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Posts posted by kiwiinasia

  1. DNA tests anyone?

    Empty bank accounts disown credit/debit/store cards, sell major assets or torch them. Run up debts on her credit card if you can, preferably in a well know knock shop or even better GOLD SHOP!

    Burning down the house with all her stuff in it is the only sane option. Get your kids stuff out 1st and tell them why you have to use so much kerosene to clean the house down.

    Arrange suitable accommodation for them and tell them she can stay with them but you will not visit nor support them while the evil one stays there.

    Inform ALL family and friends of events and leave town for work.

    The only way to handle a material girl is to destroy all the material things around her and do so publicly so that everyone gets the right message especially her family and your children.

    Being sober during such events while admirable it is not compulsory and may even detract from the enjoyment you get.

    Good luck!

    (ps rebuilding a shack on the land cannot be prevented, but burn all the grass to make it harder!)

  2. www.sourceforge.net should have everything and its a very safe place to get software from.

    Sounds like you need a CMS with an online shopping add on.

    Search for this via www.cmsmatrix.org.

    Good luck.

  3. It kinda reminds how sarah (I can see russia) palin is still in the news here in the united states, if you havent heard she is working for FOX(fair and balanced entertainment)news channel. Cambodia is to be taken seriously? I think the current government has handled everything well-giving him very little attention, like Palin the media is what keeps him going and money on his part. If the current government would just take his money and then offer free cell phone cards to the country folks all would be well. Its kinda interesting that the same people who like thaksin, would probably say they thought mr. bush was one of the best leaders the western world has seen, or think palin would be a great future president.

    Yes Sarah is sooo relevant to the debate.

    Just because your prejudices against conservatives overwhelms your ability to think does not mean it needs to be thrust onto Thai politics too.

  4. Global Warming = New Religion.

    Its a faith based science, one very similar to Alchemy, everyone thought that was on the ball too long ago.

    I want them to impose taxes and regulations galore on THE NEWS MEDIA as they are the only fools believing this hook line and sinker.


    Theories are not a good basis for taxes.

  5. Kiwiinasia,

    So in reality it actually took "3 weeks or so", plus two days to complete the application process and be issued your retirement visa. Not quite the "less than 2 working days" you asserted.


    The application took less than 2 working days.

    According to your logic I should also include my passport application, my birth certificate application etc as they were all needed before I COULD apply for a retirement visa.

    According to that logic it took 52 years to get the visa then.

  6. ...

    Maybe so- but being polite doesn't hurt and is certainly better than calling people stupid or of having no intelligence.


    But I never did call anyone stupid.

    I might have implied it by asking a question, but that's not the same.

    But I never did call anyone out on having 'no intelligence' either.

    I did imply that they lacked intelligence, but that's not the same.

    I think your post Artsi reflects VERY similar skill levels in UNDERSTANDING what I have posted.

    GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT before instructing others on how to post.

    If people go off half cocked and post questions that are CLEARLY already answered by the original post then I think the OP has the god given right to reply in kind or not.


  7. Wow you must know a lot of influential people.I had to go back to my home in NZ to apply for a ret visa. I had to get a full medical---took a week to get results of blood tests,I had to apply to the NZ court for a criminal record clearance.Never had problem with the law in my life but it still took 6 weeks!!!! Do not know how you did it mate but good luck if you get away with it so easy Dougal

    BPB... you are right on all points.

    In my case it was 3 weeks or so waiting for the nz govt to do its job.

  8. I browsed on that website a little and found the following about required documents for “Non-Immigrant O-A Visa (Retired)”:


    The listed requirements include “Criminal record” and “Medical certificate”. The OP said "Complete all items on BOTH the NZ checklist and the standard application form", which obviously means that he submitted all required documents, including the criminal record and medical certificate.



    Thank you Maestro.

    I had no intention of repeating myself.

    Why do so many posters lack the intelligence to read and UNDERSTAND the original post? :)

    Par for the course on a robust website eh?

  9. Lesson to others -- consult this website BEFORE you apply for a visa ...

    NO need for a lesson.

    This website did not tell me anything that was not given to me by the Thai Embassy anyway.

    I applied for a Thai Retirement Visa.

    As far as I know that is Non-Immigrant O-A.

    That is what the form said.

    That is what I paid for.

    And that is what I am getting.

    Why do people think that if you apply for type o-a you will get type o?

    Are people here that stupid?

    So I think that my thread title was accurate and the requests for further information are from people who have to look out the window to make sure that the sun is up in the morning. :)

  10. Me:

    Age: 52

    Sex: Male

    Location: New Zealand


    Royal Thai Embassy, Wellington, New Zealand


    1) Check website of local embassy, check details for retirement visa.

    2) Phone embassy give outline, get confirmation email with supplementary info needed for visa applications processed in NZ.

    3) Complete all items on BOTH the NZ checklist and the standard application form downloaded, double check it.

    4) Keep copies (just in case).

    5) Courier to Wellington, with nice cover letter giving contact details, forget to include return courier bag.

    6) Less than 2 working days later get phone call to confirm visa has been issued and can I please send a return courier bag to them.

    7) Send the return courier bag.


    If you follow the rules and do it right then not much can go wrong from the look of it.

    Am waiting the return of the passport.

    See it can be done! :)

  11. I had a very similar problem a few years back.

    Business Class

    Air NZ (when they flew to BKK).

    Check in Auck.

    The problem was I had paid cash (remember that stuff) in BKK for my return ticket 75k odd it was.

    Had a bang up at check in as they wanted proof of on going flight.

    I showed them my 250 bkk stamps in my extended (48 pages) nz pp and my wp for HK, ID card for HK etc.

    NOT enough.

    I suggested to them that perhaps the fact that I was going business class might show that I had enough money to get out of Thailand on another flight.

    Not enough.

    Numerous wp for thailand

    Not enough.

    In other words the check staff and supervisor (I mad sure she got involved) could not think for themselves.

    I had to show them a credit card and then everything was alright.

    I said what if my cc is over limit and I cannot get a ticket on it?

    Thats ok, that would be your problem not AirNZ.

    Oh well, at least I made a scene for a few minutes.

    Rule one, never get upset, always smile and say thankyou.

    Makes them look stupid.

    (I now the rules, I was just having fun before a boring flight)

  12. The pound was overvalued, now it's undervalued.

    I think you may be wrong.

    The pound is in a downward spiral that's likely to last a good couple of years.

    The reality is that the GBP was over valued for a long time and now its back to fair value.

    Plenty of room for it to drop what with the govt needing 200 BILLION GBP from somewhere. China wont help.

    The IMF may have to dole out some credits to it soon.

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