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Posts posted by a99az

  1. Perhaps he meant a "wired" bomb? not a "wide" one wai2.gif

    I very tried - read bat news too mut

    They said the leads had gone cold - but this discovery would have been the best source of info that could get.

    Finger prints, witnesses, clothing, source of materials etc

    Should be good but alas the bomb squad has cleaned it up and have it in pride of place in the mess.

  2. These are used a lot in Spain and sadly many have died being trapped inside unable to get out. I have seen this on Spanish TV years ago. Rejas are good at keeping people out but also keep people in too. So if you use them make sure they can open from inside.

  3. Are well still allowed to wear protective jackets and helmets while riding motorbikes in thailand?

    Unbelievable this will get the HK tourists back.

    What a ridiculous thing to post. You either have poor reading comprehension or are just trolling.

    Ballistic vests are designed to offer protection from bullets and are devices which must be authorized for possession. Whether or not you agree with the law is not the point of the original article.

    Thailand is not the only country that does this, in this thread alone, Hong Kong and the U.S. also implement something similar.

    The irony here is that it would seem the journalist in question doesn't have the proper paperwork for possession in HK as was described in detail by another poster.

    What a crock of b...s... why should you need a licence to own a jacket made of anything!!!! Only police etc can protect themselves now.

  4. He's right that he would have been criticized for leaving blood and body parts in the streets ... but it seems to me a better priority balance could have been managed of collecting all possible evidence first and I also still don't get the wild rush to reopen so soon.

    Body parts removal can be done by experts, without wiping out the entire place for evidence, don't forget, all these body parts are also "evidence", as soon as the human remains had been removed, the crime scene should have been slosed off and a finger tip, fine tooth comb search of the area conducted, 3KG's of explosive would give you a pretty good indication of a detonation zone, at least 100M's all around SHOULD have been cordoned off.. it wasn't.

    Shades of Koh Tao here, in that they were/are far too concerned about the impact of tourism, over gathering up all the evidence piece by piece.

    Don't forget, this Somyot bozo stated it was a "special bomb" that left no trace, and that's why the place was cleaned faster than a short time hotel room!! What complete and utter crap, there is no such thing as a bomb that leaves zero evidence!!!!

    it's one of those lose-lose situations now.

    Either they can now be accused of being incompetent, or they can be accused of hiding something.

    (ps; just my gut feeling, but I would put my money on incompetence... )

    What do you me ether!! Incompetent coverup works well.

  5. Just goes to show how little they know. Also shows The classic Thai thinking process and how people rise to a position with little or no knowledge of the job in hand. No one would step forward and say "er sorry boss but what about all the forensic evidence that needs to be collected?" No just a yes man who tasks another yes man and the evidence is gone. What lessons will be learnt? None. No he can defend his actions therefore it OK.

  6. From the Concise Oxford Dictionary...


    · v. (identifies, identified)
    1 establish the identity of.
    2 recognize or select by analysis.
    3 (identify someone/thing with) associate someone or something closely with.
    (identify with) regard oneself as sharing the same characteristics or thinking as (someone else).

    Well give the Bib a break they got (2) Recognised a red shirt and a yellow shirt. Toss them a peanut 10/10 goto the top of the farce force.

  7. 23 country's (many first world with good intel) issue warnings and consider this an internal problem. Thailand's response that it is a foreigner and sure as s*^+ won't ever admit that they have an internal problem to them selves so no chance that will consider this as being internal publicly.

    So I guess they are looking for a French IS guy who got lost on his way to the holy war outstanding.

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