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Posts posted by RKASA

  1. What browser are you using is it the same as you used before. check your language settings options if it s IE and enable thai with ut-8 most any browser should work. With hotmail it should all be based in the browser I would thinks the problems there.

  2. ipstartable03eng.gif

    Can you f*cking believe it - 85,000 baht per month!!!! For 2mB connection and only 5 PC network.!!!

    I use tot ipstar 256/128 and has been working fine 230-240 and 100-115 day in and day out only 1800baht w/vat and has VoIP set included, but I don't recall seeing anything over 1024 offered. IPstar modem is rated up to 5.9m. Would like to up it to 512 ever stream I come across seems to be 300 to 400k

  3. with just about all these cameras you will need to priovide a power supply to them - probably 12 VDC

    a camera of this type - one of many out there - http://www.otima.com.tw/pan-tilt-ip-camera/pt_ip_cam.htm

    will allow you to have full PZT ( pan,zoom,tilt ) and they have a built in webserver which means you can with a little bit of configuration of your ADSL router ( manually set the cameras ip address , forward the port of your choice to the camera ip at your router , and register your router with a dynamic DNS resolver ) then you can use any computer / mobile phone with a java enabled web browser - explorer / firefox / opera for PC . opera / netfront for mobile - to view and control the camera.

    if you wanted to get really trendy you could leave a cheap PC running all the time on your home network with a IR motion sensor hooked to it and have the comp to send you an sms when the motion sensor was triggered.

    No need for any sensors wcguard (If I rem the name correctly) is a freeware that monitors the video signal of the cams for motion and then starts a time date stamp recording to the harddrive. If it goes static for preset time it stops recording. Its been awhile but I beleave it monitored up to 16 cams at a time. An old PC would be great for that and it could operate as a server or other thing at the same time. Its all out there on google sometimes you find the ware has cost, just get looking almost always a free version is there. It like rule 34 of the internet.

  4. In the US and UK, a very common product is an analog or digital telephone recorder, usually used by companies who need to monitor customer service. I can not find any such product in Thailand and I have checked with the major electronic retailers. Does anyone know where I might find such a specialty product here?

    Did you google this, because I think that I saw a freeware or shareware that turns a PC into a recorder for both sec. cams and telephone calls. can't remm the name of it. Sounds simple enough to do. Why by equipment.

  5. I dropped UBC completely. Same 30 movies on five channels, no shows that arn,t out of date. Re runs re runs and they mess up all the sports covage. The worse thing was they dropped NASCAR this season and I dropped them flat. My daughter in seattle gets 500 channels plus Movies and shows on demand and highspeed internet 1m plus for 800 Baht a month. And her cable company pays the same price for inrternet that Thailand companys do. So don't blame US for that too. They just arn't taxed 75% by the gov.

  6. I can agree with you to some extent. Perhaps I should have said last card "in Thailand." This is all getting to be a game, and as pointed out signs in English.

    This put Thaksin in a clear point of conflict. If they can make the connection it was Thaksin, I have serious doubts the UK would keep him around if we think about the Singapore issue. If Thailand wants to push the issue and threaten political stability between the two countries over one man, I think the UK will send Thaksin on his way football team or not.

    None of this activity can serve T only one served by this kind of action are the ones that need an evel head in the news to protect us from. They come up with witness to pay and doc's to prove it it almost as fast as it happens what a joke. T don't care anymore and the junta needs conflict to prove its right.

  7. u gotta change ur mindset with linux.

    download it for free.

    Agreed, and will get the latest version. However, if you don't have a means to download (slow speeds) then need to know where you are to point you to the right shops.

    I'd be interested in Bangkok. I've lost count of the problems I have with downloads.


    I have found that the use of Star downloader not only makes download faster, but will resume broken downloads and you can pause it to do other things then resume. It keeps track of mirror sites and the ones that work best. I have 14 ISO's of LINUX which I am tring out having burned them to CD's. Most run live in the ram from the CD, but some are full packages. no need to install until you decide which you like.

  8. Hi Astral, yes thanks for that info.

    I would love to operate on HF here in Phuket. I can get the reciprocal licence ok, but my immediate proximity to the airport is an issue. I'm not too worried about the vhf/uhf antennas just across the road. I am worried about the HF dipole antenna at the same distance which I think is used to receive HF aeronautical transmissions. If I transmit on HF then the airport will have a big problem!!


    Maybe you can remote the transmitter we used lease lines alot in the past all ya need is a modem that provides keyline and viioce and a modem that can operate a range of presets. Could get real good and operate it from PC via dial up modem both ends any cheap PC would do that.

  9. Are there no mobile phone providers in Thailand that provide the "walkie-talkie" service? In the US, there is Nextel. Here's a link to one of their example products (click here). I would inquire with 1-2-Call, DTAC, or Orange if there is a phone device similar to Nextel's. It would be a nice tool to have in Thailand, especially for businesses where employees/bosses are always out of the office.

    Sorry try again, what you are confusing a walkie talkie with is a cell phone GPRS service that all GSM / GPRS operators have here in Thailand but do not all release to the public (we have been using it with our CUG for ages) , and is no way related to the topic above which refers to the Thai Citizen Band two way radio service (real radio not mobile radio telephone cellular services)

    No he is not confussed he is just saying it is better then walkie takie can talk anywhere in country NY to Seattle push to talk privite networks all construction companies use them and its cheap and clear and privite. And you can dial out to someone if they only have cell and talk to them also. Its a walkie talkie over the network. My son in law talks to people all over the country all day flat rate. Why be concerned with dead spots and range its not an issue, but I am sure they don't have it working here.

  10. :o You can build an ISO file to burn to CD with all the required updates after digging around MS and finding want you need, or your can have this program built the ISO for you. ctupdate321 sponsored by http://www.heise-security.co.uk/articles/80682 this program can build ISO for windows XP pick your language or several. windows 2000, and server 2003. It will go to MS update site (and this is with permission of MS) and download the up dates for your system and build the ISO for you. then you can burn the ISO to a CD with CDrecorder provided free by MS at thier update site, and then you have an up to the minute archive of all updates which will install themself including restarts as necessary during installs. Just click and go. If you return to the site later it will update your ISO and you can burn a new CD always having all the up date you need off line and they go in alot faster if you don't have download them. This is a big download the first go so find a friend with 512k or better. I did it with 256k and it took 6 hours. Later updates will be easy. A few weeks ago I was getting server resets and could not get downloads done I contected Heise and already they now have resume added to the script so you don't have to start over. Great job.

  11. Alot of Anti virus software see The WGA wpa kill as a hack tool which it is. They will scan and help you remove it. Some kill.exe have been patched by the hacks (bad boys) and they may not be seen by anti virus. If your OS is legal and anti virus doesn't see it then contact MS tell them what happen. Use the support forum at MS.

  12. I think it's going a bit far. Since the block many websites, they can record your IP address (your fingerprint on the net) , know who had that IP at any time (your username/password) and raid your premise any time they want.

    To get around that, you could always VPN (encrypt) your data go a remote location (another country would work) and then browse the net through there. There are companies that sell this service.

    To use a proxy to go around a blocked site is braking this new law. To use of VPN to aviod the new law and its effect is braking the law. Using a proxy even if not braking the law or using VPN services is reason enough to take the PC (if they can't produce web log evidence then they can take the PC to find what they are looking for) to see what you have been doing and those who take it are protected from any law suite if they ruin you. They are not allowed to make puplic what they are doing until they file charges. There are alot of good reasons for many parts of this law. Problem is they got carried away with their power tripping in some areas of it. Try to make it clearer If your web log at the ISP cannot show clearly everyhting you do online and when you did it then you are a suspect and they can come to your home and take your PC and search any and everthing else they wish, but it must be during the daylight hours and they must show ID. PS if the ISP fails to keep the detailed records they will be closed by the military for violation of the security acts so you can count on compliance.

  13. The PCMCIA card that I use uses the 3G network to enable me the wireless broadband network. It looks like I will have to go back to the GPRS network that I used before in Thailand. No probs with that as I had a good signal at my house and therefore had quite good coverage. Faster than dial up but slower than my wireless broadband in Oz and also the price is great.

    I used the GPRS for a long time. I now have Sat. and don't real need moble. If your near Phitsanulok you can pick up my Solomam i275 USB modem its GPRS and switchs to WiFi with a slide switch on the back if your in a hot spot. Can use any cell phone sim card for the GPRS. New edge card is 12,000baht new gprs 5900 mine is only 3000 still in the box manuals adptor cables CD, but its better to download drives for it after you first connect. [email protected]

  14. this site will get you the updates if you are using firefox http://www.windowsupdate.62nds.com

    I bookmarked this site. It would be good after running ISO. If you rebuilt a drive and come to this site you still have 200mb and ten restarts to do. Run the updates off a CD and then tune up the missing ones online. Two weeks ago I lost a drive and MS live one care backup failed to do its job. I had to start from OEM disk. Something like 92 updates and it took hours because ms server only ran about 80k at the time. Making the ISO is for when the big one eats XP and it won't recover without re install. Iam hoping to learn how to slip it into the oem disk and make an recover disk that includes personel settings, and none of the app I don't use or drivers that are not needed.

  15. Yes it goes to the windows update site for you with a command line script. downloads the updates with your langauge choices, then makes an archive on your ext. drive or in the drive you install their scripted program at. then it makes the iso for you that your PC needs. then you burn it to a CD with CDrecorder or other burner or <and I am looking for the details for> it can be run off the ext drive. As up to date as your last ISO is can be run offline, then go online and touch up any missing updates from the last month or what ever. The ISO from MS are normally just the latest patchs and this program builds from complete archive. I have yet to see the first use of this as my PC has not had its schduled crash yet, but I can't see why it won't work. I asked people at MS years ago why they don't do this and they won't answer. rumor is best way to sell new OS is kill the updates on old one. Was a big spike in XP sales when support for 98 ended. best thing is when support ends your last iso will be the best it can be and may run alot longer after support ends. If XP goes the way of 98 I am not going I have already started using live linux and building a working system. By the time XP is gone I won't care. I found I can get the same no answers, bugs, crashes, hanging app all for free. Linux is also far more secure. MS is history in my book.

  16. :o

    Attached is a screen shot of what I am trying out. It runs a program on the external drive and goes to MS update and gets the updates you need it then makes an ISO that includes an installer. It even restarts the PC and then cont. with other updates which are stored on the drive. can get updated iso anytime you want. Its like being at windows update site and being off line at the same time. With updates on the ext. drive they install alot faster then downloading. I will let you know how the iso worked after the next crash and I need to use it. With MS thats not far off. Oh source

    http://www.heise-security.co.uk/articles/80682 four page instruction on site. FREE ITS FREE and legal not a hack site.


  17. Don't they give you the OEM recover disk what are you going to do when it crashs and it will. If you have the OEM disk then most likey your just not reg. proper contect the update site for info on getting your OS reg. if you have not reg. after getting the PC and you must then that if likey the prob. OEM disk is provided by the PC maker not the shop unless you got a used or local rebuild. The lic. for software realy is with your PC maker not you. Thats why you get an OEM disk and not one form microsoft. And I use both IE7 and the new Opera and like them both for tabs and Opera does torrent built in.

  18. I have alot of apps for movie making and I always end up using the Movie maker in windows xp. The others can be powerful but who can find the forest for the trees. Movie maker is just easy to use. The outputs are limited like wmv format, but I fixed that by using media join program. It won't convert to Mpeg by its self, but if you combine 2 wmv files it will output in your choice like mpeg. so I have a .5 sec blank wmv I call stub which I fake the combining with and pick the output I want Madia join is free just google it. I use the capture with my cam to put files in folders then call them into movie maker, and movie maker makes great slide shows out of pictures.

  19. I just started using the new Live hotmail and your right it don't work ctl v mouse no dro-p menu not like yesterday when I used it three times I don't know they must have forgot to put it in the new LIVE mail. Is that what you are using?

  20. Thanks anyways Kyle. I was pretty excited, but when I tried it I got exactly the same Windows Update does not support the Thai version (along with about 9 other versions) window that I have gotten since 2002. And BTW this is with a legal windows 98. Oh well. Nice try.

    Yea I am not using the thai version but I have an old 98se thai disk that naver got used. It took awhile to fine any archive of working updates for the old 98 box, and its two old and slow to update to other OS maybe some linux.

  21. Hi,I can't seem to be able to paste any text or links into my emails when using hotmail,i am using the windows live beta,please are there anyone who has same problem or knows why i can't.I'm sure when i used the older version it was no problem to paste into,any help kindly grateful of,thanks....

    When you copy with the right click it put that on your clipboard go into your draft and use a drop down menu and it says something like add content of clipboard that is the paste command in hotmail niot the mouse like you would want. :o

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