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Posts posted by RKASA

  1. Do the size of the jpeg files look norm, is there really any data to recover? Sometimes they will be empty. If most views won't open them it is going to be a long shot to get anything worth keeping, But I will keep an ear to the ground having such a Util. could be handy.

  2. I've tried using TZ Connection but I only get the left hand half of it on my PC. I'm using XP SP2 1680x1050 res on a 22" widescreen Dell display. Any ideas why I don't get it all?

    Only get the left half? the program or the web sites? Program uninstall reinstall its crupted Web sites not rendering check your browser

  3. I smoked for many years eight years ago I finaly did it I quit. That was after many times I tried. Last year I had a Heart attack which is the direact result of smoking for so many years. Its not just a matter of wanting to quit you real do have to stop killing yourself. and as I found out sooner is far better then later. You don't think it is harming you, but laying in ICU gett your heart restarted three time inside of five hours and yopu might then better understand that MUST STOP NOW :o

  4. It won't be long they will update the boosters then you can browser it without changing anything and see what all the current setting are. 1492 is norm. There are two MTU if that one is 1492 the other is 1500. Its req that the one is set alittle smaller then the other. but the set up has a s/w that enables or disables the auto ajusting of the mtu for each connection made and it would be good to know that it is set. Maybe someone knows the way to check it in vista.

  5. I was thinking that it has been a long term problem. Not just this weekend. If it norm works fine should not be a prom. Good thing about the booster is it keeps the first setting and just check back to what it was. In fact you need to do that before changing the setting again or the current settings become the back up. You can also jot down the was settings as you go thou and know what to set manual if necessary in the future. Even if just picking your own setting it is simple to use the TZ just as an interactive editor of connection settings.

  6. Might try this application > Net Speed Booster which can detect MTUs of routers on the way.

    Also, here is the link to TZ Connection Booster as mentioned by RKASA > http://www.dirfile.com/tz_connection_booster_wizard.htm

    Yea thanks forget to ref it. and TZ does that to. thats why big MTU not always best let it resolve the trace route for you. I fear that most your Prob may just be ADSL I keep hearing the same story and seeing the mess on the power poles I am glad that I am not connected to it.

  7. I suspect Google.com may not be a good example. If I type in that name I am sent to Google.co.th and have to select Google.com from that page to actually access Google.com

    I know I hated that. After changing DNS set up I get what I type in not redireacted by thai server.

  8. That is what TZ connection does it looks at it tells what it is and why you should change it what it will be changed to and then you chose. step by step for any type of connect from dial up to T1

  9. What is our total set up PC and Cennection type. Could be alot of diff things. You may have pack size fixed large which does not alway work well. TZ connection tool would look at your setting with ref to how you are connected and suggest and make changes for you. It has my connection singing. Make sure you understand about resetting the connection setting which is just a button push, but to keep the orignal setting you must Always reset before tring new setting. Let me say again reset before using again every time. That way it knows the origanmal settings and the setting you tried do not become that which it resets to. Really it is a small and easy to use and free just google it.

    PS it may resolve DNS but not every time because the server load changes by the minute. I use open DNS address one from the east US one west one in JP an AU have five plugged in none of which are the ISP or in Thailand where the servers can be q ing.

  10. But what sat. do they connect to if they don't own the sat and they void the contract why should shin provide any sat service? No contract no service. One of the issues is over the sat. itself. As far as the modem mine has worked fine and I can't see any cheap china model working any better, would mostly have the same parts inside anyway. I v been a tech for 40 years and I looked over the stats and have one right in front of me. Nothing wronge with this modem and for that matter most any company could make as good or better for less purhaps. There in advandage in keeping all your lease equipment of a standard type and model. If it starts getting mixed it will work fine but support can get more costly and and inventory requirments go up. Before they start pushing issues they better have a back up plan.

  11. I dumped them a while back. They act like MS and get their fingers into everything and cause as many crupt reg. as most virus would do. You can't even un istall it properly with out downloading specail tools. ??? its big and it slows the system down. Twice I had to rebuild my OS after NAV update completely wiped the reg.

    PS like a fool I had paided for it. I had two months left when I uninstalled it that is how bad it was. A month before that they had me install a bata version because after updates they could not get mine to work anymore. When I had a problem with that say said sorry its bata. Oh I thik you can reason what my responese to that was.

  12. Did you maybe get two cd's with your PC one which is restore and repair the other applications and drivers. Some only come with OS cd and some with nothing at all. If you did power down with the cd tray open put the restore and repair cd in and power up. it will give you the option to repair the installation or replace it and will format the drive when doing so. Should be a step by step instruction with the PC doc's, but you can find that at the manufactures web site each manufacture has little differances in things like the f key which gets you into set up stuff so use the one for your PC model, most are downloadable in pdf format. At any rate it should cover a reinstall for your PC brand and model. Hope you have backed up any files you want to keep because they will be gone after the set up and you will have to download all the updates which last time I did it ran 80mb. Would be a good idea to make a check list and have your ducks lined up before starting it sounds hard but if you get ready first it goes pretty well.

  13. Yea thats the page, but the download link is serveed by sourceforge.net it you hover you will see the link. I didn't find any mirror site. Could be a temp problem I norm use downloader at sourceforge, but it won't responed to it just hangs looking for file, and if I just click and use a norm save it gets dropped and won't resume. The torrent I found is unseeded. I just let it set a day and see if they come back online.

  14. I have beed having a real hard time with the sourceforge.net servers and can't get the live copy of looking glass 3d to download without server resets, and it won't respond at all to several download manager programs. I looked around abit but don't see any server mirrors and the bit torrent they offered is not seeded. Any other source known of?

  15. Its a big step moving into Linux. It sounds easy, but there is alot to learn. I think time is the most factor for many. Taking time away from surfing and gaming and TV. My first shot was a purchase of mandrake and a dual install with win98. It had some problems but with work and family I did not have time I was online only when I had a mon. just ended up dropping it. Now I have more time and took a look at many dristro's I don't need a full blowen system yet. I still have the old mandrake 7.0 good as new if I wanted to fill a mechine. Plug away a little at a time the way I did back when I started with the old C64 and a tape drive. I found a little puppy linux that boot right up from CD. Have installed a few packages and an update for codecs for the gxine and things are going along. Its almost plug and play for somethings, but I can see where really getting anything big going is not going to work well using the step by step method some know how is required just to know what installs on your platform and that which does not.

  16. Like I said you can put avast back on later if you like and use any program you like, But you have virus like activity the messange the count down the shut down and files that avast will not scan the clock and date being set forward and a av program that didn't stop it. I only suggest you use the one care free to clean and scan and then if you go to the point of installing it you can remove it later as well. Maybe try a fresh downloaded copy of avast after the system is clean. I wonder what happens on July 9, 2008?

    I beleave what you may have is the common sassor worm, it uses the offical looking countdown display.

    details: http://www.pchell.com/virus/sasser.shtml

    also shows how to remove it

  17. It could be avest is the virus. Some promoters of this free stuff do that. No harm in uninstall avast and run pre install scan from Microsoft and then try the windows live if you don't like it can always put the free avest back. other anti virus can sometimes see what others don't. should not be any file that will not scan that one rings alarm bells. did it say the file names??

  18. ToT was planning 170,000 install in the next few months, but the gov has stopped them from purchasing Ipstar equipment. Are the other isp's also not allowed to buy equipment from shin.? Are there options they can purchase and if the gov rules shin and Ipstar out of busniness what is my Sat. link going to connect to? Anybody hear the whole story anywhere?

  19. I don't know of a PC that would act like that without a virus infection. Do you have Anti virus on your PC what Operating system and type PC.

    also do you know what is the avast? do you have that on your system. Somehackers try to get you to buy what is needed to turn off therir virus. Spy shieff was a big one doing that with outfit in China a few years ago.

    soory I rem now avast is a anti virus. It is free for home use?? maybe like sky shieff which was free for home use protection until it became the problem itself. Would remove that from your PC and try free 90 trial of windows live one care it will scan and clean PC before install then protect you it will give you 90 days to think about buying a one year deal, but won't mess with you. PS if you do have a carsh and reinstall trial you get 90 more days. And don't use NORTON it is huge slow and can cause more problems then it solves.

  20. I got mine at Costco in the US. It was clearly marked as a rebuild which means someone returned it to Hp in the past. It was vary cheap (like me) I got what I paid for. I can live with using the reset from time to time. If his is realy doing like mine its not that big a deal to push one button before the power button. Its just fine after it starts. Its not crashing and losing data. Just being hard to start sometimes like an other wise good car can do.

  21. 3 am drunk driving and it not your fault??? just walk down the street shooting random at buildings your not realing meaning to hit anything are you? You know, They should duck. Hey I am driving here! I know it is easy to pick at someone and they feel bad about what happened, but the time to think is before you drink. Tuk Tuks are alot cheaper then these bills, leave the car home, then you can drink alot more anyway.

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