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Posts posted by a99az

  1. The old cliche saying holds true....Don't spend more (invest) in Thailand than you can afford to safely walk away from. The clothes on your back, credit card and passport is all you need to walk or in my case drive away. If you don't abide by this simple rule then Sum num na when it falls apart.

    In fact the saying goes "don't lend what you can't afford to lose".

  2. I do feel for the man and hope that things turn out for the best. It sound very odd that his wife would sell her house for so little and I wonder what the real motives where. Now she is locked up, lost her children and has lost what looks like a great life with all she could want. Got to add that I would never trust anyone in the land of smiles as it's throughly corrupt and life has no value.

  3. On my first visit to Surat Thani I saw boats loading they even had a 4X4 across the bow of one boat that looked very overloaded it had no life rings and I could see no safety equipment there was a number of western tourists waiting to get a boat I pointed out the fact that this looked unsafe but they where not worried. Having been captain of a tour boat in Europe I found it most disturbing but I soon came to see that this was the norm in Thailand. Not much has changed over the years.

  4. This reminds me of the old joke about brains in a jar. I was being taken around a famous medical facility and I saw a number of brains in jars they where all labelled in detail with where they where taken from and price. What struck me was the disparity between the British brain at $2000 and the African brain at $25000. I asked my guide why such a difference? He said " the African one had, had little use where as the British one was over used and worn out.

    But back to the subject I guess he wound be feeling himself for a while after the op.

  5. "We can't disclose details [of the test results] yet as it may affect ongoing investigations," assistant national police chief Lt-General Prawut Thavornsiri said yesterday."

    HaHa Thats got to be a first!!!

    As for the DNA from a well handled bank note that should go a long way to prove 0. They could match it up with all the other DNA that was hosed down immediately after the bang. Toy Town cops and robbers.

  6. Anyone who has put their money in U.S. or any other stock market since 2008 with the Fed and the U.S, Treasury trading debt for the electronic printing of worthless money by the Billions and Billions to infuse the stock market is a DIM BULB... There is no such thing as a free lunch... Not to mention the cases of insider trading using all sorts of schemes revealed over the past 7 years ...

    And people still trust putting money into the stock market ..!!! Fricken Amazing ...

    Stock market or bank what's the difference?

    The only stock I buy is gold bullion (the real stuff you can hold in your hand) houses and can beens. only a loon would lend a bank any real money as for gambling on the stock market I leave that to the boys who can afford to lose and lose big.

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