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Posts posted by whatchamacallit

  1. Immigration rules do say that you cannot reserve a visa for later use.

    Correct, although there are several reports that if the immigration officer is in a good mood he will allow you in on the visa free 30 day stamp.

    You will need a confirmed ticket out of the country within those 30 days though, if not then he can only allow you in on your visa.

    Again, no guarantees!

    on the other side of the coin - If you have a Visa (say Non-O Multi) and forgot to put your visa number on your TM-card (arrival/departure card) - they will give you 30 days stamp even if they see you have a visa :D this happened to our son and my friend :)

    We had to go back to the immigration office in Bangkok (all the way from Pattaya) to get the right stamp. This apparently is a common occurence as they have a special window with a sign "Wrong Stamp" :D

    The funny thing was that after they corrected the stamp at the Wrong Stamp window - we noticed as we were walking away that the new stamp had the date of the previous year. Luckily we had noticed this within 3 steps of the window and turned around and got it corrected again properly this time... :D

  2. @thaiphoon: Thank You :-) - I just hope Perth will not close it's door regarding issuing Non-O Multi based on visiting friends for at least 2 more years - at which time I can apply for my Non-OA. :-)

    Hope the above statement doesn't sound like I'm being selfish :D Just the instinct of self-preservation kicking in :)

  3. Not sure as I have never had a double entry tourist visa before - I have feeling YES you will have to go out and back in again to activate the 2nd visa - I'm sure others can help.

    BUT even if you get the 90 days - this will not carry you thru June, will it?

    I tried to get a multi-non-O at the Thai Embassy in Hanoi 2 years ago - they told me that I could only get this visa if I were a resident (whatever that means) or married to a Thai woman (which I'm not). The funny thing was that they offer to give me a single entry Non-O valid for 90 days instead (which is the one you're inquiring about) - but I politely refused and flew to Bali instead and got my Non-O Multi there. FYI: Bali finally closed it's door on issuing Non-O multi based on visiting friends - so I flew to Perth last November and got it..... ahhh the things you do just to stay in this country :-).

  4. no letter or copy of id from your girlfriend is required,just sign the self certify form pay your money and away you go...the easiest option by far for you now.

    I'm afraid you're dead wrong there buddy :D - my own experience from Perth is that they require you have a letter and a copy of his/her Thai ID. Why fly all the way to Perth (or Hull) and gamble - it's NOT that difficult to get a letter and a Thai ID - I'm sure you have many Thai friends. :)

  5. @spoonman: My provider is 3BB (TTT) with 4MG (whatever that means) - I believe it doesn't matter who the provider is. I have a modem currently plugged into the back my my desktop.

    @Crypt36: Thank you and will do :-)

    @seanmoran: good to hear from you again buddy. I'm have a dedicated ADSL connection - so it should be much better than the Air-Card. I just don't want to buy the wrong thing at TUCOM - you know how vendors here in Thailand with their return policy - once you buy CANNOT Return it :-(.

    I figure I will want to buy one with a range of 100 meters, and keep in mind the signal will have to go thru a couple of walls :-).

    Give me a brand name to look for please - has anyone had success with a particular brand that they can recommend?

  6. I'm going to Tucom tomorrow to purchase a WiFi router - we live in an apartment and we also own another room (it's empty at the moment) accross the hallway (not too far about 60 meters). I want to be able to beam the signal from my apartment to this room accross the hallway... any suggestions which router to purchase and how much does it cost? I want to make sure it send a very clear and strong signal :-). Appreciate any input from you all.

  7. Not sure if they're still offering free tourist visas - but as you said you may not have time to apply for one anyway.

    I hope you'll get the 30 days stamp when you cross the border as they should know that you're not doing border runs (like most of us here.. ha ha), but even if they only give you 15 days... I don't think they will fine you for being 5 hrs overstay :-) when you leave Thailand. And if they do fine you - it will only cost you 500 baht. So don't worry about it and have safe and pleasant trip.

  8. I can understand your concerns about a "Thai faincee" but I am not the normal expat that picks up just any Thai girl, nor is she just any Thai girl. :)

    This is gunna end in tears.

    @spoonman - you obviously didn't spend 5 seconds to read his posting - here is what he said about his gf/fiancee :

    A little background info. She is an Ajarn at a major university and highly educated (PhD). We met here in the US while she was attending the university. We have been engaged for 5 years. We go back and forth each year to each others countries to stay for a month and have been doing this for 5 years. The first year we both lived together in the US for almost a year. We are not a couple that just has a casual relationship or one that will easily break apart. She is the most sincere, honest caring person I have ever met. She gets along great with my mom (which is hard even for me), and I get along great with her family. In fact, they treat me better than I would have ever expected.

    5 years, PhD, Engaged.... sounds like they're on the right track for a long and happy relationship - good luck guys!!! :D:D

  9. We own a condo in company name and need to file annual-year-end-taxes. Last year we used an accountant at the Jomtien Complex and they charged us 15K baht - it took her a very long time to get it done. Does anybody know of an accountant who will expedite our taxes more efficiently at a better price?

  10. Fly out to Singapore the normal way - Thai Immigration will put a out stamp on your passport.

    When you return - be sure to put your VISA number on your TM Card - so that when immigration officer see this he/she will automatically give you a 90 days permission to say.

    When you get your passport back - double check the date to make sure it is correct (should be 90 days from the date of your arrival). They have made mistakes in the past - happened to our son!!!

    Good luck.

  11. Oh by the way I bet not only she is as you said "farm fresh" - she is practically "a Virgin" - :)

    As PT Barnum once said "There is a sucker born every minute".

  12. If I got a baht each time I hear the words "Fresh Farm" or "not corrupted yet", or "new to the scene" - I'll be a billionaire by now - wake up and smell the coffee - in the end it's always same same! :)

  13. The round trip flight from KL to Perth ONLY 6,500 baht ???? This must be a big mistake ! if you would say 6,500 Malaysian Ringit i can agree ! i just checked on the AirAsia website.....

    Sorry to dissapoint you HOOD Robin: I have no reason to lie to you nor anyone. I posted the right information based on my last trip from Bangkok to KL to Perth (and return).

    Here is a copy of my Air Asia Ticket from KL to Perth...

    Notice the total fare for 2 passengers is: 1262 Ringgit which is equal to: 1262 MY X 9.09 bht = 11,471 baht.

    So the cost for a round trip ticket from KL to Perth for 1 person is: 11,471 / 2 = 5,735 baht.

    I also paid in advance for my meal, assigned seating, and check-in luggage.


    FYI: I also got two round trip ticket from Bangkok to Yangoon for free, zero, nada, ziltch.... all I have to pay for is the airport tax - do you want me to show it to you :)

  14. An easy way to check is to apply for a visa and if you are turned down, then you are on the blacklist!

    However, if you get a visa, you may discover on arrival that you are indeed blacklisted! A heroin-smuggler previously convicted and jailed in Thailand recently discovered that for herself.

    in the case of the heroin-smuggler... she deserved it - but still didn't answer the OP's question i.e: can someone put him on the blacklist for no reason at all?? The answer is NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Mine is definitely tempered glass as it shattered into a thousand pieces... also I paid over 25K for the whole thing - 2 sides with all the hardware.

  16. This information is for people from UK only. So what you are saying is the The (Honorary) Royal Thai Consulate, Hull, is issuing non-Imm Visas to non-UK citizen persons that they know, regardless of UK mailing address, are not located physically in the UK on a valid UK Visa at the time of visa issuance. Great. I am sure the Honorable Mr. Alan Taylor will appreciate your posting this... or even that they are knowingly issuing non-Imm Visas to UK citizens when such citizens are not, regardless of mailing address, resident on a valid entry in the UK.

    With the above I'll say it again that it is illegal and very risky. Especially to those of us who can't or don't have two passports. Should an emergency happened while your passport was being sent away - you're in big trouble.

  17. Another way is to go to Cambodia (or somewher else cheap) and have your passport make the trip for you by Fed Ex. Returned to you in Cambodia, you would re-enter Thailand on a new non imm visa. Takes around a week to ten days and needs a friend in the UK but is significantly cheaper (Fed Ex 2*£50, UK postal 2*£5, Hotel in Cambodia (10*£10), Visa £100) at around £300 plus your spending money (offset by what you would spend in Thailand anyway).

    Legally you MUST have possession of your passport when you are in a host country - so this (I believe) is illegal and (nor forgetting) very risky. I would not recommend this route.

  18. hey , can i ask , where do you go to prefer for border runs? and which is accepatable by immigrtn ofc. i am from india and if i opt for wht you are doing what will be the cheapest way to do border runs with less time?

    I'm not sure what you mean by border runs which are acceptable by immigration :) - A border run is a border run is a border run.

    I live in Pattaya - so the closest for me are Poipet or Aranya Prathet (Cambodia). About a 6 hrs round trip by Mini-Van cost 2000 baht inclusive of transportation, Cambodian Visa, and buffet Lunch.

  19. Safe yourself the headache, time and money - just get a 12 month Non-O with multiple entries. No proof of income is necessary just a letter from your girlfriend and copy of her ID. Yes you have to do border runs every 90 days - if you leave and re-enter Thailand on/or before your visa expires, you'll get another 90 days.


    Sorry, i am not sure if this will work. For a Multible-O-Visa you have to be 50 years old, or married, or ..... and you have to proof money?

    I only have firsthand expirience from Switzerland and they are very strict on this.

    Do other countrys not look for this 50 years anymore?

    I think you're talking about Non-OA (or sometime called Retirement Visa) - applicant must be 50 years of age or over.

    I'm under 50 and been on Non-O multi entry for the past 3 years based on visiting friends/relatives.

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