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Everything posted by steven100

  1. why are you saying ' bikes ' ? because the headline ask's what device .
  2. this is correct and i have used this method every time
  3. China or China, China, China or maybe China .....
  4. agree Korat, some on here think everything is perfect everyday ... they need to take their rose colored glasses off and get out into the real world of thais.
  5. It's simply a case of they don't like someone who knows the ropes, who knows what Thais are really made of .... they prefer a green naive newby so they can do what they do best ... you know what i mean !
  6. if you don't let us in to gamble we'll sing like a canary !!
  7. Thais want justice ! ban the farang .... kick them out !! revoke the visas .... don't come to Thailand foreigners '''' Thais want you out !! .............
  8. I hope he got a pair that were of similar quality & value
  9. I hear ya ' I don't make the rules here .... I guess some like no shoes and some don't care ... like everything here ... nothing consistent
  10. when you have a shop with clean shiny floor tiles you don't want sand and grit and gravel coming in regularly, also tiny gravel can scratch the floor, hence minimize sweeping so it's not done every ten minutes. But they still maintain a clean environment.
  11. the shop is sick of sweeping the floor every time a customer enters .... they bring sand, dirt, gravel etc .... so that's why they like to have no shoes inside.
  12. this demonstrates how this society as responsible parenting has failed dismally. * if those teens were raised by proper parents they would certainly not let this happen. * every parent of each teen boy should be ashamed and disgusted at themselves as misassemble failures as family heads.
  13. Why hasn't this been address by Big Joke and/or the PM ..... this really is a sickening horrible thing for the poor girl to encounter .... I'd be pushing this with the government and opposition party to get action !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. what on earth has that got to do with two NZ guys wrestling a cop in Thailand ....... geeeze ........... the mind boggles !
  15. BBC breaking news Headlines : A farang located in Northern Thailand has caused a massive out of control fire which has engulfed an entire village burning everything in it's path
  16. what will you say to the police if the village burns down ?
  17. so did it take all those policemen in the photo to catch two farangs sitting at home
  18. the locals all knew you wanted to make a name for yourself ...... but they didn't realize that meant burning down their entire village !!
  19. yes Denim, what horrible situation for that poor girl. Those teens must be animals ....
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