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Posts posted by Westerner

  1. The good news is that it IS possible to get a National Insurance number issued to a foreign wife..WITHOUT GOING TO THE UK .

    I am one of at least two people who were in the same situation.and succeeded!

    I originally applied within two months of getting married, and was told that we had to travel to the Uk in order that a number may be issued...I then saw a thread on TV from some one who had managed to get through the beaurocracy .and re-applied....it took a further 15 months to get satisfaction........

    My wife was issued with a N.I number earlier this year,and the pension increased, AND backdated to the date of the marriage....

    if you need any more info.....PM me...hope this helps!!

    I would like some more info please - just got to work out how to send a PM :o

  2. My English mate will be 65 next February so will be eligible for his state pension. He is legally married to a Thai lady and wants to claim married man's allowance but has been told that his wife will have to go to England to get a national insurance number. There is no way this lady will ever get on a plane! Does anybody know if it's possible for her to get a national insurance number without going to England?

  3. I never, ever say I live in Pattaya to any of my friends back home. With all the bad press Pattya has received I am too embarrassed. :o

    you should be embarassed because of your obvious low self esteem.

    Yes - 12

    No - 15

    I am with the majority! :D

  4. I have had this confirmed....as to what has happened.

    I am an ANGRY parent. I previously asked for support from other parents ( to make a stand ) and that was ignored.


    It's a pity other parents didn't back you as this is the only way to get problems resolved. :o

  5. The educational system in Pattaya is not at an adequate level for foreign students. I would suggest moving them up to Bangkok or even trying Hong Kong. The alternative solution is to try private tutors/after school sessions. In fact, your dollars will go much further with private tutors versus paying for these schools. If you would like private tutoring or home schooling options, then please contact me for a discussion on my programs and rates. You get what you pay for in education.

    This is a discussion on a particular school. Not a POST to SELL services. The POST is for parents with students here.

    Maybe not close to Pattaya but there are some very GOOD schools locally. I know.............i just enrolled my child in one today. I am not keeping my child at that school any longer. When THAI teachers attempt to PUBLICALLY HUMILIATE older students by castrigating them in FRONT of the whole school and treat them like BABIES then enough is enough. Is the NEW THAI PRINCIPAL a moron??

    REPS near Rayong.

    Garden International


    St. Andrews

    REPS - Kindergarten & Primary only

    Garden - Bloody expensive!

    St.Andrews - Bloody expensive!

    Regents - Bloody, bloody expensive!!!

  6. Hi chaps and chapesses,

    Can someone help my friend with a recommendation for a good nursery in the Pattaya district, for an 18 month old girl. About 3 or 4 hours per day.

    He lives in Bang Saray but doesn't mind travelling anywhere in the area Jomtien etc.

    Many thanks :o

    Edit// sorry for the mis-spelling of the title. The little tyke was sitting on my knee as i was tring to post :D

    Not sure, but think Montessori school in Wongamat has a nursery. Check it out.

  7. I never, ever say I live in Pattaya to any of my friends back home. With all the bad press Pattya has received I am too embarrassed.

    Where's all this bad press? The tabloid, expose, sensationalist stuff? Why would it embarrass you? I rent the suite above the short-time rooms but that doesn't make me a sexpat.

    Only miserable here. By the way I am not anti Thailand, just anti Pattaya. Thailand is a wonderful place

    So Westerner, are you a victim or your own or other peoples choices? At least you appear honest.

    I say Thailand when talking to the geographically challenged (who invariably think it's Taiwan), Pattaya to those more worldly (and up to them if they get anal about it) and Naklua to the ever friendly baht bus driver (who appreciates it when I say 'keep the change').

    I am neither defending Pattaya or bashing it but the OP should really stop worrying about offending other peoples sensitivities. Lying in order to appear politically correct? That's the <deleted> that gets politicians impeached. If you are dishonest with yourself, where does it end?

    The 'P' word... a very good poll subject Jingthing. Nice one!

    Only got myself to blame :o

  8. Westerner - Life is what you make of it, if you are a miserable cu*t in Patters - then prob like that everywhere else in the world.

    Only miserable here :o By the way I am not anti Thailand, just anti Pattaya. Thailand is a wonderful place :D

  9. I never, ever say I live in Pattaya to any of my friends back home. With all the bad press Pattya has received I am too embarrassed. :o

    you should be embarassed because of your obvious low self esteem.

    It's not low self esteem. I'm embarrassed that I settled here in this Pattaya shit hole which I am trying to get out of as soon as I can!

  10. Yes... those who DON'T complain are responsible for most of the world's problems. I especially hate the ones that say things like, "oh, it was only ten baht...", as if they decide FOR THE REST OF US, what we should or should not complain about... and as if it has anything to do with the amount of the theft... it's about being an honorable person... those that are silent are ENCOURAGING theft and stealing.

    Being a non-complainer/co-conspirator is a slap in the face to decent people. Non-complainers are the lowest form of vermin on the planet.

    I agree! :o

  11. Khun Wattana, the owner of B.E.S.T. school never, ever goes to the school, so I am sure she is totally unaware of the dissatisfaction felt by lots of parents. Why should she feel otherwise - she has an extremely successful school with over 1000 students. I think the only option here is for parents to call a meeting with her through the principal, Khun Nirun, and put all these problems forward. Then, and only then, will there be a possibility of getting something done. (Iam sure she does not read Thaivisa!)

  12. BarryofThailand. There is no English principal at B.E.S.T. School. (ex-teacher).

    I thought this might be the case. So my question is who do I speak with regarding the English teachers at Best. My sons teacher plays games more than he teaches and since their is only five weeks left in this term and his math books are no where near finished with one book not even started. I've spoke with the teacher with no results, so who do I speak with next? Rayong is really too far to send the kids to school and unfortunately this school is the only option in Pattaya.


  13. BarryofThailand. There is no English principal at B.E.S.T. School. (ex-teacher).

    I thought this might be the case. So my question is who do I speak with regarding the English teachers at Best. My sons teacher plays games more than he teaches and since their is only five weeks left in this term and his math books are no where near finished with one book not even started. I've spoke with the teacher with no results, so who do I speak with next? Rayong is really too far to send the kids to school and unfortunately this school is the only option in Pattaya.


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