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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. Well I registered today... once I have copies of all the docs needed for my extension I will go ahead and submit the application on-line and see how it goes.

    Only concern after taking my first glance at the application page is that under "reason for application",all choices are in Thai except for "test". So I am guessing this could lead to some problems with the system.

  2. Certain things that you can't say outright get spread through gossip.

    I guess in a society where it seems that it is unaccetable to confront people directly, the only option is to smile to their face, then gossip and scheme behind their backs.

    I don't know if it is true or not, but I would venture that the acceptability of confrontation in a given society would be inversely related to the ammount of gossip in a society (purely anecdotal, without one iota of evidence to back this statement up).

  3. There's a good letter in today's Bangkok Post, which suggests it's all down to saving costs (what a surprise!).

    I know most of it's <deleted>, but I don't want to cancel my Platinum subscription as I enjoy some programmes on Starworld like Seinfeld, Friends, American Idol and don't want to lose them too :)

    So why not down grade further to silver package and get Star World back...

  4. I know this may not be a popular position on this thread, but I actually like the change.

    Yes I am American...

    Yes I realize that the programming is already overwhelmingly American programming, but I have looked at what AXN Beyond offers and what BBC offers and I would prefer to watch AXN Beyond.

    So while I understand many Brits anger over this, I am happy with the change.

  5. Why not just play it cool and have drop off your son and then start the legal proceedings while he is in your care.

    That way she has to fight you for custody rather than the other way around. Its one thing to inconvenience you and make you try to pay a lawyer to get your son, but she may not be willing to do the same.

    Then you can go through the courts for primary custody, if she is globe trotting around Asia and working full time it sounds like you should be able to make a compelling case as to why you should be the primary care giver.

  6. The reason being, they changed their little rule to not allow spouses to accompany them for the interview. Several US citizens have posted that they were not even allowed in the building, the last several months. I personally have contacted two senators in my home state and filed formal complaints. I am waiting for that process to unfold. I shared with the Senators that, I a US citizen should not be banned from entering the consulate for any reason, and I am waiting to hear if they agree.

    Well this does seem a bit ridiculous, I was planning on heading in with my wife and taking care of some stuff at Citizen services. I wanted to send in application for Social Security number for my daughter and Tax ID number for my wife.

    I wonder if I had the forms and a good reason to go in-side if they would let me or if we should go in separately. It seemed like a good idea to care of everything on the same day????

    Guest House-

    First tourist visa my wife received everything went very smoothly (we only received single entry, but we were both studying at the time and we also told her that we were considering moving back to the US after we finished our studies).

    Given the info that you have advised, I don't think your wife should have any problems proving that she will be coming back

  7. Unless they have applied for BOI or are located in an Industrial Estate, they are playing by the same rules as everyone else...

    ... but seriously, if they meet the necessary sales revenue they will need to pay VAT and they will also need to pay taxes based upon the type of business.

    If corporation, then they will need to pay corporate taxes. If Thai owed, they may be a sole proprietorship or partnership and then the relevant tax laws should also be followed for those types of business.

  8. Went down to get a re-entry permit today for the wife. Applied online via the existing system (fill in form, send to them via email a day in advance).

    Went down today, rang the doorbell. They took the passport and cash, and offered for us to wait inside.

    5 mins later, all done. Was returned to us before others who had just arrived and were waiting in the automatic queue system. That is, those waiting to simply submit their application.

    Sounds like the re-entry permit is is back up and running. I am also very interested in how well the visa extension system ends up working.

    I would imagine that many people may actually be pleasantly surprised. I would guess that if the volumes are relatively low things may work very well with the new system. Once things get up and running and the volume of people trying to use the system increase their may be some bugs to work out.

    I will be interested in hearing from 'jamesjdaly' if they get back with him within a coupleof days.

  9. There was no mention of a multiple entry visa.

    If he gets a multiple entry visa in his old passport he can use his old passport to show the visa until the visa expires.

    Just because a passport expires it does not mean a valid visa goes away.

    ah cool. surely he'd freak out if there was any other answer lol

    I agree with this, but I am not sure why if it is a single entry rather than a multiple entry it some how becomes non valid?

    Granted I transferred my extension when I got my new passport, but it seems that Thai immigration should have a way of transferring even a single entry non - O to your new passport.

    When I did mine, I asked them about this and they advised that they could do it with all visas as long as the person had copies of all their passport pages. The only thing is that they will not physically put another visa sticker in the passport, they will just put in a stamp with a valid until date.

    (this was around 20 months ago when I did it)

  10. no because after he gets his new passport he will go back to immigration with old passport and new passport and they will transfer the Non O to his new passport.

    If he has to turn in his old passport and will not get it back, still no problem... just tell him to photo copy all the pages in his old passport and his last entry/departure card and immigration can transfer the non-o to his new passport.

  11. What would you think the chances were in the below situation....

    Applicant'e husband has 2 years of tax returns showing income of over the 125% required, but working in Thailand. They also have a letter from employer in the US stating that they will hire the applicant's husband at a salary that also exceeds the 125% required.

    Would this be sufficent?


    Would you recomend the following or would it just be over kill... (is there even such a thing as over kill when it comes to these things, or is the strategy just to keep loading on the proof so that their is no room for doubt? )

    In addition to the above they also have a letter from someone willing to be a "Joint Sponsor" and this person has yearly income of well over the 125% required. This person would also be willing to state in the letter that they would allow the applicant & family live with them as long as needed.

    Would they also need to see tax returns for the last two years from the Joint sponsor? Is there any specific statements that the Embassy is looking for from a Joint Sponsor?

  12. Ben...

    How would an applicant prove support if he was working in Thailand and try to make the move back without already having a job lined up?

    I took a look at your website and it advises that you need to show 125% above the poverty line or savings and assets 5 times the difference.

    Could tax returns from his job in Thailand show "his ability to support" or would he need a job or assets needed to fulfill this amount be needed.

    What if he had a co-sponsor to fill the gap, is this also an option?

    If not it looks like it would be pretty challenging to qualify if someone has been living in Thailand for quite some time and does not have a job offer before applying.

  13. I would guess the answer depends upon whether or not they actually did something wrong or not. I know this is getting better, but there are still many stories about people getting tickets even when they may not have done anything wrong.

    I have heard that this happens particularly often with Trucks and out of Province plates. If this is the case, then it is the cost of doing business and the employer should pay. If the employee is at fault then they should pay. The question is how do you tell which of the two reasons for the ticket is the correct one???

  14. many thais and probably most are not aware of some of the stupid or draconian measures in place.

    many have asked why i don't buy a house? and other such questions which when answered they show great surprise.

    so its only a very few that dont.

    This is very true...

    I have been asked many times about "if now that I have a Thai wife if I have Thai nationality". Once I explain the process needed for yearly visa extensions, 90 day reporting, Requirements of PR, Thai Nationality and the differences between Thai men/foreign women relationships and Foreign men/Thai women relationships people are genuinely surprised.

    They usually figure once you are married to a Thai, then there is no issue with getting visa or Thai Nationality if you want it.

    This holds true for Thai people I have spoken with from all economic groups.

    This doesn't come up in conversation all the time, but generally I have been asked about this at least once or twice a year.

  15. Businesses run successfully by gf or wives are like looking for a needle in a haystack. BUsines to placate a thai girl is seldom successful.

    So I keep hearing...

    Perphaps those with girlfriends/wives running successful businesses just don't post about it or if they do the threads just die out quickly...

    I have noticed that threads with positive stories seem to die a whole lot quicker than negative ones.

  16. I agree, the best thing you could do for the child is ensure that his German Citizenship is secure.

    Since you have PR it would be very simple to get Non Im for the child and his mother could then get non-im based upon the child.

    If he can have dual nationality he should have German/Laos based upon parentage.

    Not sure if this is true or not, but if you owned a condo in your name could your child get PR by putting him in that Tabien Baan?

  17. If you doing it for a thai gf stop and think about it. It aint gonna work. If you trying to make money that is.
    If you doing it for a thai gf stop and think about it. It aint gonna work. If you trying to make money that is.

    curious why you would say that?

    I guess his previous girlfreind(s) may not have been able to start a business that was able to run in the balck. Although it is a fair statement that a lot of people start businesses for their wives/girlfreinds and they end up failing for a multiutude of reasons.

    But many wives and girlfreinds have actually run successful businesses. All Thai's are not incompetent business people, just some of them are...

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