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Everything posted by steven100

  1. stupid comment, but I wouldn't expect any less from you.
  2. it's a bit pathetic and an insult to everyone's intelligence ..... I trust him, I trust trust the president of the US, We all want peace, Russia wants peace, Donald Trump wants the war to end, Vance knows everything in the world ..... IT REALLY HAS GOTTEN PATHETIC .... imo
  3. There is so much fake and bs talk now .... everyday on the WH it's just so much lies. he trusts him the same as a cobra snake
  4. Correct ..... they're just ex-cons ....no professionalism whatsoever ...
  5. and yes, he's a silly old fool, I hope he learnt a valuable lesson from it .... otherwise he won't be around to see next year ....
  6. ok, enough said Nick, I respect your comment & opinion. I have mine. cheers ...
  7. well possibly, but the guy is a 63yr old and drunk, maybe he could have wrestled him to the ground and restrain him.... he's not a security guard's ars_hole like the rest of them in Thailand.
  8. he should de-escalate the situation .... he's nothing more than a thai THUG ... probably an ex-con or drug dealer
  9. I don't care what you say .... I stand by my original comment !!! period.
  10. nonsense, you have to know there attitude toward farang and how they act. I've been here a long time and I know how they think, oh' sorry, their Buddhism doesn't include security guards, how silly of me. Lol
  11. I got this one especially for you .... this is your national hero Lol ... this is for you Harrisfan and your hero
  12. TIT ..... anything goes ...it doesn't matter. Nothing, absolutely nothing shocks me here anymore. if you know Thai people. you will understand.
  13. oh' you decided to come back ... it's a stupid thread ... not sure why you wanted to stir up antagonism by posting it, i'll bet it gets shut down.
  14. sorry Yellowtail, I just don't understand , in Australia we don't left or right, I just think of practical common sense.
  15. I think give it 3-6 months and Trump trash will get a bit of a shock from everywhere .... he'll come to realize what damage he's done, hopefully. Unfortunately, I love America and Americans, it's sad to see this happen.
  16. yes, this is where Australia & the US should tread very lightly, I think Trump trash doesn't care about bases in Australia or anywhere else , or anything like that, he want's to stop the bleeding, and rightly so, but it has to be in non critical areas, certainly not military bases, Albanese better high tail over to Trump trash and do some explaining. This is a critical bad situation for Australia, and I hope that they all understand that ...... if China decides to bomb Darwin ... Australia wouldn't last 2 days maybe ... This really is a sad turning point if the US does not support Australia. It will only escalate... imo
  17. and Trump trash wants to recover all the military equipment that was left there, have you ever heard of such a ridiculous in all your life ....... I mean, it's all gone, used , wrecked, vandalized, scrummaged, unusable ...... what a pathetic thing to say .... just shows his IQ ...
  18. ............. but there's 8 more in my soi
  19. very correct and well said .... That Vance must be the biggest clown I have ever seen ...... what an imbecile he is !
  20. Absolutely correct ....
  21. I wonder will they have another meeting or has Zelensky gone back to Ukraine. ?
  22. you really are baiting. Best to relax and have a beer.
  23. Anyway, i'm not a left or right wing or whatever, but it'll be interesting to see what eventuates over the next few days.
  24. haha .... The antagonists all disappeared ....
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