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Posts posted by RKASA

  1. I am with ToT IPstar sat. I am only using the 256/128 package right now, but it has worked vary well. Even in most rain storms it stays up. Only when and if a vary heavy cloud moves right into the path does it stop and then only for a few minutes. I have no choice but to give it high marks for the package that I use. I will be moving it up to 512/256 in Oct. I hope to see that it works as it should. I would also have to say that the speed limit they use for this package is often set on the high side, as the other day I download a set of large files 860mb in total and the avr. speed was 33.7Kbs using Stardownloader freeware which tracks and selects mirror sites to improve downloads. I use five DNS addresses offshore spead over the globe. and have tuned the internet connection in LAN mode with TZ booster. I also have a VoIP unit connected and has been working fine without interruping the PC connection. I can only tell ya what mine does purhaps others using same equipment can input about other ISP's :o edit: thats 33.7KBs or 270k

  2. I would think you could still read the file names but they would be in Thai. Even in EN mode you should be able to read thai font. TH mode just controls the keyboard input, and should work in many programs as mine does. If you have thai fonts enabled then maybe the files are in Chinese I have run into that before.?? PS I was able to copy the thai files and move them to cd, but I never open one. was using xphomesp2 english version.

  3. India is world famous as the largest producer of fake drugs most of which are distributed around africa by the mafia. The thai gov. has begun buying from India in hopes of saving alittle money. They better have some solid contorls or a little profit for someone is going to cost alot of lives. I smell a rat.







    www.topix.net/in/faizabad you can find some 10,000 post with reguard to this problem.

    This has been a well know fact for years Cnn interviewed a producer which even provided a shopping list priced according to how fake you like your drugs. The India gov. is part of the mufia backed rackit. Think hard before you do this.

  4. I don't see a reply from Technocracy for you so I would like to say run the ipconfig from the command line

    use start> run on the promp type in ipconfig/release ect like in his post. It may in fact work better then repair, repair may not be releasing the IP before repairing the connection. edit:I am soorry he did say all that. Run it on the device which your connecting ie the laptop

  5. Many times the use of an images can get complicated. Restoring it back to the orig. drive can have many pit falls. If you can DVD-RW I think it may be the most sure way to back-up and restore. CD-r would be to small I think. Also if its windows and you do have to restore from OME disk if you have run the updates backup Heise has you won't have to down load them ever again. It will even do all the restarts during reinstall of updates which are all backed up on a cd. You will have to be connected when u run it as it complys with WGA.http://www.heise-security.co.uk/

  6. :o

    I found a new Kiosk linux which is bullet proof. Webc-2.9.Opera is near to 180mb downloaded for the iso. After burning it to a cd. I powered down the PC with the tray open and pulled the HD (I have it rigged) and made sure no usb devices but my mouse and keyboard were plugged in. With the cd in the tray I power up. It takes near 2 1/2 mins to boot from cd, but when its done you get a stripped down Opera bowser connected to the internet with the preset home page at the webc web site. This distro only req. a cd tray a ram of 128mb or more and a NIC to connect with. You cannot close the browser open any files or change but a few setting temp. even the cd tray is locked and can't be removed. Put this on an old pc out of site and place a display, keyboard and mouse on a table and turn your resturant or hotel guests loose, they can't brake it. Power off and on again and everthing is totaly reset. If you want our own home page and your web site featured as part of the Kiosk the webc site will intergate and build a custom Kiosk for you. Which means customer will have everything they need to res. rooms or want ever it is you do. Thats 400 bucks but if you got a going business it just maybe something nice to have. The version I have here is free to use. Even if the home page is set to thier web site it has links to places like googlebookmarks BBc new ect. it not that bad the way it is for something like a small rest. or bar. or guest house. PS to get the cd out power down and on power up push the tray button a few times. I have not run it with my HD in. I am told its not a problem, but I hate rebuilds so I always pull it. It's not supposed to use it anyway.

  7. :D Yea, I think that is why I have such a large back log of distro which did not boot for various reasons. I am beginning to get involved with extracting the grub and fixing somethings adding mod ect. but thats going to take some time. I have found it can be complicated, but I learned to script my C64 even did alittle assm. lang. with it. so its day by day. I know if I open up this copy of Mandrake 7.0 I never got around to using years ago, I would never take the time to really learn what going on inside the box. So its become a total freeware hobby which suits my allowance. :o
  8. I sent an IM I hope it weent out I gave this link http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=530

    The diagrams show how to connect it. Pictures worth many words. They are right you don't need a moden just a router. And even if its a wireless router look on the back it is vary likey to have 4 J45 ports for CAT5 cables as most routers do. the fifth port is the uplink to the modem that may or may not req. the use of crossover cable which is the same as others just wired diff. inside. one meter about 40 baht mark as xover or it might get mixed with other cables. You can use most any brand as long as it does the same thing.

  9. use the start>connect to>wirerless connection. When the icon shows in the task bar click on it. it will show you all the availble signals and yours. make sure your connected to your network. Or if you want to download porn connect to theirs

  10. The IP star modem only has one J45 plug labeled WAN. There is a USB port but I have found it locked out. IPstar modem will provide up to 16 IP's local. For ease of operation and if more is added later I think the router is a good option. You will have 4 ports and wireless connection for laptops. The up link IE output of router to input of IP star may require crossover cable, but more and more the connection are MX and sort them self out no need for cross over cables. My smc managed sw is that way as well as the VoIP box I am using. even I can't mess it up.

  11. I have been trying out a number of live Linux. Mostly just to learn new tricks. I have so far found puppy linux was good. Damm small linux is OK, and the last one I have been using this week is NimbleX a slaxware base OS livecd. I like this one the most. It has a choice of desktop and lots of GUI stuff to make it easyer on the newbiees. The KDE desktop is great. All three can save settings and store to usb drive ether stick or HD like I use. I didn't need to do any paertitioning in the usb drive which I set up FAT32 so I can still see it in XP. Plus when booting to diff. OS's the archive area is shared I still have all the Files saved in the other OS session. Thats not true of Pkg or Mod installed, but any thing else is available. Each distro has its own save file on the drive, The save files are fixed in size. I set them all to match the RAM, because any file or downloads go into the archive areas. I have a long list of distro which for one reason or other has yet to work. Luit linux hangs on IPconfig during boot. Kiosk Live which I really want to work is hanging in boot. Beatr IX 2005 won't boot ether. None give anykind of error status. All my download check sums were good and I burned them at a slow rate. There are various others that have yet to work. I didn't see many linux posts so I just fig I would show and tell alittle. After I get the internet Kiosk linux working. I will turn to getting some server stuff set up.

  12. Well if this is true then the censor boards better get on it right away. Its for their own good. This sort of freedom of chioce must be conterolled. Pretty soon people will start to think they can do anything they want. Lord knows there is no choice of programs on Thai TV, and see how well thats working. :o

  13. If you connect the router to the moden you share a 256/128 connect. If you use a managed switch like my SMC which cost only 400Baht and connect it to the IPstar/moden which is a nat router in itself then each local IP gets 256/128 thats why they want to charge for more then one PC if you use the router option it changes nothing for the ISP still providing a single local IP to the router at 256/128. You can even spoof the route MAC address and they will think its a single PC. I realy don't think they care if you split your own bandwidth, but I am sure they will care if you start adding via switch. Up service to 512 and use a router for 256 max on both or 512 when only one is in use. Thats most liky cheaper then the dail up your using add 500 baht a month to IPstar and 2500 one time for a router. your P2p's will be cooking all nite.

    edit PS when shopping for router if your using IPstar Sat. your router is only up linking your local network to the modem. your connecting it to ethernet out of IPstar. More then half the places I stopped at wanted to sell me an ADSL modem and cable modems. Make sure they know what an IPstar modem is. Download the stat sheet and take copies with you.

  14. :o I v been seeing that at the bottom left of IE7 from the first day at TV. It does not seem to effect me so I don't worry about it anymore. Some minor script error in the web pages or something that IE7 does not understand.
  15. I know that adsl is with problems just look at the wiring on most any power pole, but you like me don't have phone lines. I used the gprs for two years and it was always slow in the north country. Now I have both Internet and phone service in the house with a VoIP connected to my Sat. modem which never uses any phone lines because it uplinks to sat down links to ToT then up links again to internet back bone that is why my 256 connect is 256 day in a out without all the problems which get posted here. You can get up to 1024 service. I still have a cell phone but now I can call the house and it has a phone. VoIP is 99Baht a month and 1 Baht minute out going calls incoming calls free about the same as cell phone service and can use for internation call 007 ect. but I norm call PC to PC over sat its free. The best deal I ever found for GPRS was 500 baht a month for 200hours which is not really 200 hours because the rate can be higher at time. then it switchs to 1baht a minute until the next month starts. The white box is for phone service is narrow bandwidth channels over UHF links same as they use for remote pay phone sys and you will never get a connection with anyspeed. If you don't need to be mobal you can get alot more speed for the same or near same money with VoIP&internet 1800 month for 256/128 and can drop the other house phone to offset cost because house is then wired. I connected the VoIP box to the Phone wiring in the house and have Dail tone in every room, and another phone out on the front deck. It is a normal R5 service which means you can plug in up to 5 devices like a fax or other phones before it state to load down the ring cur., but if some of the phone have the ringer off you can connect more because you only pick up one at a time maybe two. As far as the phone only works if the modem is on its OK its not using your internet bandwidth it has its own you can use the phone and internet same time, and I leave the Sat up 24/7 and run P2P all night every nite and when I not home I keep the downloads going. Never runs out of air time.

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