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Posts posted by a99az

  1. Isn't it possible to move back to the UK for a few months...get your pension back in line then head back to Thailand?

    Worth doing perhaps every few years...

    While back in the UK you will get full pension with all entitlements but on moving back to Thailand your pension reverts to what it was on the initial claim.

    Sorry they got you all ways.


    Just keep your habitual residence in the UK or Europe like everyone else!!!

  2. Being able to speak thai is important for 2 things, dealing with rogue police and for random dinner table chat. Thats it really. I think most thais prefer it when they think farangs are 'fresh' and dont speak thai (especially potential dates)

    Ever been in an accident? Found yourself alone on a small Thai road at midnight looking for a way home?

    Gone to a medical service provider who did not speak English? Had to deal with utilities like phone or internet or electricity or water on the phone? Ever tried to describe what was wrong with your car? Ever bought insurance? Ever tried to get a refund? I could go on. Not speaking Thai is like being deaf and dumb in Thailand.

    So a great place if you are deaf and dumb then?

  3. Being a senior or top gun in a respected organisation must bring with it pride and creditability. But being top fly on a turd brings nothing but contempt.

    So instead of saying "do what I say and not what I do" maybe he along with his crones could begun by setting an exemplary example instead of using there position to evade prosecution for things like drunken driving, and running red lights etc. But I think I am beatdeadhorse.gif it's never going to change here all the time they have a hole in there bum.

  4. Well well what do you know when the police have to put up or shut up they have absolutely <deleted> all worth a rub. So I guess we will soon see an eye whiteness step forward for the police or who knows some Devine intervention to provide them with a conviction. After all they can't be seen to be what they are and I can't say it or I could be arrested too. Thailand is a scary place these days.

    Welcome to the fold O Enlightened One.

    No thanks I moved out two years ago when having lived there for a few years I released that to live in Thailand one could not expect to see real justice or be treated in any way other than a foreigner / sucker ready to be taken advantage of.

  5. Well well what do you know when the police have to put up or shut up they have absolutely <deleted> all worth a rub. So I guess we will soon see an eye whiteness step forward for the police or who knows some Devine intervention to provide them with a conviction. After all they can't be seen to be what they are and I can't say it or I could be arrested too. Thailand is a scary place these days.

  6. That was quick or maybe the headlines are crossed. I thought that the Greeks had to make it in Greek law and then after this the EU would take them seriously and start to help them. So it a done deal !! Me thinks this is not going to last long. What happened about the Greeks being out of the Euro for five years? Why did the Greeks have a referendum if they are now going to do what the EU asked for in the first place, all this shows is that the Greeks are clearly not able so sort themselves. Guess we will soon see Greeks in the street protesting that they have been betrayed by there government.

  7. It's always a bit sad when families make the big move but it's often for the best to head west (well it's west to the UK) to a land of Political correctness, good schools, and a sense of fairness. We are glad we made the move and will look forward to our visit in two weeks safe in the knowledge that we will be going back to stable street UK.

  8. Hi Jay,

    In answer to your post this is I think a company who are doing some leg work for couples who want to enter the UK. It looks like the EU route but you do not need to use them as it is very straight forward to do it oneself. It is free and as I said relatively simple however the UK are starting to view the EU route differently. Where before you only need to become resident in any EU country until your Thai wife had her EU residents card (about 12 weeks) then get a Family Visa (free) to the UK.

    Now the UK want to try to apply the rule differently, they want you the British subject to now be resident in the EU longer (there is talk of 6 months ) they would also want to see that the British subject was settled there in the full sense i.e. home bank etc they call it centre of life they even expect that you would be involved in charity work too. You should not own a property in the UK or have a Bank in the UK.

    The EU court through this out and not surprisingly. To start with there is nothing in law to prevent a foreign person owing a property in the UK or having a bank account there so why should any British person who is working away in Europe?

    What ever the fact is the EU route is alive and well but you do need to get your skates on as there are changes in the air and I feel it won't take long before they come into force.

    I am so glad we did it back in 2012 now we can relax my wife can stay now as long as she wants she only has to renew her residents card every 5 years.

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