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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. Livinthailandos

    Ahha based on your rebuttal above, I seem to have won the arguement by just a slight margin, that the US is the better place to live while we both still breathing!!!

    Still a slight margin is....Good enough for moi tho :D

    I have to give you the win on this one Teacup... :)

    I am not planning on heading back any time soon, but I still agree with you.

    I am sticking around because I have a decent job here, my wife has her own company here, my wife would prefer to stay here and we do not yet have to think about the cost of educating our children here.

  2. Then I politely asked for confirmation that there was in fact dual pricing.

    Then she confirmed

    Then I politely said no thank you and walked away...

    My family and I then made alternative plans to do something that did not have dual pricing.

  3. It is much cheaper to survive in Thailand, but at least as much as in the west to live a normal middle class lifestyle.

    If you want to drive more than a standard low end Toyota...


    If you have kids in school and are at all interested in sending them to a school with a western style education, then it costs significantly more to live in Thailand than it would in the west.

  4. But is it really dual pricing if anyone regardles of race,religion, nationality, sex or immigration status can qualify for the discounted price?

    All that's needed is a local address...

  5. We have had many threads on this website about Dual Pricing and it is very common to hear the argument from those in favour of it to say, "If I go to the US to study, I have to pay a higher rates than a US person".

    Thought you might like to see the below article. It shows that in some states in the US you most definately do not need to be a US citizen to pay the lower price.

    ...In fact you could even be a Thai person who entered the country under a tourist visa that expired and are now living in the US as an illegal immigrant.


    ...10 states – among them California, Kansas, and New York – passed legislation explicitly allowing in-state tuition rates for undocumented students. The issue is on the table again in California, where a new bill would let undocumented students qualify for financial aid.According to assistant Senate majority leader Richard Durbin (D) of Illinois, about 65,000 of the 2.8 million American teens who graduate from high school each year are undocumented. In April, Senator Durbin and Sen. Richard Lugar ® of Indiana introduced the Development Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act. The DREAM Act is a bipartisan measure to make it easier for undocumented students to become permanent residents if they came here as children, are long-term US residents, have good character, and attend college or enlist in the military for at least two years.


    [source. World Education Services ]

  6. Ditto...

    I have heard many requests, but never anyone willing to pay the cost to do this...

    You will be basically end up spending a whole lot of time and effort to work your way through the red tape and at the end of the day once you add up the Duty and taxes and shipping costs you will end up spending just as much (or in some cases more) than you would have if you just bought second hand here.

  7. There are also regulations on the size of the kennel and all airlines are different. Some will allow pets under a certain weight be carried on the passenger compartment others will require that they be checked in with you luggage.

    Definitely call the airline(s) directly.

  8. Definately can not get a "ticket" for the Kitty at travelocity

    1. Where are you coming from? (since you mentioned Travelocity.. I will go out on a limb and guess USA)

    2. Do you have a health certificate issued by the Ministry of Livestock? (if US then Department of agriculture, but some vets are certified and can do this)

    3. Does the cat have all of the necessary vacinations?

    4. Will the cat be traveling as "Cargo"

    5. If so, you will need an import permit before arriving in Thailand.

    ---- Just as an fyi---

    If the cat travels with your wife likely not going to be classified as "cargo", if sent on a different flight all by itself will need to be classified as "cargo".

  9. I did something similar, but far less technical a few years back, charged 100 THB per page.

    But please note the whole thing only ended up taking a few hours and all docs were given to me via email attachment and only minor adjustments needed to be done. (No re-typing)

    If major adjustments needed to be made I would have charge a much higher per page rate. (I would estimate that you should make at least a min of 2-3k per day doing this to make it worth your time)

  10. As a student she could also qualify for a non-im Education visa.

    She could qualify for this on her own without having to "piggy back" on your visa. Once she finishes hiogh school she could still qualify for this type of visa if she was attending university here.

    This could tide her over until she graduates... after that she would be in the same boat as everyone else and would need to find a job paying her the slaary needed.

    But this should get you through the next 7 yrs or longer if she also studies for a masters degree here.

  11. Not knowing anything about your wife other than this, I would say that she just checks the balance and takes out every penny it will let her.

    Due to the fact that her answer is that the exchange rate is 31 thb = 1 USD leads me to believe that she is being a bit dishonest about the whole thing because it seems that she has actually taken the time to do the math in order to decieve you.

    I would think if she was not trying to decieve you she would have just said she is not sure what is going on and that she is only taking 20,000 thb per month.

    I would say do the investigation with the bank to find out exact amount that is being withdrawn from the ATM. If she is not being truthful with you this is a good indication on what can be expected in the future. This may be a very cheap way to find out a bit about her personality and her values.


    Just saw that she is your wife... I would still do the investigation with the Bank, but I now hope that my suspisions are incorrect.

  12. Can't remember the name of the hotel, but it is inside Central World trade center. The exit of the hotel faces Paragon and is only a few hundred meters away. Dont know the price for a basic room, but it is really nice.

  13. 4. If I am married and my wife has an acount in her name (its her business account) and this is over 10,000 am I obligated to register it?

    5. If not, what if its her name on the account, but I am also listed an authorized user (can deposit or withdraw funds).

    Is your wife American or Thai, and if American do you file a joint return?

    My wife is Thai and I just recently finished University here in Thailand. Next year will be my first year filing a return. So I am starting to investigate about all of the tax issues now, so I do not have to scramble next April.

    Would like to file separately (i.e. me and the kids on mine and my wife not file).


    Not sure if I need to file for a Tax ID number for my wife. I have 1 daughter and another in the way. So was not sure if it would be better to file just for me and 2 kids next year and leave my wife out or get her a Tax ID and put all three on my taxes.

    I would guess that I should not put my wife on or if I do, then I would need to add her income and then her Business accounts would also be needed???? If so, is this amount still covered under foreign earned income??? Do I need a separate form for her???

    Not sure, but if I file separately, does that mean none of her income would come into account? Because if we file separately, she does not have a greencard, not working in US, so no need to file???

  14. I don't have a moral position on US IRS law. I do know they have power over all Americans though.

    For Americans who don't report and do have accounts over 10K I bet you will start to actually here about the massive fines against reporting actually being enforced. How will they find out? You may be surprised.

    JingThing (or anyone else in the know),

    1. Do you know if this 10,000 in one account or combined total?

    2. If for example a US citizen had 2 overseas accounts, 1 for 6,000 and another for 5,000 would they be required to file notification?

    3. Does it matter if the accounts are in the same bank or same country?

    4. If I am married and my wife has an acount in her name (its her business account) and this is over 10,000 am I obligated to register it?

    5. If not, what if its her name on the account, but I am also listed an authorized user (can deposit or withdraw funds).

    Don't want to break any laws, but also don't want to waste my time or put my self in their system if I do not have to.

  15. Well I registered today... once I have copies of all the docs needed for my extension I will go ahead and submit the application on-line and see how it goes.

    Only concern after taking my first glance at the application page is that under "reason for application",all choices are in Thai except for "test". So I am guessing this could lead to some problems with the system.

  16. Certain things that you can't say outright get spread through gossip.

    I guess in a society where it seems that it is unaccetable to confront people directly, the only option is to smile to their face, then gossip and scheme behind their backs.

    I don't know if it is true or not, but I would venture that the acceptability of confrontation in a given society would be inversely related to the ammount of gossip in a society (purely anecdotal, without one iota of evidence to back this statement up).

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