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Posts posted by percy2

  1. I see many reasons why this would not work but I will quickly only point out two:

    1) We have a saying in the USA about our guns: “I will not give up my gun until you can pry my cold dead fingers away from it.”

    (Then again we shoot a lot better than you Brits do, isn’t that what won our freedom in the first place?)

    :o:D:D:D [/size][/font]

    Sorry Dingdong, but it wasnt the dissatified colonialists who won the war of Independence, it was the lunatic german sitting on the throne of England at the time that took the decision that the USA was worth keeping.

    As for the Bull...t about " " I will not give up my gun until until you can pry it from my dead fingers", well that sounds like a nice line from a John Wayne film, but Waynes films were fiction, just like the man himself.

    I can well understand why a Guy with a girls name would want to change his name to a masculine name like John Wayne and present himself as a tough guy and Hero, what I dont understand is why this man with a girls name who never ever seved even one day in the armed forces of his country is regarded as the ultimate hero and patriot by millions of citizens across the USA.

    For me you can keep your independence, unfortunately the term "land of the free" is nothing but a catchy logo these days,

    apparently the USA government has stated that there are 15 milllion illlegal immigrants within it borders at this time, as the USA cannot maintain its own borders it is rediculious for it to act as the worlds policemen.

    Like many I supported the original reasons given for intervening in Iraq right up until the USA and the uk ( where I live) resored to kidnapping people from their homeland and taking them to countries around the world where they have been held and tortured without trial for years, Land of the Free ? Utter <deleted>.

    America was once respected as a world leader, unfortunately it has become little more than a massive PR company, driven by greed and political spin rather than the old fashioned values it was founded upon.

    Bush Junior is not a patch on his father who was a fine statesman, i fit wasnt for his father's achievements I doubt the son could have ever got into politics much less to the very top.

    Sad to say I dont know that the two current contenders are going to be much of an improvement, neither seem to have managed to come across with any policies of note, the sadest part of this coming election s that race appears to be the major issue rather than fought on the best policies, I am grateful that Mrs Clinton didnt get the ticket though.

    I am not anti american, or anti any other country for that matter, but I am critical of the leaders of quite a few Countries

    incuding my own.

    When leaders stop leading by example then the world is a much poorer place.

    Roy gsd

    Hey lighten up, this is for jokes and humorous postings , not serious political debate.


  2. Go Here

    Right click on English (United Kingdom)

    Save as (somewhere you can remember)

    Then in TB Tools - Add ons - Install

    Then click Preferences (options may be your poison) Composition - Spelling - tick Enable Spell Check as you type

    Make sure the dictionary is set to English / United Kingdom.


  3. Point of order dingdong - who is this "we" who supposedly shoot better than Brits? Well, Brits, of course, which is what they were, then. Anyway, marksmanship had nothing to do with it. The French helped the British rebels who started that particular civil war (war of independance my foot) and without them you'd now be in the commonwealth. Don't forget that.

    Another point of order; Toronto is indeed in America, North America. The United States is just one part of America, made up of North America, Central America and South America. Last time I looked at Google Earth Canada was indeed still in North America.

    The old gun chestnut comes out again......you've just had eight years of a clown who has single handedly and systematically removed many of your freedoms, destroyed your economy, lined the pockets of his cronies and introduced a new word into the vocabulary (nucular). You all bleat on about needing guns to keep the Government in line or whatever bullshit yet not one of you has had the guts to pick up your precious firearm and put one between dickheads eyes. Don't make me laugh about guns. We all know they're just substitues for small American dicks.

    Sorry it was not a civil war - or indeed a war of independence. It should be described as a temporarily successful insurgency by armed representatives or terrorists.


  4. #15 isn't necessary. The Queen is the largest shareholder in the Bank of England, which indirectly controls the 'Fed'.

    Taxes have always been promptly collected :o

    Nice joke, though...

    I didn't realize the Windsor's were related to the Rothschild's.


  5. When clicking "view new post" normally the post you have already read are greyed out.

    The last couple of days this is not happening with some posts.

    An easy example is if I post in a thread myself it sometimes is not greyed out and marked read, where obviously this is not the case.

    Any ideas what is wrong?

    Nothing I can think of has changed on my side.


  6. When you do post a joke let me know :o


    Did you hear about the one where the Brit was walking down the road with a pig under his arm?

    Is this the one that ends

    "And we grow them the size that fits our mouths a well!"



  7. I like to see you say that to my face, but I think you better have a few to get yourself brave enough.


    Some people crack me up!


    On a more serious note , I wish it had have been a dry day.

    My head is thumping and I only had 3 pints.


  8. Bangyai seems to know his stuff.

    Quite frankly I don't see the immediate future of Thailand as particularly good. Although Taksin had his faults, I think he could have helped propel Thailand into the international scene at some point or other and I don't think the road would have been too rough. At the other end of the spectrum you have a sort of small town protectionist nationalism all tied into the "status quo".

    This quite frankly I find worrying.

    The fact I have lived here mostly for the past twenty years and at present am hedging my bets, making sure I have property and funds overseas to fall back on are perhaps some indication of the way I feel at present. Even if it isn't necessary in the long run I can at least have a nice retirement split between 2 countries. Hey I'm sure most of the Thai elite have the same setup. See them there, I guess!


    in the time you have been here you have seen Thailand before Thaksin.

    It seemed to be doing OK then.

    I'm sure it will do OK again when he's not around.


  9. Really depends on which side you support as to whether they are "armed representatives" (quite like the term) "freedom fighters" or "terrorists"


    Dead also works quite well, especially when it preceeds "terrorist" or "armed representative.".

    I'm not sure what you are trying to say.


  10. Thaksin was like a cancer to this country.

    You can never forget you had cancer, and there's always a chance it will be back.

    Tony Clifton.

    Tony Clifton is a fictional character ...antithesis of the sweet, gentle character
    Clifton was a staggeringly untalented
    Clifton also tended to randomly insult
    For a brief time, it was unclear to some that Clifton was not a real person.

    So we know who Tony Clifton is, but who is Andy Kaufman? :o


    Edit spelling

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