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Posts posted by Westerner

  1. I,m referring to the teacher that teaches my child in P3. I,m aware there are other good teachers like Graham ( seniors ) David ( science ) etc. I was referring to MY childs teacher. They do NOT teach my child but i am aware they are good teachers having spoken to other parents.

    You are trying to make my comments look a little irrational instead of having a quick think about what i,m saying.

    Actually..........you sound like a teacher yourself.

    Please try to understand a little of what i,m saying.

    Manchester, stick to the forum. I can do without inane comments coming via my e-mail address!

  2. There's very constructive critism on this thread.

    One guy's a poof, another a <deleted> and yet others are either loco or crazy.

    I ride a motorbike without insurance, so I suppose I'm all of the above. :o:D:D

    What should I do in the case of an accident?

    I am gobsmacked!!! :D You always come across as being a sensible sort of guy.

  3. That is one helluva statement to make. How do you know this, do you have children in every level?

    Actually............i have a child in P3 and P5. I also had my eldest who was in S1 .

    They have come across ALL the teachers ( when they have to substitute for the regular teachers who are sick or on border runs etc )

    What else would you like to know?

    There are only 4 or 5 good teachers there.

    First it was 3 good teachers, then it was "my child will miss a good teacher, but all the rest are rubbish" and now it's 4 or 5 good teachers.

    Which one is it?

  4. This BEST school is going to the dogs and its no wonder some of the Native speakers are now demoralised.

    I will be attending the meeting on Saturday to see what the options are although my child will miss a good teacher. But the rest are just rubbish.

    That is one helluva statement to make. How do you know this, do you have children in every level?

  5. We live in Pattaya and have always used the Bangkok/Pattaya hospital and although it is a little expensive l've always been happy with the service and level of care.

    l had a quote a year ago to remove a varicose vein from my leg the approx cost was 30,000 baht, due to circumstances l never had it done then. l just rang the hospital to check if the price had gone up and they are now asking for 90,000 baht for the operation and 18,000 baht for every day lm in hospital.

    Could anyone recommend a cheaper hospital in Bangkok or elsewhere that would have close to the same standards as the Bangkok/Pattaya.

    Many thanks

    This is absolutely outrageous! :o I think BPH will price itself out of business. :D

  6. http://www.emirates.com/TravellerInformation/FAQ/Baggage.asp[/url]']

    Free Checked Baggage allowance for adult

    Two checked bags (pieces). The total of the three dimensions not to exceed 158 cm (62 inches) per bag provided that the overall dimensions of the two pieces shall not exceed 273 cm (107 inches) and the weight not to exceed 32kgs/70lbs per bag (piece).

    Maximum Cabin Baggage Allowance

    Economy Class -

    1 BAG 22 X 15 X 8INS -55 X 38 X 20CMS

    - weight not to exceed 7kgs -15lbs

    Weight not to exceed 15lbs/7kgs. Plus duty free purchases of liqueur, cigarettes and perfume in reasonable quantities.



    The above appears to be a bit misleading (from Emirates, not Daewoo).

    Whereas the checked baggage allowance may be interpreted as meaning the above dimensions, plus 32kg per bag, another part of the Emirates website says:








    Two checked bags for which the length plus breadth plus height (L+B+H) should not exceed 45ins/115cms per bag.

    Maximum weight 32kgs/70lbs.

    I interpret this as meaning you can have 2 bags, each not exceeding these dimensions, but the TOTAL weight (within you allowance) cannot exceed 20 kg.

    They will carry bags above this weight, but they must not exceed 32kg, and I surmise the difference between 20kg and 32kg is possibly subject to excess baggage charges.

    This is the way I interpret it too. Hope it's right as I am flying with Emirates next month. :o

  7. I've got some questions regarding finanical stuff and bits and pieces;

    1. I don't intend to come back to UK again should I closed all the bank accounts? These are the questions on my mind at the moment but I'm sure more will come up later....


    I urge you to please, please, please do not cut your ties with the UK. :o Remember you will only be in Thailand on a visa. You will have no rights whatsoever and the red tape here can do your head in. Even though you don't think it now, one day you may want to return to the UK. Keep a connection :D

  8. ......bankrupt?.........new baby?............Thai wife?.............teaching without a degree?..................looks to me.........like...........a recipe for disaster................I say don't do it.....age 38, what visa would you be on?...........could you ever get a.............work..........permit..........? I think.............not.

    As always a lot of good, common sense from PeaceBlondie. :o

  9. I've never had a problem with the SCB transferring money overseas, and have never been asked for a work permit either. It depends a lot on who you are dealing with and the actual branch. I moved from the Bangkok Bank some years ago because my branch suddenly decided to stop processing overseas cheques. The SCB does it regurlarly for me and doesn't charge the earth...

    Thanks for this info. It sounds like SCB is the bank to use. :o

  10. I just got back from my branch of SCB. I needed to send money to the US, which is the money left in a friends bank account, after he died. I am sending it back to his family.

    I have never had any trouble sending money abroad before. UK, Philippines, never a problem.

    However - today, I am told that they need my work permit. Sods law dictates, that I recently quit work to take some rest and travel around the country, so I handed my WP in.

    Is this a new law? Does anyone know anything about it?

    If this is the case, I would like to know what would happen to someone who owns a house (through a company) and he sells the house because he wants to go back to his own country. Does this mean that he could not send the money back if he doesn't have a work permit?

  11. 60 mg of Aspent should be fine. The Yank baby aspirin is 80mg, 1/4 of the standard 325 mg adult single tablet. In case anybody cared.

    But how many mg is the Pom baby aspirin?

    It will tell you on the pack or bottle.

  12. As ProThaiExpat says, you can google any medicine sold in Thailand, either by trade or generic name, and find out its normal dosage, why it's prescribed, what it treats, side effects, overdose, contra-indications, etc.

    As for aspirin, my neurologist took me off of Plavix and put me on 300 mg of aspirin per day. I had a stroke, but someone commented last week that 300 mg is a lot. It's a lot more than 60 mg!

    300 mg is an awful lot to take daily. Hope you have recovered from your stroke. I have taken aspirin for quite some time now. Always bought the Bayer 500 mg and cut each one into four thus taking 125 mg per day. A mate of mine in the medical profession told me I was taking too much and suggested baby aspirin, hence my original posting. Now I know I can take Aspent M 60 mg daily.

  13. Yesterday I went to Fascino Pharmacy to buy baby aspirin and was given baby Aspent M. :o I said to the girl I want aspirin not Aspent M and she said Aspent M is aspirin. I'm not sure about this - can anyone confirm? :D

    Aspent M is the trade name for Asprin (in Asia at least) and it comes in 60mg tablets. That's fine for an adult and I take it daily as a blood thinner but I'm not sure of the composition or dosage of baby asprin.

    For long term purposes, merely look at whatever medicine you are trying to compare and determine from the chemical name on the bottle if the products are identical in chemical composition.

    As far as the proper dosage for children of any medication being purchased over the counter, do a google search and you will find an abundant number of sites that will take you through the proper dosages and why and at what age.

    I was taking baby aspirins that were prescribed for the blood thinning benefit. My Thai doctor told me they were too big and changed me to the 60 mg Aspent-M.

    Thanks everybody :D

  14. .

    SoNo, I don't have a child in school there, but the initial rant by the OP was barely coherent and didn't make much of a case against the school. Let's revisit that shall we?

    A new low in Best's management antics,

    A senior student was riding his motorcycle at the back of the school after 4pm, and one of the Thai teachers felt this was not right or appropriate and proceeded to impound the vehicle by attaching a padlock and chain to it, an altercation ensued; resulting in Pattaya's finest being summoned to the school to resolve the impasse.

    The OP wrote 'at the back of the school'. This implies that it was on the school grounds. If not, the OP should have written, 'behind the school' or otherwise made it clear that it was not on school property. Regardless of where it was, I really doubt the teacher decided to lock up the bike without any reason. Alas we do not know as we have very little to go on here.

    Obviously they advised the errant Thai teacher to unlock the aforementioned motor cycle, regrettably, prior the their arrival a group of students had gathered round and tried to remove the locking device, resulting in damage to the teachers clamping equipment. Language not suitable for young children was being thrown around by all and sundry, (in Thai of course) and one of the students stupidly made an extremely rude gesture to the locking teacher.

    OK, so now we have a group of students demanding that the bike be released and damaging the locking device. Bad language was used by all parties, and a student used a rude gesture. Gosh, sounds like a real upstanding group of students so far.

    At the school assembly yesterday the "new low" was achieved, when any student who was guilty "of being in possession of being a farang" and anywhere near the incident was unceremoniously hauled before the whole school and publicly humiliated for causing the Thai teachers to lose face.

    Let's just skip 'Possession of a farang'. Perhaps instead of being punished for making a teacher lose face they were punished for surrounding the teacher, damaging the locking device, and using 'rude gestures.' Just an idea.

    According to my sources, the justice was swift and obviously totally fair, the Thai teacher was praised by his Thai colleagues and the student was suspended for 1 week.

    Well, so from the description so far the student sounds like a jerk. We really don't have enough info here to condemn either party, but from what the OP says the students don't sound entirely innocent at all.

    This follows hot on the heals of girls bags being searched for illegal items (mobile phones, Ipods, make up etc etc) in the classrooms by the Thai teachers, also girls and boys having their finger nails cut (drawing blood on some of the farang students), boys having their hair hacked off from behind because it covered their ears, etc etc, the rationale for this being. the Ministry of Education might visit.

    Students belongings can be searched in many, many countries, including such bastions of liberty as the USA. The cutting of fingernails and hair is not acceptable--now we are getting warm.

    Will advise more when I get further info, but would think parents need to visit this school and see for themselves

    From what I have read on this thread it sounds like the school and students deserve each other.

    Sounds like some valied points here. :o

  15. When she reaches pension age she can get an NI number, without going to the UK. They said this could be done purely to enable them to pay her a pension.

    god bless the outstanding generosity of the selfless british taxpayer for services above and beyond.

    i am sure that they will be most gratified to know that people who have never set foot in the british isles will be able to draw a pension , even as pensioners in the uk , some of whom have actually paid contributions and taxes , struggle to exist on the pittance paid out there as an excuse for a pension.

    rule brittania.

    Wow! Britain sounds like one crazy country :o

  16. Is it true that the teachers can hit the pupils here ?

    I don,t know if it is POLICY but my own child ( P3............. has certainly been struck on the head with a book on several occasions by a male Thai teacher.

    This really surprises me knowing the way Thai people feel about the head!

  17. Yesterday I went to Fascino Pharmacy to buy baby aspirin and was given baby Aspent M. :o I said to the girl I want aspirin not Aspent M and she said Aspent M is aspirin. I'm not sure about this - can anyone confirm? :D

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