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Posts posted by actiondell4


    Songkran will be coming up soon and im dreading being in Pattaya at the time.

    Can someone post the dates for Pattaya Songkran and Bangkok Songkran so i can go to BKK to miss it.

    I use to enjoy it,im not a wowser,i even use to be one of those guys outside a bar chucking water at drivers going by but.....nowadays with the emergemce of young farangs,going off stupid with high powered hoses and using acid and chemicals in waterguns I really not having patience with it.

    I may this year wear a full rain coat perhaps.

    Whilst i say this year mostly every year ,sometimes its better to join them i suppose.

    I did last year outside a pub on the main road in jomtiem,however it got a bit silly with the young farangs i was with,all half my age,they were jumping in front of cars and baht buses to stop them and chuck water on their back passengers.

    The water and big buckets etc were provided by the bar,they even put blocks of ice in it for us.

    One thing i found strange or hilarious,depending on how you look at it,was some baht bus drivers would purposely stop where we were and wait for us to drench their passengers with a good soaking,then laugh and then drive off ?

    Of course they made sure their windows were closed and doors locked.

    I purposelly did not try to throw a bucket of water in a motorbike drivers face but i did see it happen and the crowd,mostly young farangs cheered when someone toppled off their motorbike

    . Amazingly even the people sitting in the bar watching us throw the water would cheer and clap too when someone lost control of their motorbike and some of these were people like myself who should know better.

    Another older farang,probaly 70s was squirted in the eyes by one of the young farang boys,when i say boys,i mean late teens/early twenties,and the older farang who had a medical patch/bandage on one of his eyes become irate with the farang boy until a whole group of young guys told him to pee off,he claimed he had just had a cataract surgery.

    I didnt agree with it all but you know when your drunk,and skylarking with other farangs you think its fun yourself,but the worst i saw was when a baht bus stopped right near us and a very very elderly gentleman dressed immacuatelywas seated in the baht bus,his back to us,as he was seated facing the other way ,and a young farang guy poured a ice bucket of water over his head and the man went into hyperventilation shivering and shaking,and i tried to assist his daughter .

    When i was throwing water i tried not to target people with babies or elderly but some people dont care and i saw that legless man in jomtiem being thrown into a large bucket by several guys.all in good fun mind you,i was going to step in if he started urinating on him because i dont think thats funny but when someone is mimicking piulling it out and urinating on the legless guy,people start laughing?

    Any tips this year ? Who knows,maybe i will join in the fun this year,i guess its setting limits because even i saw a few thai people who were going to work as security guards etc stop their bikes and confront the water throwers so not a good idea.

    I must admit i wouldnt do the water throwing if i wasnt feeling safe with a group,the young farang boys i was throwing water with last year were quite fit ,and tattooed etc and nobody would dare approach us,but i wouldnt do it alone or with others that i didnt feel could protect me if someone got angry.,i did have some thai boys on a motorbike double back when i threw water but didnt dare approach me with the farangs around me.

    I dont know about this year what to do.,should we all be wowsers?

    im not young but i think as we get older we become wowsers ?

  2. I was talking to my thai flatmate,he comes from BKK ,he insists there is noise laws.

    He says contact the environment Dept in Bangkok.

    Apparently according to him,there is even a noise compliance unit,but he s unaware of which government department they belong to,yhinks its environment department.

    Personally i think its fantastic that different religions are making themselves known and i think its fantastic that this particular religion now has a grip on France and the UK and now i heard are getting bigger in Northern Ireland and the fantastic work they are doing.

    They do say this will be the dominant religion within time in the UK ,and personally i hope it is.

    The Labour Party done a great job in promoting religions,a pity Thailand doesnt do the same.

    There aint no England anymore,yes found out who sings it,The Kinks apparently.

  3. I was talking to my thai flatmate,he comes from BKK ,he insists there is noise laws.

    He says contact the environment Dept in Bangkok.

    Apparently according to him,there is even a noise compliance unit,but he s unaware of which government department they belong to,yhinks its environment department.

    There aint no England anymore,yes found out who sings it,The Kinks apparently.

  4. I think its great that there s an exodus of expats back to their homelands,especially those to the Uk,they will be in for a real shock,because I was listening to talk back radio today and I heard there s "no England anymore",I think The Kinks were singing it.

    Mind you its their own fault they let there Country get into that shocking State.its in.

    Yes please leave Pattaya.

  5. I have a cousin in Birmingham ,UK,who was living in her street before the mosque was built,however it has become unbearable,the followers are parking in her driveway,park in the no stopping zones,block her driveway of her house ,after prayer they jump in their cars,slam their doors and speed off,bipping horns at each other etc.

    As I told her on the phone the other day "It aint England anymore" ,not sure who sung that song,but I heard it played the other day.

    I do think its very inconsiderate to blast loudspeakers,doesnt matter what religion.

    But your lucky you dont live in England where if you complained to the Local Council you would be fined for Religious hatred.

  6. Seems strange this business couldnt turn a profit,but as I predicted in another thread about this place and its turning away of customers when they got that it would fail.

    Really I thought a Chinese restaurant would do well but if they are turning away customers because they cant handle the volume of orders ,well thats money lost plus return customers.

    There seems to be no good chinese in Pattaya,tried the one in Soi Bukcow opp Cant/tales but did not like it.

    Sadly never got to try the Village Chippy.

    Bad management? most probaly,of course to them its everyone else s fault.This,that etc

  7. Instead of wasting all this money on them,for your own sake GO to a Lawyer,you need one badly.

    Really i think you need to get your wife and you and go and see a Thai Lawyer in Pattaya where it seems you are.

    There is one advertised by the Pattaya expats Club,I dont know his name but i think he has a column in the pattaya newspaper.

    If you cannot find one then maybe you should ask in the Pattaya forum,but really i am not trying to scare you but you are just wasting money giving in to these people when you could spend the money on the Lawyer who hopefully would finalise it for you,albeit helping himself as well i may add but at least you would have someone on your side.

  8. It seems to me that this was a "private vehicle rental",that in reality it wasnt a real rental company just some guys private car you rented.

    He wont get an insurance payout IF the insurance company know he s rented it out to you,yes he s right,however he would of been better saying he or the missus had been driving it.

    How did they steal it?

    Does anyone know here or had any experience stealing i presume late model vehicles,dont they have car alarms and lockable steering wheels?

  9. Ok,I have a Thai male friend who would like to come to Australia for 2 weeks holidays.

    The scenario is this, His english is nearly 100%,he's 30yo,he is working as cook in a Farang operated restaurant in Northern Thailand.

    His parents own a lot of land apparently but according to him are cash poor,however can take a loan against the land if necessary,i do have my doubts as he drives a new Isuzu,anyway.

    But,can someone answer this, I asked him to come to Australia for a 2 week holiday,personally i would rather him come for 3 months,however is that too much for a first time applicant.mainly so he can look at the Thai food selection here and come here as a visitor on a visitor visa,he is fascinated by Australia and has friends here already albeit they are richer than him.

    He already has a passport.he has been to Cambodia,Laos and Malaysia apparently.

    I did ring up a visa centre in Pattaya when i was there but for some reason before i even got half the story out the guy started shouting at me telling me i should say I was gay and this was my BF which is incorrect and I dont want to do this ,his said cannot help me .

    I mean gee with all the rough looking tattooed long haired Thai people I see walking around Australian Cities,working in Restaurants,driving taxis etc,how do they get in so easily.

    I mean I Sydney Australia virtually is full of Thais in some places,and even seeing small Thai flags on Taxi cabs driving in the City.

    I would like to know the process to get him a visitor visa.

    According to him he has 100,000 baht cash in his bank book.

    His parents/family have a house and apparently miles and miles of land,i doubt immigration would care about that.

    The problem is the boss he s working for will not give him a letter to say he s working for him,I dont know why,he seems to be scared to put his name to support his employee on a 2 week break.

    oK So where would we go from here.

    I contacted a Thai agent in Australia,he wants $4500 to assist,

    The one in Pattaya only wanted 40,000 baht.

    Can I do it myself.

  10. Yes thanks,how about the tooth removal?

    I will probaly use the dentist in the day night area.

    I think i will just have the bloody thing pulled out.

    Do they give you antibiotics ?

    The dentist here,aussietralia wants $500 for tooth removal.

  11. I know the dentist topic comes up a lot on this forum,and just like me you probaly skip over it.

    But Im now back in Australia and lo and behold on my first day back I was flossing my bottom teeth when half a tooth broke off as I was flossing it,leaving a big hole in the tooth and half a tooth.

    Its one of those flat teeth so not a pointy tooth,its on the middle botton and at the moment only half of it is there.

    The problem is i went to see a dentist here in Australia yesterday who looked at it for about 5 minutes and said it is infected and he then x rayed it,total cost for the less than 10 minutes was $137.,including the antibiotics.

    He told me to come back next week ,doesnt have time ,so come back next week he says,to either have it taken out ,cost will be from $430 to $530 depending if its easy,or a root canal and crown $2230.00 approx plus medication costs.

    Of course its additional fees for having to come back for the check up afterwards he says,which i need to because he needs to check for infection and of course charge me another fee.

    Ironically i had just seen the dentist in pattaya before i left,cost for cleaning was 300 baht and a check up revealed nothing wrong.

    The dentist in Australia told me he would never trust a dentist over there in Thailand.

    I said to him,didnt some of them come here to Australia to do their dentistry degree?

    He laughed,yes your right he said.

    Now it works out to be roughly in thai baht 15,000 baht to have the tooth take out or if i want to save it,which i dont think i will,it would be around 70,000 baht for the root canal.

    My question is ,does anyone know the above prices in Pattaya at the moment,honestly im thinking about flying back for a few weeks and having it done over there in Pattaya.

  12. Cant you rent out the house whilst you are away in the UK,then you can bring in the rental income to pay the mortgage.

    Worst case scenario is they,the bank,will sell the house with what they can get for it.

    If its under what you owe,then you end up owing them money.

    Dont worry too much,im sure the banks have many of there relatives notified when mortgagee sales are going on,so should sell quick.

  13. I dont know about the USA,but in Cities such as Dublin,London,Sydney,Auckland,Police wouldnt care.

    I have seen drunks pissing up against the wall at 3am in most Cities and the cops keep driving,especially in the early hours of a weekend,they are too busy with other radio calls.Its a shame in a way because it leads to a breakdown in society but what can they do.

    Cops in most Western countries are now young and not like the older ones,these younger cops dont care.

    BUT having said that,you can bet your life if the thai Police had caught that guy peeing he would of been donating money.

  14. What is the latest on the British guy who is mentally ill,now has been handcuffed to the cell bars for 3 months.

    Apparently he has no money for food and other prisoners are trying to feed him.


    I wonder where the do gooders are now that like to get in the limelight to help orphanages etc.

    Where are the christian churches.

    Im not from the UK but surely you cannot let someone who has a mental illness suffer like this ?

    To be handcuffed continually for 3 months and not eating,surely he deseves not to be treated as a dog.

  15. It seems if the Starbucks customer parking his bike in a Starbucks allocated parking spot has been assualted and viciously it sounds like,then its up to Starbucks to intervene,otherwise many potential Starbucks customers will be risking assault by parking there.

    Were Starbucks aware there customer was viciously attacked,and if then its up to them to either employ a security guard or complain to the car park/strata management.

  16. I was on a baht bus earlier today,a farang man,aged probaly in 40 s got on with a boy ,probaly around 11 or 12yo,who i could see resembled him .half thai farang boy.

    Unfortanetely when I got on the baht bus earlier there was 3 young farang guys already on ,probaly coming back from their night out.

    I was going to get off but decided to stay,apart from them pretending to slide down the seats,drinking,swearing,coughing up phlegm,singing i come from the land down under song, etc i just minded my own business until the farang got on with the boy and that's when they started on him,asking him if he was a pedophile and he pretended to smile at them and he seemed to be a bit scared.

    Anyway we started to head towards Jomtien and it obviously them shouting out to passersby as well as one of them holding a beer bottle staring straight in the farang guys eyes opposite them ,he decided to get off,i also thought about it but decided not to let them win.

    As he got off they joked about him being a pedophile and obviusly they knew it was his son but kept up the abuse.

    These guys one had his shirt off were fit looking probaly in their twenties,Australian and immature.

    Anyway as we got further towards Jomtien one of them poured beer on the seat and they all laughed so i pressed the bell to get off,unfortanetely one of them had moved closer to the exit so when i went to get off he was about to foot push me in the backside but i turned as he was going to do it.

    Anyway this is where the problem also starts also,because the baht bus driver and his wife/gf in the passenger seat knew what was going on and used this to their opportunity and demanded 100 baht for what is i usually pay 20 baht trip.

    I said no and handed 20 baht,and i believe on purpose raised his voice and demanded 100 baht or the bus doesnt move,this made the guys in the bus angry at me and started shouting at me and the bus driver gets out of the door and the guys in the back started cheering egging him on to fight me.

    I walked away and then he started to walk around to me and then i heard them now shouting at him."get back in the bus ya chink" or we will smash ya" etc etc,and he seemed scared of them did and they drove away.

    I wasnt concerned about the baht bus drivers behaviour towards me,but the young farangs behaviour towards the farang and his son was shocking.

    I couldnt imagine having a young son or daughter in Pattaya only to be subjected to that type of behaviour when you go out with them.

    Obviously I wouldnt be walking in any bar areas with them,but is this common perception of people/tourists to suspect because you are walking with a young man or girl that you are a pedophile,actually its something i would never perceive or think about myself if i saw this as i did but some people really cannot be civil.

  17. Just looking at another Pattaya forum and someone has said the Russian Mafia is really Jewish.

    I cannot believe peosters care about someone s nationality.

    In fact i find the Arabic young guys far more rude when they push you out of the way in a 7/11 and riding their motorbikes at high speeds thru South Pattaya.

  18. Unless I have missed it,I cannot see anything about the new North Korean restaurant opening up here in Pattaya.

    The restaurant unusually is being staffed by North Korean waitresses,not sure how they would get work permits.

    I do have the link but I doubt i am allowed to put a link here

    . According to the article,the North Korean Govt makes a profit of over 300k a year from its many restaurants in Bangkok,Cambodia and Vietnam.

    Most of the customers are or rather were ,South Korean tourists to its 2 restaurants in Cambodia,but it seems a boycott from the south korean tourists groups has led to one closure.

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