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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. So is this an immigration requirement or a WP requirement?

    It seems really odd if it is an immigration issue???

    You would think that the purpose of a teacher's liscense would be to ensure that teachers are qualified(not saying treacher's license in its present form does this) before issuing a work permit to teach.

    It doesn'y make any sense if the reality is you don't need a teachers license to teach you only need it extend your visa??? Does this mean if you are a teacher that qualifies for an alternative visa you will never need a teachers license?

    It seems to be only teachers who work in primary/secondary education who need a teacher's license. Immigration requires paperwork to process a visa extension and request a teacher's license for those of us working at that level or (at least last year) a waiver from the TTC.

    So does this mean a TL is only needed to get a visa extension?

    If so, does this mean if a teacher does not get a TL they can still legally teach, but will need to leave the country every 3 months to get a new visa and then reapply for WP every three months? (not saying that anyone in there right mind would want to do this)

  2. Funny thing that a year or 2 ago, falling exports were going to result in 2 million people losing their jobs. They must have done something to avert that.

    No silly rabbit... those people are not unemployed... they just moved back home and became "employed" as farmers.

    So no need to adjust uneployment. :)

  3. DVDs have an import Duty of 30% along with VAT of 7% (yes, even second hand). May not be an issue if coming in under courier, but if in large enough quatlities to send via air freight or Sea freight be prepared...

  4. First Car we needed a guarantor, made all payments on time. Car was stolen, still continued to make payments for the three months it took for the insurance company to declare the car "lost" and issue check.

    We then immediately went and purchased a new vehicle and were told that my wife had A+ credit and that no guarantor would be needed. My wife just had our daughter and was not working, but that did not seem to matter... they just asked how much I was making and wrote it down, did not even need to bring in payslips.

    I was kind of surprised how easy the whole thing went down... we used the same finance company as the first car and he just made a call to the office and gave them the wife's ID number and that was that.

  5. I agree with the others... you should withhold based upon estimated yearly salary (12 x monthly salary), even if you do not plan on employing him for the entire year. At the end of the year he can apply for a refund if needed.

    If you think about it , it does make sense to do it this way... the presumption would be that he would find another job making a similar salary after leaving your company. So even if the law would allow you to deduct less (not sure if it does), you wouldn't be doing him any favors by deducting less... he may just end up owing a whole lot of taxes at the end of the year.

  6. Seems like the process for attending a University is pretty straight forward then... as long as you have been accepted at a University.

    Any one have any ideas if it is that simple for High School? If I understand correctly, you can not go to a public school (unless you re-imburse the gov for the cost per student), but would it be the same process if it was a private high school?

    Meaning as soon as they have the accetance letter from the High School, they just go into the embassy with the needed docs and then apply for Student visa?

    Anyone ever heard of anyone being refused if the applicant had all of the ducks in a row with the paperwork?

  7. Has anyone been through or familiar with the process of applying for student visa to go to the US?

    Researching requirements for student visa for either High school or college to see if there are any differences between the two to see if one would be better than the other.

    Also, the Little brother is currently going to a normal private school (Thai program).

    This would be to finish High School / College, not a one year exchange program.

  8. So is this an immigration requirement or a WP requirement?

    It seems really odd if it is an immigration issue???

    You would think that the purpose of a teacher's liscense would be to ensure that teachers are qualified(not saying treacher's license in its present form does this) before issuing a work permit to teach.

    It doesn'y make any sense if the reality is you don't need a teachers license to teach you only need it extend your visa??? Does this mean if you are a teacher that qualifies for an alternative visa you will never need a teachers license?

  9. Some pretty mainstream sources, such as Fortune magazine, are calling a USA VAT tax INEVITABLE. Of course the details would need to be worked out. I don't think a big VAT on top of the current system would be politically possible, so if the VAT comes, I would expect an easing on the poor and middle classes for other taxes:

    This is the only part I think you are wrong on...

    The VAT will not be a replacement of the present income tax system (ie "Flat Tax"), when and if it comes will be in addition to the present tax structure.

    They may try to initally make is small or reduce income tax to make it more palatable (ie we are not raising taxes, we are just making them simplier to understand).

    But then down the road personal taxes would come back up and US citizens will paying the same level taxes that many European countries are paying...

  10. sounds like the father is in on it, now.


    daughter to follow and then OP next...

    Not really... neither her father or my wife have any interest at buying at this price.

    The only reason why I know the value of the land with/witrhout chanote was from conversation I had the father -in-law about a year ago. He was saying how much he wished he hadn't sold off some land around 10 years ago. It was from his mother (out of 4 brother's he was the only that didn't want to sell off the inheritance, but he said they either had to keep it all or sell it all abd he was out voted)

    He was saying that around 10 years ago it was only worth around 6k per rai (Sia Dia, Sia Dai). He said the reason why it has increased so much had to do with the large number of folks from Bangkok wanting to buy up land for vacation homes and that some of the areas now have chanotes. Also upto around 6 years ago there were almost no paved roads or civilization to speak of.

  11. First go to all of the local stores and tell them in no uncertain terms you will not pay for anything they allow her to take, even for your duaghter. So that if they do not make her pay in cash then they should understand that this will go on her "Account" not yours.

    Then when she is sober tell her in no uncertain terms, that she is welcome to spend time with your daughter when she is not drunk, but you will not give her any money for spending time with her niece under any cercumstance. Also inform her about the instructions you have given all of the local stores.

    I am sure she will be angry, but I bet you will see a whole lot less of her and the "Gifts" for your daughter will stop all together.

  12. Thats what the father actually did(told him we would only buy at 40k)... we'll see if he ends up coming back and advising he will sell at the original price.

    Haven't been to see it yet, but from my understanding it is not in the fields it is right on the paved road and already has Electricity/water meter. The area is fast developing and Muek Lek is very popular location for Thai tourists and vacation homes for the Thai upper class.

    From what I have heard the local ampur just hasn't gotten around to issuing chanotes for most of the land in the area, but they will eventually.

    From talking to my wife and her father the 100,000-150,00 thb for 1/2 rai is about the market rate for the area if it had a chanote.

  13. You should feign interest in buying the land – and tell him you need to 'think about it' for a while'.

    If you get the act right, while you are 'thinking about it' him and his family will be making wild plans of what they are going to do with all that extra money they are going to extract out of the witless farang.

    Bit of luck they'll throw a party to celebrate their luck.

    The loss of face possibilities are enormous.

    I like the way you think...

    I think this was a real eye opener for her father... my guess was that he was just making small talk and didn't think anything of mentioning the fact.

    If the situation ever presents itself again in the future, I am sure that he would not mention the fact until the papers are all signed.

  14. Wife received a call from her father yesterday saying that he heard that someone in a bordering Moo Baan was trying to sell a small plot of land. In Saraburi province just out side of Muak-Lek, about 1/2 Rai (no Chanote).

    The guy was asking 35-40 k, which seems like a realatively cheap price. We are not actively looking to buy land, but hey if a bargain is offered it makes sense to buy...

    So we told her father sure go talk to him and we will drive up this weekend to take a look at it and make an appoinment with the Pu Yai Baan.

    Just got a call a few minutes ago from the wife. It turns out the the guy found out that the son-in-Law was a foreigner (me). He then told the wife's father that the price just went up to 150,000 thb.

    Obviously we will not be buying any property...

  15. ...An odd disconnect with this situation is the fact that one must have a US residence in order to act as an immigrant's sponsor on the I-864 affidavit of support.

    ...Ben Hart

    US Immigration Attorney

    Integrity Legal


    You don't have to be resident in the US, you only have to be domiciled. It worries me you don't seem to know the difference.


    From the I-864, Affidavit of Support Instructions

    A sponsor isrequired to be at least 18 years old and domiciled in theUnited States, or its territories or possessions (see Step-by-step Instructions for more information on domicile).

    Just to be fair...

    I believe he does know the difference... he doesn't say you need to "be a resident or reside in the US" he states that you need to "have a residence" which is really the same thing as "having a domicile in the US".

    I do not think he was going into legaleeze and parcing "what the meaning of is ...is" here.

    Kinda sounds like you are saying "its not big... its large". I believe most reasonably intelligent folks who have looked into the process can understand his meaning.

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