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Posts posted by Westerner

  1. I am an American and I have a non-imm type o single entry visa that is good for 90 days that I got in Singapore. I would like to turn that visa into one that allows me to stay for one year. What is the best way to do this?


    Are you over 50? If so, then you can apply for a retirement visa. You can find all the details on Thai Visa.

  2. And I inform you Steve that there ARE numerous teachers working RIGHT NOW in schools in Chonburi on the basis of FALSE DOCUMENTs - fact not fiction

    Well you need to back that up by naming schools or naming teachers.

    ANYONE can make comments like that and claim them to be fact.................... personally, I doubt there are NUMEROUS teachers in Chonburi.......................given the hoops we had to jump through just to get our licenses.

    Failing that.................you can PM the names of the schools or the teachers

    Why all the.....................?

  3. Yes you would have applicants. You also have to bear in mind that YOU will be responsible for providing all the paperwork in order for Work Permit approval. Not an easy task. Or are you considering hiring illegally?

    Some times you need to think outside of the box. What I would do is approach small schools that teaches Thai and have them hire the teacher. I would make sure it is a Thai owned school as they would not be required to meet all the regulations a foreign owned school is. I would offer the school a small monthly payment for their services.

    Have you just arrived in Thailand? :o

  4. As we know, some topics get moved. Can anybody tell me if there's a way to find out where the topic has been moved to? :o

    Usually the moderator who moves the topic will leave a link to the original location.

    Any topic in particular that you were looking for?

    Topic moved to Forum Support.


    Was just looking at "Newly married man UK State Pension Increase?" in Pattaya Forum but can't find where it's been moved to.

  5. If you can't answer the OP's question please do not post. Clearly some people have issues with religion but this is not the time nor the place to air those problems, thanks

    Come to the Middle East and do it properly , Thai muslims are in general parttimers.

    I have met lots of folks with personal issues who have done just that. Ofcourse, I am not saying you have personal issues.

    Parttimers = 40% peaceful

    Full Timer = I think it is clear enough

    I think the world would be better off with a lot more part timers, in essentially all religions.

    I think the world would be better off without religion period. Religion causes too much hatred and deaths.

  6. Amazing Thai Bank.

    I am using the Siam Commercial Bank I had hoped that it would be a good bank but I guess that I am going to have to keep on hoping.

    I had sent money to the SCB from Europe some of the cash was used to buy our house and when I wanted to buy a car I had to ask the bank nicely for my money. What do you want the money for they demanded, I felt that I was asking for there money to buy the car. I was told that I would have to return with the receipt from the purchase of the car to prove where the money went.

    Some time later I was making arrangements to go to Spain with my wife and child, I have never used on line banking but decided to do so now with SCB they call itwww.SCBEASY.com that is far from the truth.

    Having visited the bank and asked the girl there is it easy, yes she said and proceeded to take all my info so she could give me a password and what have you so that I could move my cash about even to Spain if it was needed. Great I said just the sort of service I need, I was given the package after filling in various forms and they had made more copes of my passport and away I went confident that I could now do all that I was promised.

    After a few weeks in Spain I went on line to move some cash from my account in SCB to my bank in Spain. However I was confronted with yet more forms to fill in on line. Then they will send me a form to fill in by post to my home in Thailand I must sign it and show where the money has come from and they want yes-another photocopy of my passport. What do they do with all the copies of my passport?

    I have simply given up all I can say is that the banks are as mad as hatters. Next time I will send the cash out first and that way I don't have to worry about it.

    Or change to an international bank like HSBC any one know a good way to give access to ones own money in Thailand?

    You are right and dont let any of these dim wits tell you otherwise. Thai banks dont have a clue I have 3 years of experience.

    Anyone who says otherwise has no real banking experience involving millions of Baht.

    One of my banks would not give me MY money to buy a house! What a joke. Of course I eventually got it after a lot of hassle.

    I think your comment is out of order. Just because these people have not had a problem with Thai banks does not make them dimwits. I have been here for 16 years and have never had a problem with a Thai bank - I am not a dimwit! :o

  7. My sister in law started with dark blue/brown blotches around her navel. This was several months back, now the only part unaffected is her face. The blotches are about the size of 5 and 10 baht coins. It looks really awful, well to be honest scary. Only other symptoms are itching.

    She has been taking medicine, but I suspect she is mixing this with Chinese herbal medicines. I have told my wife to tell her to just stick to what the hospital tells her to take.

    Any thoughts please as to what it might be.

    Ever since I read this thread I can't stop thinking about this poor woman. Did you find out what's wrong with her - I hope to God it's not what the other posters have suggested.

  8. hehe..i think i'll pass on the ladyboy shows and such.

    Any good place to check out 'traditional' jazz? i mean any 'real' jazz club in town? (not 'jazzy rock' etc..)

    What's the best indian restaurant in town these days ?


    I would definitely take them to Alcazar or Tiffany's. These shows are really good and not tacky as I think you imagine them to be. :o

  9. Have seen several referenceS on TV to Victor Meldrew.

    Did not have a clue! did Google search. Character on "one foot in the Grave" BBC sitcom. Grumpy old man?? A loser?

    Sounds like it may be amusing to see. Is available on DVD? Perhaps an Archy Bunker type character from "All In Ther Family"


    "I DON'T BELEIVE IT"!!! :o:D

    It is hilarious. :D I believe Victor has a cult following in the UK. :D

  10. I just got back from Pattaya Memorial which I have been going to for many years since Pattaya Bangkok stopped their Social Security treatment. Indeed they will stop treating people under that Social Security system starting tomorrow. I asked where to go, and was told Somdej in Sri Racha. No mention was made of a clinic.

    I'm none too pleased to have to go so far. If anyone has information about closer options, please let me know. I'll continue to investigate the situation and will post if I have any new info.

    Your name suggests that you are not Thai, so why don't you just pay for your medical treatment? :D There are many hospitals and clinics that will treat you for money! :o

  11. I think some of you are a bit misinformed but whats that when you can have a slag off at western women hey??? manchester is a man according to HIS posts here. So a stroppy, bitter northern man it would seem, an abusive one too.

    And a threatening one - but that post was deleted.

    Boo, I think you are being a tad over sensitive. "It' (Manchester) is either a nasty, bitter, abusive northern man, or a nasty, bitter abusive northern woman. I really don't think the posts were being sexist, just trying to understand the nature of the beast. In fact it is quite normal to have unpleasant men posting, but far less so to have unpleasant women, so that in itself would make it a subject for special comment.

    But in the end I will bow to your superior knowledge - maybe we are a bunch of sexist pigs :D .

    Spot on, Mobi! :o

  12. As most websites are doing a turn on the best and worst of 2007 as the NEW YEAR is about to begin,what were your best and worst moments about the year about to be gone?What has touched you the most or made the most impression on you?What have you achieved in the past year and what would you change?

    Global issues aside which affect us all,shock us,intimidate us,diplease us,disagree with,what has made your year?

    For me it was my family,as it always is number 1,my youngest son talking to nanna in French (his English and Mandarin are great too)getting my HK Permanent ID and finally being able to hold a decent conversation in Putunghua with many rellies at a wedding party was a great achievement.Language barriers always a problem with rellies especially ones who have imbibed too much!

    The greatest gift for me was the birth of my daughter on 24/12/2007 at 11:45pm Christmas baby.

    Any others care to share?

  13. Northern Monkey. Mmmmmmmmmm. I guess that includes Doncaster. :D

    For all of you who wish to know as I taught one of her children..............Manchester is a " she " . Married to a local Thai celebrity who fights at Fairtex . Muang Thai.

    I was always polite to them. :D

    I think some of you are a bit misinformed but whats that when you can have a slag off at western women hey??? manchester is a man according to HIS posts here. So a stroppy, bitter northern man it would seem, an abusive one too.

    She obviously wanted people to think she was a he on thaivisa. :o

  14. i have only one word to say to u 'owrugger' u have 24 hrs to find the language and meaning and theres a free short time on the way whatever one of them is. x

    I don't know what it is, but it sounds dirty to me. We have standards on this board... this is a FAMILY board.... ok, it's the Manson Family, but it IS a family board.

    Certainly not dirty its Dutch and roughly translates as "hey old friend" but very slang i fied . hope u had a good one at christmas where did u have xmas lunch weho ? if thats not being to intrusive .....seasons greetings from rambler xx

    I think Thaivisa has suspended Weho for a little while. :o

  15. Well Merry Christmas to everyone!

    How you feel spending Christmas in the hot? It is my second Christmas I spend here, because my workload hardly allow me to make a trip home :-(

    I have to admit that I miss the Christmas Feeling...

    Cheers everyone



    Even after many Christmas's here in the sun, I still miss the 'real' Christmas back home. :o

  16. EmCross - Don't worry about Manchester. As another member pointed out to me "SHE is a Northern monkey that is very aggressive and bitter."

    After saying that, I am still waiting to hear from the OP regarding what action he is taking, if any. If he is not going to take any action then I have to wonder how serious the incident regarding his son was. I know for certain if it had been my son I would be doing something about it and not just posting on thaivisa!


    she/he may be very aggressive and bitter but why does that relate to northern monkey's :D

    Back on thread. My 7 year old son attends BEST. Its his first term and he is loving it. Although that may be due to the fact that we have just moved from Khon Kaen where he was the only half farang in his year and had to put up with a bit of stick because of this.

    To put things into perspective my twelve year son who attends a grammar school on the isle of man, UK was head butted in the face and had his nose broken while stood waiting in line for his lunch last month. This is'nt an inner city comp I'm talking about. Its a well-to-do school full of kids from well-to-do-families living on one of the UK's island tax havens, but thats the state of UK schools today

    I'm not disagreeing with those of you who say that BEST has its problems. It most certainly has. I can only describe my sons classroom in the old building as a dump and the OP's sons experience must have been terrible but if some of the kids at BEST are anything like the generation of prats thats teacher's have to put up with in the UK today I could quite happily give their necks a little squeeze myself.....maybe thats a bit harsh but I am one of the old school and six of the best (three strokes of the cane on each hand) used to keep me in line :D

    Hi Hullmonkey1

    I like your attitude. :D Every school has its problems and as you say kids today are no angels, so very difficult for teachers when they have approx. 25 in a class. I don't think any parent will be fully satisfied with any school these days, and especially here in Thailand where I have heard horror stories about many other schools besides BEST.

    Regarding Northern monkey - I was only quoting what another member told me. :o


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