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Posts posted by RKASA

  1. If all the set up in software looks like it should work then maybe its the speaker jack. try the head phones jack. If its not there also then its a card or something getting missed in the set up. Do files play from windows player or is it just cd audio your missing. Video sound missing from both files and cd as well as mp3 and wave sounds.?

  2. For the gov to order the block of a site they get a court order, but the ISP are held to account for content rules which are things like casino and porn. Just like a radio station can't allow certain words on the air. Things which are never allowed and thus they are have a fit with the filters which have never worked. Sometimes the word sex shows up in a web site used in the normal text and the site gets blocked, or the phase the casino burned down last night so the page is blocked.

    edit forgot to add: The content filter at most ISP is the states anyway is norm an option that the customer can turn off. My son in law has his on at Comcast and later turned it off because it made surfing for the normal person worthless by blocking most everything at random. See if they won't turn on the filter option.

  3. It would appair that your ISP is having growing pains because the gov. has placed the burdon of censorship on them. Its not legal to go around gov blocked sites by use of other certain types of sites. I don't know how that applys to sites which are blocked by mistake. But you might try un mistaking a few known to be ok sites. :o

  4. I had alot of issues with hotmail I solved by changing the geo info in my profile to US or UK. then you get hotmail from offshore. If you get messages in thai you can still read them and reply if your browser setting are right. Also good to have at lest one DNS addy that is open source like openDNS server that way you won't be getting q'ed by slow DNS server at your ISP.

  5. Hear hear last post hit nail on the head. I have not smoked for 8 years. I will never be a non smoker. I am a smoker that does not smoke anymore. Sometimes you have to quit everyday, hour or minute. But if you keep doing it even by the munite if necessary then you won't smoke. Biggest thing is to not feel sorry for yourself and the diffaculty even if it is hard at times. Its not the end of the world, many things are harder to handle your lucky all you have to worry about is not smoking, others have alot bigger problems then that. I grew up and that helped the most.

    edit forgot to add saying: One is to many and a hunderd never enough, better to have none.

  6. I followed the posting to learn alittle about skype, because I don't use it. Is it like Yahoo, MSN masseger in that you get free Pc PC call, Video Conf. call Pc PC free, IM, File sharing folders. and for a charge PC to moble or fixed telephone location. I use that because all the relatives are on it aready, but other then the feeding of ads in a small window when its on it does not use any bandwidth for other users. Is there some other advanage to skype over yahoo and MSN?

    edit forgot to add: I never get any kind of contect from persons not on a contact list, no spam.

  7. If the battery fails to keep clock running the date should revert to preset date and time every time you restart. Sounds like some kind of VCO drift, but battery is cheap a diff. one might do it if its just low output. If not it may be a case of going into a shop.

  8. Some of the updates from microsoft yesterday were for xp users only.

    After installing the updates, port 80 which allows the use of browsers online no longer worked, ie interrnet exploxer or any other browser would not resolve dns because the key port is blocked.

    It was not the firewall or any other reason that could be found to cause the problem, and a restore to the day before removing the updates failed to bring the port 80 back.

    Other program like P2P and torrent not using port 80 still worked, but any type of browser Firefox, Oprea or IE timed out, they could not contect DNS.

    After getting online by using an OS other then XP ie Linux puppy live cd (which shows that the problem was in fact XP). I found that by looking at the MS web site, a forum for update problems.

    Many people which had an option of using another PC or OS had been there and they to had the same problem.

    When I restarted my PC in XP for the third time it connected to the internet other then via port 80 and downloaded something vary quickly. It then took off and reloaded the updates from somewhere on harddrive and wanted to install again.

    I was going the wait until I had chance to save some files, but it shut down itself. I restarted again and the updates installed themself.

    I then had the updates installed, but this time port 80 was fixed. MS had to have broadcast a patch via some open port to change something in the updates and restart the install remotely. What ever they did it worked.

    And they not really the same post. I still wonder how many XP users at TV have had the same problem or maybe they can't get online to say anything about it.

  9. recap

    got updates lost port 80 tried everything

    come up linux makes some posts go to MS forums rant alot. tell them how I love Linux

    go back to xp to finish p2p download before try to fix port 80

    on restart xp goes to the net and flash yellow shield then drive runs forever, then yellow shield comes back and says have 9 new updates to install.

    I say no I will after I get my P2p files, start post at TV but PC turns itself off. I restart and it installs the updates.

    Now I have the updates again, but this time everything works. I smell a little patch via other port to fix update problem.

  10. No response would be a me vote.  MS forums has no yet responded to several of the same problem port 80 missing after update.  They like me had option of other PC or OS to use.  I can always rebuilt after my P2P is done, but in the mean time, was just wondering how wide spead the problem is.  

  11. I thought HP doesn't even have customer service in Thailand, they operate from Malaysia and cover business users only.

    It's pretty hard to find an HP computer in Thailand, I guess it will be a lot harder to service it.

    hp has a warrenty and service center in Phitsanulok.

  12. Yae I checked firewall been in safe mode   gone down the reg. check did restore to yesterday when it was working fine.  They overwrote something in the reg. and restore didn't change it back only effects port 80 all oyther ports work fine. ran scans.  Next step should be repair cd but I know its so out of date with all the up date, last time I used it it came up was little or anything working right.  I have near 5 gig in part downloads in P2P which I will get lost if I mess around to much.  Going to let working p2p finish all of them back up and try copy over my back up image will get to see if WGA is going to mess that up???. will take more then a day to get the downloads done all are about 50%.  Mean time I have good old Linux to fire up. You can slow me down but ya can't stop me.

  13. I just got a windows update which installed itself when I restarted my PC this eve.  It was working fine an hour ago but after restart and the update I lost Port 80.  I was thinking maybe its ToT but no its me and P2P and other programs not on 80 working just fine.  could not find anything appaired to be wronge so I did a restore to yesterday and still no port 80.  None of my browsers work Opera, IE, Firefox.  So I come up in the Linux cd I am running now and the whole world is fine as could be.  Coutiion you may wish to turn off auto updates right now until we find out hjow many PC are goning to be effected and what it is they did this time.  Maybe alot of people will not be posting or reading posts if they aready let the update install   God bless Linux saving me again.  I ll re build XP or use my image if I have to but going to try a fine out what they did this time if I can.

  14. They may have no choice about the policy. A big international forum has set rules about email handling to reduce the spam abuse which is current running some large portion of the bandwidth which is used for email. They are required to be able to resolve all emails to and from sources in a standard way. I could never even use outlook with AIS, and had to use only web based mail because many networks would not take emails from AIS network they may have fixed that by now. It did not resolve the source of the mail in the network and everything was dumped as spam. The whole ISP faces possable email blacklist as some POP servers in the US already have when tried to protect the spammer accounts that they were making alot of money from.

  15. I have a yard full of them. See em everyday. They never bother anything and we don't bother them. The dogs will get em if they get out of the tree. Mostly they like the Noi Naa trees. Longest I have seen was 1m. Had a gray boa show up about a year ago. We let it alone and didn't tell anyone for its protection. He moved on somewhere. I joke with my wife and call them bean snakes.

  16. Patsfangr, I'm just carrying the Sox/Pats paranoia with me for the long haul (even after 2004), it's our birthright! My feelings are pretty much along the lines of yours, just can't shake that Murphy's law feeling, even after 3 SB's and a World Series. Although you throw out some heavy optimism at the end, if Moss does fit in, they are going to be a ridiculously badass team, gotta be 13-16 wins. I better alot more NFL pub money, too cheap to get UBC, or just stick with the games on radio via WBCN live streaming, if it's still available this season.

    I happily pay the 2000 baht per month for UBC's great NFL game access. When the Pats games aren't televised here, I listen via the NFL.com's radio subscription. That costs $29.95 per season. Well worth it for a dedicated Pats fan.

    Have you been listening to WBCN on a FREE stream? If so, I didn't know that was available. What's the URL? Is it a smooth, uninterrupted transmission? What's your internet connection? I'm on a VERY slow download, with a 'TRUE' internet card phone connection. I can't get ADSL at my location. TT&T doesn't have a ###### transmitter in my area! If I had ADSL, I'd subscribe to the NFL.com video stream. It requires a minimum of 350kbps. I'm at an unbelievable 40kbps most of the time!!

    get an ipstar 1024/512 Sat. connection no reason to jones over football. plus you'll have movies and TV and web sites and blog .....

  17. Go Seahawks. I love to play basketball, its a great game to play. I can't watch it on TV its not a watchs sport. Same with baseball great game can't watch. Now Football is not just a game, its more like 11 games inside of one. Alot of people can't watch NASCAR, but I love it. I have been watching NASCAR for 40 years. Start of this season UBC no NASCAR I no longer have UBC. Have to really get beyond just driving and understand the whole race picture. I think F1 would be better if they would open things up and let em race what they want to build an unlimited type of racing. AU football is also a great game.

  18. I don't have an option but ipstar we have no phone lines here. but its been working great. My mom lives in the sticks I mean wayout in the sticks back in the states, she gets a speed test of 1680 everytime for 300 baht a month. Oh and they have 500 cable tv channels that add another 1000 baht. but the phone service is part of the package. Makes my sick she only does e mail and a video conf. with me once and awhile. Thailand pays the same for internet bandwidth as everybody, but the gov takes a big bite. and you get the diff. in your bill. And I read somewhere that Korea has a gov. policy they want to see 1mb in every home asap. for education and information.

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