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Posts posted by november222

  1. I would bet that uptheo's is so paranoid that he feels compelled to defend all who don't want there name known for one reason or the other. Why else would he be so adamant about it.

    I wonder who really thinks they are a big shot. easy to feel that way hiding behind a name in the real world and striking out at every body who dosent share your paranoia hiding behind a screen.

    he clicks the 'sign in anonymously - don't add me to the user list' button even though he's already anonymous.

    and he thinks i'm a girl. nice one.

    users browsing this forum - 1 anonymous.

  2. 21 and browsing anonymously? its not natural.

    Bothers you does it?


    not bothered, amused. this topic seems to have touched a very raw nerve with you.accusing the op of paranoia, while you sneak about browsing anonymously!

    better question than the ops would be why would someone browse anonymously?


  3. Again the ? not why did you choose a screen name, but why are you leary of someone knowing that you are you.

    It's cos there are just too many nutcases around ..... just look at some of Sillymans threats against other random posters.

    Not worth the hassle of risking the attention of one of them.

    Agreed, plus it's a personal choice and absolutely none of Pun Pun's business, let him get on with his daily cooking and washing up chores, instead of losing sleep about screen names. As I said before there are people who know me, they are trustworthy and important to me. Pun Pun and it's owner are of absolutely no consequence to me, even though his postings lead me to believe he's deluded into thinking he's some kind of big shot.

    how do you manage to read so much into a simple post? john was merely curious about peoples secretive ways - a study into human nature he said. you interpret it as paranoia?, you think he's losing sleep over it and you reckon he has delusions of grandeur. last time i looked he had made 4 posts on this subject and you've made 20. nice one.

    are you the anonymous browser? i dont see your name.

  4. anything else drinkable? the chiang mai german brewey behind carrefour has great beers, hofbrauhaus in the night bazaar has german beers, redlion has draught guinness, tetleys bottled ciders, german and belgiann beers, benelux has belgian beers, number one bar has draught hoegaaarden..... what takes your fancy?

  5. Not touchy at all, in fact I'm finding this quite interesting and hope it continues for a while.smile.gif

    However, it would be more useful if someone other than me could respond, otherwise it's all a bit meaningless don't you think, considering how many people have screen names.

    'A study in human nature'......is that John or Jung.....my 10 cents is, stick to Chicken Fried Steak. wink.gif

    everyone has a screen name, but most arent unwilling to reveal their real name in a social setting. i'd say you were one of those that went to punpun and didnt give your name. you doth protest too loudly. just a guess. nice one.

    Hey Othello.....you're a bit of a Poirot on sly aren't you.........you devil. wink.gif

    it was hamlet. arent you late for the quiz?

  6. Not touchy at all, in fact I'm finding this quite interesting and hope it continues for a while.smile.gif

    However, it would be more useful if someone other than me could respond, otherwise it's all a bit meaningless don't you think, considering how many people have screen names.

    'A study in human nature'......is that John or Jung.....my 10 cents is, stick to Chicken Fried Steak. wink.gif

    everyone has a screen name, but most arent unwilling to reveal their real name in a social setting. i'd say you were one of those that went to punpun and didnt give your name. you doth protest too loudly. just a guess. nice one.

  7. What's to stop people from just using an unknown poster's nick with 100 posts?

    A.='s Nothing to stop them at all...... if thats the kind of person they are.....then so be it....

    Unless they happen to trip into using a name of someone that may have come in prior.

    They could really do it without much difficulty, But the real problem would rest within themselves..... they may just like it and want to return and return maybe again.....n little by little you would get to know them.... but ;under a lie....... to me it wouldn't be worth it....

    No this entire thread is just to vent my not understanding why some people are that way. Nothing wrong with screen names, We all have them, but not wanting anyone to know it , even in order to gain a much COVETED [by themselves] miniscule discount is just a study in human nature..... It does in fact, take all kinds.

    Just hang on mate, the entire TV membership will be along shortly, with their real names to end your agony.

    with a few exceptions of course. i'm with john on this one. i don't care but it is interesting to figure out. i think he touched a nerve with those that have something to hide. alter-egos? bull-shitters? cowards? trolls? plenty of reasons. didnt they give out name-tags at tv parties? i wonder how many didnt go because of that.

  8. My handle is my real name spelt backwards, Libby Knilb.

    It is a very old traditional Lithuanian name although my great great grandfather, a seaman, married a Polynesian woman who was living in Tasmania after being picked up by a whaling ship when she was washed out to sea near Bora Bora when she was in her late teens. They met in a house of ill repute on the docks way back then.

    Isn't Libby a girl's name? wink.gif

    Not in Lithuania.

    was your great great grandfather the man who invented libby's condensed milk?

    shouldnt your name be blinky bbil or did use use poetic licence?

  9. Its my 4th day here. Been to most Karoko clubs,discos and clubs only one stands out other than the inflated prices of Bubbles & Spicy ----->Go to Bossy disco at Chaing Mai Land on Chang Klan road.... superb chicks more frequented by Thai cuties.

    Nice pick up joint too. Saw one group of 3 farangs and they seem to had hel_l of a time cuddling cuties all night. Its along the Shangri-la hotel after the 2nd 7-11 turn right and walk straight .

    You've been to 30+ karaoke places in 4 days, nice one.

    nice one? nice one.

  10. However, i hope the hunting is in your league and that you are the male equivalent and not SO far away from a similar age that your could be from a different century of a cutey pie uni girl, because tbh its not very nice to give poor girls a stomach ache after a hard weeks study on a good night out.

    You can hate me. But im being honest. :D

    everyone over the age of ten is from the same century. not clear about the stomache ache thing, is that because all older guys are fat.

    i dont think you're being honest i think you're being deliberately vague. nice one.

  11. Many of the people on ThaiVisa do not realize that ThaiVisa in itself is not enough to make a business. Forget it. But many think it will help. Can we count the businesses that have started and the owners thought that by advertising here they would be able to make a living? There are many.

    in a nutshell , advertising on thaivisa is over-rated! does it cover the cost of the ad?

  12. i think is done from cookie in your web browser . there register your search and from your email . key words that you had key in .

    sneaky bastard !!!

    Hmmm, I guess I should delete my cookies more often then with seeing ads like "Find educated Thai Girls in BKK now and get 1000baht off!" :unsure:

    my profile ad is now about giving birth in BKK. scary. lets hope the missus doesnt find out.

    how do they know? uncanny.

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