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Posts posted by november222

  1. Wish I could be there Nicky, but with only one day left on my holiday in Phuket I can't cut it short the Mrs would kill me. Hope its a good game and a good result.

    good game and good result. a convincing two nought win. nice one.

  2. post-4641-1156694572.gifpost-4641-1156694083.gif1zgarz5.gifpost-4641-1156694606.gifpartytime2.gif


    I don't know about you, but I'm getting excited for Saturday at 18:00! I even have a friend visiting from USA. It should be a great time! (And look at all the fun football/soccer-related emoticons one can use...)

    Bring on the CMFC fun!!!!!!!!!

    should be a good game and a great atmosphere. a few of us meeting at red lion 4pm, leaving at 5.30 for those needing a lift. nice one.
  3. Troll comment removed.

    Why not help build it up? Anyone can add links and info. Just as anyone can sit and whinge too, I guess :D

    instead of criticising people why dont you take a proper look at it. it looks like you're not bothered. if you don't even put the basic info in - railway stations, airport, - its gonna look like your not interested. if you're not serious about it, why should anyone else be? you've built up an environment where no-one is allowed to criticise and now you can't tell legitimate complaints from whingeing.

    this is not a troll.

  4. There's a lot of information in the Directory here we are building

    'a lot' is a bit of an over-statement. it looks like a directory you've given up on. abandoned project, as he said.

    0 railway stations, 0 bus stations, 0 airlines 0 golf courses 0 guest houses 0 cinemas and better still 0 massage shops . not even the basic information is there. it's one thing to promote your own business but not really good advice. nice try though.

  5. Loaded and etc..... How's your Thai ? And how many local agencies can you name and find ads for in ALL the local mags ? With a little bit of conscious effort and paying attention to rhyme scheme you can re-read my previous post where I talk about her balls for what she did to my friends ON THEIR HONEYMOON. Anyway, I basically say it, without saying it at all. It's in the next to last paragraph or so. Quite easy really. And then not as well. I always abide by the rules !

    In Thailand there's always a way to say something without specifically saying it.

    i wonder what ever happened to these guys Travel agent scam ?

  6. Posted 2009-09-30 18:52

    :) Rain in Doi Saket not much but rain.

    in reply to the original post........... it's stopped in night bazaar.

    'appen it'll turn out nice yet.

  7. thaiwx.

    re... I came to Thailand to get away from that

    me to ... me to .... but i found something better than the weather to think about

    enjoy ... dave2

    nice one.

  8. your comments don't come across as finding the humor in the situation

    they come across as you being a jacka--

    I am sure its just a case of typed messages losing their intended meaning and you would make a wonderful dinner party guest

    easy to misread something sometimes. maybe i should start using the kiddies smiley things.

    thanks for the offer. i'm busy next week but any time after that is fine.

    what about the other guests? as you already know, i like a laugh at the mingebags but i wouldnt want to have to suffer their company. same with moneybags's - people always telling you about their investments and business dealings and how much money they've got. can't bide them. i'll send my suit to the cleaners tomorrow. nice one.

  9. Since when has "water not been a natural conductor of electricity"? I would say that of all of the earths elements then water is without doubt the biggest single conductor of electricity.

    Rewire your house, replacing copper wires with water. See what happens and post back.

    I've nearly finished, there's lots of plaster all over the floor, I've got most of the wires out now but when I try to put the water in their place, it just runs down the walls! I'm now stringing ice cubes together to see if that works better, I'll let you know how I get on. Any tips appreciated :)

    dont forget to earth it.

  10. this is the sort of post we need on a quiet sunday. this is where all the minge bags get to tell us how tight they are. its one thing being a tightarse, but why would you want to let everyone know? nice one.

    For someone so critical of this thread, it seems like you sure do enjoy posting in it

    where was i critical of this thread? i love these posts. how often do you get a chance to use the term 'minge bag'? hardly ever.

    these topics make my day. i love 'em.one of my favourites was the guy writing in to tell us how he was being ripped off at a local food court that was charging him 35 baht for his excellent pork steak. when he found out that thais were paying 30 baht he never went back. brilliant. you couldnt make it up. keep 'em coming. nice one.

  11. what about collecting discount coupons from the ladies mags? some stores discount 50satang if you take your own bag (and i don't mean the wife). we could also include penny-saving tips. what about about growing your own veggies, or making your own clothes. when i was a kid we used to fix our own shoes using cut-outs made from empty corn-flake boxes to save a visit to the cobblers.

  12. Pad Thai is 25 Baht . 30 at the most. Why would anyone pay more?

    Because its important to them that everybody knows that they're not a cheap Charlie.

    or maybe because theyre not obsessed about the price of everything and they dont walk around thinking that everyone is out to rip them off .

    how can the words 'five baht' and 'rip off' ever be in the same sentence? you see it all the time here.

  13. Thais will pay whatever it cost in that particular establishment if its what they want off the menu in the restaurant they have chosen. Its not often, if ever I have seen Thais sit down, look at a menu, exclaim at the prices then walk out. They are probably very aware that a pad thai can vary between 25 Baht and 250 Baht in Chiang Mai and set there budgets and restaurant / cafe choices accordingly.

    My vote for the daftest thread since 'no free water'!


    can you give a link?

    what you said about the thais is true of all nationalities. the exception is a small group of strange people from a place called farangland.

  14. The cost of most foods today does not just depend on the wholesale cost of the food. A percentage is added for staff, misc. business expenses, and of course taxes :)

    In America, these extra costs are the main reason for their higher prices...

    so what you're saying is these days a restaurant in america buys food in the market or wholesalers and then he adds the cost of his rent, wages, taxes, elecricity and god knows what else to come up with a selling price. scandalous. when did that start? why should the customers have to fork out for his over-heads? i hope they dont start doing that in the rest of the world.before you know it they'll be adding on a bit for themselves too - profit!! americans have got a lot to answer for.

  15. this is the sort of post we need on a quiet sunday. this is where all the minge bags get to tell us how tight they are. its one thing being a tightarse, but why would you want to let everyone know? nice one.

    What an inappropriate reply. I don't like any of your replies actually.angry.gif

    50 baht, if I'm in Bangkok.

    its obviously a troll topic so why take it seriously. who cares whether a dish is 20 baht or 30 baht? it could be 150++ in a 5 star restaurant. it depends on the place and its up to you to decide if you want to pay it or not. what is the point of this topic? is it ' i'm a penny-pincher are you'? or is it about 'rip-off joints' charging 35 baht? who over the age of six can't figure out how much something is worth.

    Ask your mum. nice one.

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