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Posts posted by november222

  1. The issue is about Thailand's attitude to tourists, which in the current situation I would have thought would be a no brainer.

    i dont know of any country that takes tourists into account when making laws. uk has more tourists than thailand and they had a no alcohol 3-5pm law for years. they didnt change it to please the tourists and it didn't stop them coming. i don't think it's much of an issue to the average tourist. i doubt id it would affect numbers.

  2. you showed us a picture of your wife's knife in your big hand. no control over her? with a username of 'sarahsbloke' thats not surprising. did you include yourself in the 6 or is it 7 all together? nice one.

    Holding her knife, and taking her knife away from her are two entirely different matters.

    Have you ever tried 'controlling your wife'?

    How did that work out for you?

    its easy. i say 'jump' and she says 'how high'.

  3. I have no power over these people, I can't control what they do.

    Result, personal abuse, from buffaloes with poor comprehension skills

    (I count 6 of these buffoons on this thread).

    you showed us a picture of your wife's knife in your big hand. no control over her? with a username of 'sarahsbloke' thats not surprising. did you include yourself in the 6 or is it 7 all together? nice one.

  4. The point David made, and he has worked in royalties, and which i supported, is that it is common practice unfortunately for royalties to be avoided by asking for donations instead of ticketed payments. It happens a lot

    No-one specifically said it happened here but unrecorded donations are always prone to full accounting not being kept

    It's small beer anyway considering how much revenue is lost in counterfeiting branded goods in Thailand. The embassies are forever taking this up with Thai authorities. Happens so regularly it is becoming routine

    You appear to be avoiding the point. You are right in that no one said it was happening here. But the point is, why even bring up negativity without reason? Is it to intentionally hurt these folk and keep people away? What is the purpose? Additionally, why would you insinuate that donations aren't being recorded and full accounting isn't being kept? Even though the group is trying to be a non profit, rents and other expenses still need to be paid. I'm certain the mall isn't giving space away for free. Someone must be recording donations.

    If you want to know for sure what is going on ask the appropriate party. Why insinuate negativity while having no apparent proof? It does nobody any good.

    have you guys not met? this is caf.he had 2 arguments going on at the same time earlier on. nice one.

  5. I know plenty of Thai's and they do not walk the streets 'tooled up' as it seems your friends and family do. Slapout was right; you do hang around with the wrong kind of people....or perhaps you watch too many violent movies? Either way, it's not a healthy lifestyle.

    or read too many comics.

  6. One other point In the State of Washington they passed a law you could not use your cell phone while driving. The result was predictable. Accidents went up people paid even less attention to where they were going when they had to hold the cell phone out of sight.:ermm:

    how many accidents here because drivers are trying to put on their helmet while driving or do a quick u-turn because of a police road-block? helmets in the basket blocking the front light. nice one.

  7. This is a different agency from the old Mau, LOh? Seems to be in a different locale too, chai MAI?

    I had heard the stories about Mau from several friends who lost several 100K baht on tickets over the holidays. Apparently, at one point, it was a decent agency and well established, but went south.

    I book all my tickets with an agency in the US and get as good or better prices than online or available at agencies here. And thus don't lose out extra $ on exchange rate/intl bank fees for credit cards.

    (bTW - More hints there in line 1 - after checking realthaideal's hints with guidelines mag. )

    strange. you can write about friends being ripped of by mau, but you have to use codes to hint at the name of the tour company from the op. what ever happened to mau in the new location? what did they change their name to? i know some guys who came unstuck with them.

  8. very sarcastic, you've obviously never worked in banking

    i'll let those that know how rates are set to get back to you.

    next time i'm in a bank i'll remind them that, as you say, " Never mind that the exchange rate is ALWAYS the same."

    I stand by my point your comment lacks logic (and is pure bullshit, november )

    over and out

    classic caf. back on form. nice one.

  9. I can assure you that ifyou go to the Tourist Police or division 5, you will get excellent help. There is a Thai employee who is a lawyer and speaks about three language and wil tgake your statement and the police WILL investigate and I believe you will be successful.. If you need details please pm me.

    I have written it off as bad judgement. My reason for this topic was simply to warn others to be wary. If they still want to use her then up to them.

    quite right. after all the complaints and police reports what ever happened to Mau tours mentioned on thai visa last year? i heard they re-opened with a new name in a new location. buyer beware.

  10. i heard that yesterday morning a crazy farang marched into the red lion, threw a ball of screwed up fliers at the owners wife and told her off for sticking them near his bar in moon muang soi 2. too early for being drunk so he must just be a nutter. they are about, even at that time of day. nice one.

  11. Still raining out my way.

    to help push this topic to 20,000 views i'm sure you'll all be enthralled to know that it was raining in the night bazaar but now it isnt. nice one.

  12. Me The wife and kids went to Tiger Tiger last year and had a 3 course lunch with wine for somewhere around 500b, and let me tell you it was a very pleasant experience.

    All Traditional, turkey and ham roast with all trimmings and we even got a Christmas cracker to pull each.... So if the rumors on here are true, And Tony from Tiger Tiger has taken

    over The Old Tuskers, then we will be heading there for sure.

    i'm sure you are.

  13. this is the sort of post we need on a quiet sunday. this is where all the minge bags get to tell us how tight they are. its one thing being a tightarse, but why would you want to let everyone know? nice one.

    What an inappropriate reply. I don't like any of your replies actually.angry.gif

    50 baht, if I'm in Bangkok.

    its obviously a troll topic so why take it seriously. who cares whether a dish is 20 baht or 30 baht? it could be 150++ in a 5 star restaurant. it depends on the place and its up to you to decide if you want to pay it or not. what is the point of this topic? is it ' i'm a penny-pincher are you'? or is it about 'rip-off joints' charging 35 baht? who over the age of six can't figure out how much something is worth.

    Ask your mum. nice one.

    All this criticism of the topic and yet you still comment multiple times.

    i didnt critcise the topic i praised it. i love these topics. very entertaining.

    whats your contribution?

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