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Posts posted by Westerner

  1. I've been out and about this morning and have noticed Christmas decorations going up everywhere in this predominantly Buddhist Country. :D How lovely this is when you consider some Christian Countries are trying to ban Christmas because it's not bloody 'politically correct'. :o

  2. Last time I was there I saw one of the Immigration Policemen reprimanding a customer who was in shorts and singlet with a lot of bling and bare tattoed flesh showing on his arms and shoulders.

    He was about 50 so might have been expected to know better. He obviously didn't know too much about etiquette and hadn't paid any attention to the signs - despite the fact that he spoke English. His lady friend asked him what the problem was and I heard him explaining to her incredulously that he had been told to dress properly next time.

    Glad to hear this. Hope it happens on a regular basis.

  3. .

    I then had some lunch and headed on to the Soi 5 Immigration office. It was a bit of a zoo there, with about 20 people queuing at the Information counter, plus countless others milling around or just standing like zombies.It's truly unbelieveable how some farangs dress to come here, in spite of a big electronic sign asking you to dress respectfully.quote]

    Don't know why Immo puts up with it. They should show them the door and tell them to come back when they are dressed appropriately.

  4. Why did you post, there is no drama, no knashing of teeth and rending of cloth. You met all of the requirements and had your ducks in a row what a refreshing experience compared to those trying to bend the rules and recieve visas they donot qualify for.

    I quite agree. I go every year for a renewal retirement visa with all the corect paperwork and respectfully dressed and am given my visa there and then. :D

    And before some smart arse gets on to it, I know I missed an 'r' in correct :o

  5. Why did you post, there is no drama, no knashing of teeth and rending of cloth. You met all of the requirements and had your ducks in a row what a refreshing experience compared to those trying to bend the rules and recieve visas they donot qualify for.

    I quite agree. I go every year for a renewal retirement visa with all the corect paperwork and respectfully dressed and am given my visa there and then. :o

  6. While reading a sad topic about "farang man marrying a working girl and losing house and land" I noticed an input from "manchester" drawing attention to the fact that we only ever see the disaster stories.

    So I thought I would start this topic and see where it goes.

    July 2004 I retired to the island of Koh Samui, then unfortunately in August 2004 I became very ill with an extremely bad chest infection. I booked myself into one of the local international hospitals for a couple of nights until I got over the worst. Anyway I had the most gorgeous nurse to look after me on the first day and I could not stop thinking about her the rest of the time I was in there, so much so that when I was discharged I went looking for her and asked her out, not expecting her to say yes, but she did.

    We ended up living together for two and a half years and then got married in Febuary this year.

    The term "soul mates" does not come close. We enjoy life together so much, like all the same things ie...food...films...music...dancing...and laugh...we cry because we laugh so long sometimes. We have a house in Samui but are moving up to Nong Ki in Isaan next year, where my wife already has three rye of land that we are going to build a small house on.

    When I got divorced after 28 years of a reasonably happy marriage in UK I never dreamed that I could find happiness like this, and for those of you that look for the worst....She was not married before, has no kids and has made it clear to all her family that they are not in for a free ride.

    I truly believe that I could not find anyone that I would rather spend the rest of my life with.

    If there are any residents of Nong Ki reading this and want to get together some time for a drink after I move up there then get in touch.

    Apologies for such a long topic. Happy Larry

    You married a nice, decent, professional girl not a prostitute, that's the answer. You sound like a really good guy and she saw that in you. May your relationship continue to prosper :o

  7. Last night I drove down Tipp Plaza from 2nd road to see a "spaceship" well about half way down. Well actually its a 'bar'. What a surprise....but it looks good. :D

    Has anyone drank there? Is it just cocktails or do they serve all drinks?

    Why don't you go in and find out? :o

  8. Hi all, I would like some opinoins,

    Is 2 beers everyday a problem?

    It used to 6 and then with the new year a resolution was made to stop but instead was able to control 2 a day over a period of a few hours. So is a 2 beer a day habit alcoholic? Is it a problem?

    There are no consequences besides the nagging from the miss.


    MisterMan, I believe in moderation and 2 beers a day is moderation. Cheers mate :o

  9. I heard from a very good authority that he wasn't insured.

    And your point is? The hospital did not know if he was insured or not did they? They let him die because he could not prove he was insured or provide them some cash.

    My point is if you don't take care of yourself why expect others to take care of you, especially here in Thailand where money comes before anything.

  10. I am very happy and content living is Thailand. any one else?

    Started this thread as a respone to the "natering Nabobs of negativism". Spirew Agnew quote.

    Been is LOS since late 2001, settled in CM, which I think is heaven on earth.

    Have a comfortable residence, with most of the usual farang amenities, yup even indoor plumbing. Am fortunate enough to have an adaquate monthly retirement income, so money is usually not a problem, no visa problems. My life style here far exceeds what it would be in my native country (America). And have very good friends and neighbors.

    If I travel abroad, or return to the States for a visit, when I return am always so happy to be HOME again.

    A while ago started a thread about all the cynical angry TV members, was closed 'cause it turned into a slagging match.

    Yeah, maybe some will accuse me of seeing life through rose colored glasses or through the bottom of a beer glass.

    So ladies and gentlemen(which WE ALL ARE), let's behave ourselfs, think twice about slagging, it's ok to disagree with someone, do it politely!

    Be thankful for what you have

    said my piece, have at it!

    Nice! :o

  11. Good to know. May I ask when was that?

    This happened in October 2007.

    Bangkok Pattaya Hospital - Excellent medical care, very professional. Wouldn't dream of going anywhere else. Yes, it's very expensive, but if you have medical insurance what's the problem?

    This year there was a teacher at local school that was FULLY insured who was seriously injured in a motorbike accident. Either he left his wallet at home or it was stolen at the seen that had his insurance card in it. He lost a lot of blood and needed blood transfusion to stay alive.

    Bangkok Pattaya hospital put him back in the ambulance and sent him to a government hospital quite a ways away because he was not conscious and could not provide the insurance card or money. He died while being transport to the other hospital.

    There are hundreds of post on this site about this mishap as well as it being well documented in the Pattaya Mail and Pattaya Today newspapers.

    SO THE PROBLEM IS, if your insurance card is not tattooed on your forehead and you show up at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital unconscious and need life saving treatment you are going to DIE!

    I heard from a very good authority that he wasn't insured.

  12. I have read so many tales of woe and this and other forums, and I have ignored probably the most important advice and I need to find some help to stop me losing everything.

    I met a girl in Bangkok on the internet and yes she was an escort, but she was different, I have read this so many times before. I was aware that she had two kids from a Thai boyfriend who had abandoned her and the kids, I am pretty sure she turned to escorting/prostitution as she knew nothing else and she needed to support the kids.

    We really hit off and we spoke about possible marriage, and after two and a half years that's what we did.

    We decided to move to Hua Hin and buy a house there ready for my retirement at the end of July. Against all advice, and I know it's a regular subject on forums, I paid for the house and land and I allowed the house and land to be in her name, I did not protect myself, I think I was rather bulldozed and I honestly did think she was ok.

    We moved into the house early last year and from that stage things started to cool, to the stage that I had, and still have, doubts about her faithfulness. She is currently with me in the UK, and barely talking to me.

    I still love Thailand and even my wife and I still want a future in Hua Hin and with my wife, but I am seriously concerned about my future.

    I have concerns that when I come out in August she could simply bar me from our home, or even sell it in the meantime and I will have nothing.

    What I would hope to do is re-register the house in my name and have a lease on the land so I can protect my future. I have no intention of asking her to leave; I love her and the kids far too much and would build in protection for her and the kids if that was possible.

    I really need some advice and the name of a reliable lawyer. I know I have been naive and stupid, so please don't remind me of it.

    I have e-mailed Sunbelt for advice but so far I have got no response.

    Dont let her know your plans here, tell her you want to sell to buy a bigger house,.play happy familes all the way, do not let her get wind ,greed will hopefully prevail here and she will think shes on a bonus, as soon as the house is sold get control of the money and tell her you have changed your mind as things havent been good between you and get ready for the fireworks !, you have to be ruthless here or you will lose the lot !

    Very good advice.

  13. The regular one is kind of hot too, but this one is in the "yummy" category... I feel so dirty watching him clean out the embers at the bottom of my pool... he looks like he's about 21 or 22... and he can really operate the pool vacuum hose.

    I could almost submit a picture, but that just wouldn't be right...

    So dirty... so tainted...

    Does anyone know that song "If loving you is wrong, I don't wanna be right"??

    So fitting at the moment...

    I normally love to read your topics but not this. Don't do this WEHO :o

  14. I consider the expense of implants unwarranted. That money could change some people's lives. Why does everything have to be so damned perfect? It's not going to kill you. Have the tooth out, the next teeth up will all move down until there's no gap.

    What???? :o

    When you lose a tooth, the teeth above close the gap. Mine have done the trick and I'll bet anything bet yours will too......if you have any :D

    Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit :D

  15. I consider the expense of implants unwarranted. That money could change some people's lives. Why does everything have to be so damned perfect? It's not going to kill you. Have the tooth out, the next teeth up will all move down until there's no gap.

    What???? :o

  16. As a new feller in town i'm really struglin to find a decent few bars and clubs to go too , i have been in samui for the last few years and seems to be a different scene down there , with lots of cool bars and clubs playin good tunes ,not this rubbish in Pattaya they try and pass of as R&B and Hip Hop , i am sure there must be some places to go here , if you know Samui i'm talking about bars like Bar Solo and Q bar and Sound pub and Arc bar , i was in Marine 1 last week which wasn't bad but was hard to take it serious with a 85 year old farang dressed in German Umpar band gear raving his bits of on the main stage , the only other bar i have found with a decent DJ who actually knew what he was doing was up by the frozen Vodka bar upstairs by Happy A GO GO in walking street .

    Please and ravers out there save me from this Hip Hop beer garden bar hel_l !!!!! Any suggestions will be gladly hunted down and severally tried out !!! If my missus dragges me into Luccifer one more time and i have to listen to the same for 4 songs again all night i swear i'm on the 1st plane back to Samui !!!!!

    How do you know he was 85 years old? :o

  17. Hi all,

    Last week I was in Aus and during that week my right foot was swelling.

    On the third day my foot was about 2 times more thick.

    Very painfull.

    I have a medical check up every year and al is fine.

    A litlle bit high blood pressure (120-90).

    Could it be becouse of the 10 hours I stay in the airplane?

    I would say almost certainly. You should always exercise your legs whilst you are seated and walk about every hour.

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