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Posts posted by a99az

  1. Some of you guys are really slow to think today , is it really so hard to understand ? The guy just looked like the one in the video , he was nowwhere near the shrine. Since there is a manhunt for a young guy wearing a yellow shirt he went to the police.

    Absolutely correct. This guy is not the perp.

    It says in his post that he was teaching when it happened. Presumably in a school or language center with Thai staff and in front of students.

    He can easily account for his whereabouts at the time some other guy in a yellow shirt was planting a bomb at the Erawan shrine.

    If someone showed me a picture of myself circulating on Facebook / social media accusing me of this, and I wasn't responsible and could prove it, I would have gone to the cops also.


    Are you nuts going to the police here when you know they need a goat to through to the wolves. I would be shitting my self and thinking of my best way to get my self as I make my way to the Embassy first to give a full statement and want a whiteness with me at all times when interviewed by Thai Bib.

    I would also try to ensure that the interview was done at the Embassy.

  2. Start by making sure the paths are kept completely clear at all times and are wide enough for at least two people to walk side by side.

    Having to step out onto the road every five meters because of a M/C or car parked on the path of some shop has taken the path to display there wears is the biggest piss off.

  3. Having lived in Spain for 27 years I can say that there are a number of +. If you are a Brit you can get you pension index linked you can work and buy very cheap housing (at the moment) in your name.

    As for weather I love the south in winter had many Christmas dinners on the patio August can be very hot so good if you are on the costa.

    Trips back to and from the UK are easy and can be cheap by air. Hospitals are very good have been treated there for Crones and a busted ankle. Once you have you residence/ Spanish ID it's free. Just make sure you register with sat the doctors.

    In fact Spain would be my first choice I only lived here after marrying my Thai wife now we live in the UK and spend spar time at our place in Spain when we are not visiting family in Thailand.

    And as an add on the roads are better and safer but don't offer the BIB there 400฿ unless you want to spend time waiting to see the judge.

    I pay no tax on my home there ether.

  4. after the 2nd world wars.... some intelectuel people, predict, said that the next wars in the future will be religion wars...and it unfortunetly today looks like it, all over the planet.

    the integrisme, the jihadism principally with all those fanatics are going to make us mad.

    like carl marx said: religion is the opium of the people.

    to stop this we have to scheck what all these human crasy preachers, in their privat "sacred" temple says to the mass and we will have to make responsible all government or privat people who permit that kind of death propaganda.

    we also have to educate our children at school and to explain the religions in general to make them understand them to avoid some stupid use that for their criminal ideas.


    Bit late me thinks!!

  5. He did not elaborate the nationality of the suspect but said the bomb attack might be a retaliation to the recent operation of the Thai government.

    Is the head of the Army himself is speculating here ? He really should keep his mouth closed until the evidence has been gathered and the investigations complete, pretty sure he did the same thing with the Samui bombing as well.

    Seems that when it's senior Army and police making such statements, it's acceptable, but when it's members of TVF, they're labelled "conspiracy theorists" by a certain section of the forum.

    Lets hope this isn't a prelude to more attacks, nothing but a cowardly and despicable act as it was.

    Did I just hear another big bang?

  6. Easy solution make sure that every illegal immigrant has no rights to housing, food, hand outs, medicine, jobs, state funds, grants, or benefits of any kind. And ensure that every one of them found is blacklisted for not going through the proper channels to enter the EU.

    I'm confident that this with extremely large fines for anyone employing, helping, or housing them would bring an immediate halt to the exodus.

    What we need to fully understand is that they will keep coming until they cause the collapse of our way of life most don't want to adopt our values or become part of our society just suck us dry.

    You will still have the problem of the legal millions that are outbreeding the host country at an alarming rate and creating virtual countries within countries.

    Sure and what they eat when breading? Start moving them back to where they started. Spain did this by offering south americans there ticket and a small sum of money to go back and not return/ it worked well.

  7. Easy solution make sure that every illegal immigrant has no rights to housing, food, hand outs, medicine, jobs, state funds, grants, or benefits of any kind. And ensure that every one of them found is blacklisted for not going through the proper channels to enter the EU.

    I'm confident that this with extremely large fines for anyone employing, helping, or housing them would bring an immediate halt to the exodus.

    What we need to fully understand is that they will keep coming until they cause the collapse of our way of life most don't want to adopt our values or become part of our society just suck us dry.

  8. I see another legal challenge;

    These 11 were sentenced to death. Their incarceration was pending their deaths and not a sentence in of itself. The death penalty no longer exists in the state. Thus their current incarceration is redundant. They can't have another trial just to change the sentence because of double jeopardy.

    Then nothing has changed they are pending death "old age".

  9. Seriously his has to be a "wind up" who could dream this up. How about starting with a real driving test and apply the rule of the road. Give everyone six months to do the new test then revolt the licences of those who fail or do not take it. The roads would be half empty with many holding no new licence.

    There is no point in going into all the mad stunts I have seen here on the roads the list would be endless and I am sure everyones already familiar with the loons on the road.

  10. Should be executed immediately. What ever

    Happened to enemy of the country. To much

    PC bull SH.. Not enough common sence. A traitor !!

    I fully agree just knock him off after fully questioning him the hard way along with all his contacts no need to make a noise about it problem solved. I'ed have no problem with doing it if you guys don't have the stomach for it. Do you think IS have got where they have by being soft and understanding?

  11. I will make this simple.

    You live and work in Southern Ireland (now the UK want you to be there for 6 months) with the family then you get family permit to the UK (free) as a Brit you need no money savings or a home you could in fact fall onto the state with no problems. They want to see that you had your centre of life in the EU before the move they don't want you to hold a UK bank account, house so don't show this if you have it.

    They want to see that you had your centre of life in the EU before the move they don't want you to hold a UK bank account or house so don't show this if you have it.

    It is easy so don't worry we did it.

  12. So I take it the 40 yr old man was the 1 in question who almost made it to uk but appears in court guess where uk so indeed he did make it rofl.

    Yes he made it and will now be a guest in the UK with all the benefits until his situation is clarified some time in the distant future when he will then be savvy enough to have made a real home from home at our F****** expense and flame human rights. Time to take a leaf out of the Swedish book and start to remove some of them from the streets, boom boom. This scum needs to see that we don't want them.

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