government believes that the Red TV station is spouting rediculous propeganda... let them fight the claims being made in the media.... do not silence oposition, debate then in the public forum and prove to the Thai people that the claims that are being made are wrong.

    That is how you turn public opinion...

  8. You might be advised to study a bit about the history of such crackdowns in Thailand. Usually there is a bit of shooting at first, and a number of people are killed and a number wounded. Then they make everybody in the place lie down on the ground, facefirst with their hands above their heads. Anyone who doesn't comply is shot or beaten. Then they load everyone onto trucks and take them off to prison (if you're unlucky people will be stacked 5 or 6 high, and a number will suffocate). Something I would rather avoid, but you have your educated opinion and all.

    And that is why it is essential for the governemtn to shut down the RED TV station.... they will need to control all media outlets and information given to the public and the rest of the world.

    Then they can crack down with immunity...

    The last thing they wanty is pictures and videos of the military/police crack down being distrubed on the RED tv channel.

  9. I would also like to say, that I am not hoping for the REDs to completely win or for Thaksin to return to Power.

    I would like to see them completely change the face of politics in Thailand and help to move the dialog to the social issues discussed in this thread.

    Thailand is currently so far away from socialism, I do not think anything other than a full out revolution would move it that far to the left. (which I would not like to see happen).

    So if this whole thing gives Thailand just a small "bump" to the left, I think it would be a good thing and would help to make Thailand a better place.

  10. ...Sadly, this is just the lie that the front line of the movement is being fed by their leaders. Those on the ground may not understand the intricacies of democratic, representative government, or government social assistance, but they do understand food on the table for themselves and their families. That is their goal. It is sad that such a large amount of the population have been left to live this way, but it's not the fault of the current government alone. ALL former governments did the same, but Thaksin was smart enough to throw some scraps, and now they are hungry for more with his promises of universal wealth. "A mia noi for everyone!"

    The leadership of the red shirts and Pheu Thai, (and by extension, their paymaster, Thaksin), are all a bunch of rich businessmen, and therefore a part of the "elite" when looked at from a class perspective. Sure, they don't have as much of a direct connection to the invisible hand, (unless you believe some rumours about some of Thaksin's hidden friendships), as the current government does, but I think that is what is angering them. They have been pushed out of the trough that they had control of for so many years, and they want back in, by any means. It is merely convenient to use the poor as footsoldiers to achieve their goals, so a few lies, a few doctored tapes, and some hate mongering is needed to rile the troops.

    I agree with all that you have written above, but still tend to favour the reds... why??? ...

    Because even though the leadership of the REDs may not believe what they are saying, If they do "win" (at least in part) I believe it will be impossible for them to to "put the gennie back in the bottle".

    They will have created a movement and will have no choice but to follow through with some of what they are talking about. The lower classes will have succeeded and "flexed their muscles" and I do not believe that they will allow even their own leaders to retirn to "business as usual".

    Could I be wrong??? :) Aboslutely possible, but it is the reason why I am not currently against the REDs.

    If the mob turns violent without provication from the Government or Army, I would likely change my mind. I completely agree that the storming of the parliment was wrong yesterday, but I also read that the leaders of the REDs were telling their people not to storm the Parliment and calling those that did "fake reds".

    Because the leaders seem to be trying to prevent the mob from storming the parliment and have distanced themselves form those that did, I am still not going to hold it against their movement.

  11. When should Abhisit crack down? Pressure is building for him to show a reaction. How do you feel about it?
    To be completely democratic he should piss around as they did for the Yellow Shirts at the airport and parliament grounds. Can't vote here!

    Abhisit wasn't in power back then, do you know that? So it is not at all relevant.

    But he has been in charge for quite some time now... so how are those criminal cases against the yellows coming along under his leadership?

    I didn't realize that no criminals that commited crimes under a previous government were immune to prosecution... I guess someone should tell that to all of the people arrested and convicted of crimes that they committed before the current governemtn took power.

    By that very argument, the current government should not have convicted Thaksin for his crimes because "it happened when another government was in charge".

  12. Thats the point... in order to chose that option you have to disregard the rediculous part about "no matter how violent they get" and the person who wrote the poll can then claim..

    Look at how "bad" and "unreasonable" the red supporters are... they would agree to break the protesater NO MATTER HOW VIOLENT THE REDS GET...

    Also, it will greatly reduce the number of votes by poeple who support not breaking up the protests which will allow them to claim that "The vast majority" are against the reds...

    It is simply a case of writing the questions in a way to gaurantee you get the results you want in order to support your own opinion...

  13. As so did the yellows... but we didnt see any arrests when they were protesting and hijacking the government house and airport... so how are those criminal cases coming along against their leaders? Two years later ans still "investigating"?

    I know that two wrongs do not make a right, but if the red protesters are broken up or aressted, the blantant double standard will just prove that the reds have a valid point and that they are telling the truth ...

    I am guessing that their leadership would love nothing more than for the police to break up their protest and arrest their leaders.

    That would be playing directly into the Hands of the reds...

    I still believe that a peaceful end to this is absolutely important for the government to hold any creditability. By failing to prosecute the Yellows, it makes it very difficult for them to prosecute the Reds.

  14. With the way the choices of the poll were written, you can't possibly be anything but a open minded person....

    The only option given to not to break up the protesters puts a clause on it that no one could possibly agree with (i.e. no matter how violent they get).

    lets be serious ...

    No the government should not break up protests of [ Insert the name of any group from any country from any time in History] regardless of how violent they become.

    No reasonable person will ever chose the above choice...

    It is also important to state that the REDs have not yet become violent... if the governement does crack down on them it could spark the whole thing off as they will be able to claim that they are "defending themselves" from what they view as an illegitimate government.

    So long as the reds remain non-violent, the government has no choice buyt to find a peaceful solution.

  15. Did they ever have a chance in winning the election in Bangkok? Do you really thing this is being done to win over Bangkok voters?

    It may be possible that their upcountry supporters may like seeing them on the news "taking over Bangkok"... the whole "sticking it to the rich Bangkokians" thing may actually be applauded in many areas of the country.

    Also, since the up country folks are not being inconvenienced in anyway it is unlikely that they are "shooting themselves in the foot" with the voters who are likely to be voting for them. :)

  16. Thanks for your time and replies, I am organising an informal chat with Head of English this week, will let you know the outcome

    Mucho Gracias!!

    The other thing to remember is that extension for "Thai Wife" will require 400k in the Bank or 40k per month in Salary while the extension for working as a teacher is exempt from the min income requirement.

    I am not sure what the salary is for teaching in a government school, but if it is less than 40k per month, you may need a non-B or an extension for "working as a teacher".

  17. We went to the motor show and ended up going for the March Top Line model. They were really not looking to "deal", pretty much take it or leave it. The only "freebie" we were able to get was Tinted windows.

    That being said, we looked at all of the different models in the lower end price range i.e. Mada 2 (sedan and hatch back), vios, Yaris, Jazz, City, Aveo, Cherry, et... and the wife liked the March the best.

    The top end March is the same price as the bottom end models of the rest and has all of the safety features that are only offered in the top models of the others, so I am happy as well.

  18. The person handling my WP told me something along the same lines last month (I'm on Non-O extension based on Thai wife and have WP).

    But it was her understanding that if you have a Non-O based extension for marriage there is no problem with WP.

    Only people who have a Non-O for whatever reason, but are not married to a Thai will not be given a new WP.

    Things appear not to be clear yet. I guess I'll find out next month when my WP is due for renewal.


    I am on an extension based upon being married to a Thai and HR just finished my WP extension for another year on Monday...

  19. Hmmmm so a "0" i.e. complete political apathy is seen as "normal political beliefs" and should be applauded...

    Sounds like the government doesn't want any "thinkers" or political activists...

    I think the scoring system should be more like...

    0-2: you are not taking your role as a citizen serious enough, go learn more about the current political issues and get more involved

    3-5: You are politically aware and hold some views

    6-10: You have very strong political views and are likely a Political activist trying to convince others of the validity of your views

    One additional question:

    6. Do you believe that it is ok to use violence to achieve political goals?

    If you answered yes to question 6... you are a danger to your self and others and need to be committed immediately...

  20. U\I have heard lots of horro stories from folks who are wroking as teachers here in Thailand, so I do not think the OPs concerns are completely unwarrented.

    I have heard cases where schools will not give year end bonuses and final months salary in they know the teacher will not return the following year...

    If this is the case... then in may make sense to wait until you get your final check and then tell the school you will not be coming back next yr after the "summer break".

    This should not cause them any problems as you should get your last check the end of the Month and school will not start to May, so you will still be giving them a one months notice to find a replacement.

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