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Sick Boy

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Posts posted by Sick Boy

  1. Shows that "Plumbers Crack" a lot, does he?  Don't tell Thaiquila or he'll be over to Phuket for a visit! :o

    they use me for the community bike rack in Phuket - my record is 7 mountain bikes and a Honda wave.


  2. A couple of months back I was down at Suan Plu immigration applying for my extension. In front of me in the queue was a barefoot, be-dreaded, funky smelling chap.

    He seemed oblivious to the stares of disbelief being directed at him. I was looking forward to the reaction from the immigration official once he reached the counter but unfortunately his mate, none too clean either, came up and whispered something in his ear. A look of confusion and bewilderment came over what I assumed was his face and then he wandered off outside. Maybe his friend informed him that they were all out of banana pankakes. :o

  3. Dr. Pat once told that where he was at school, education could go hang

    as long as a boy could hit a six, sing the school song very loud,

    and take a hot crumpet from behind without blubbing.

    I, on the other hand, am a fully rounded human being with

    a degree from the university of life, a diploma from the school of hard knocks,

    and three gold stars from the kindergarten of getting the shit kicked out of me.


  4. My skin is far too thick for me to get pissed off by some casual remark, my friend.

    I will not tolerate some wanna be rambo slinging insults at me though.

    Oh, and I am having fun! :o

    I haven't seen anyone calling for GP to calm down at all. What's the deal there?

    Over 1000 posts of total <deleted> and nobody seems to care!

    Is he that messed up that you feel sorry for him?

    If that's the case then put the <deleted> out of his misery for <deleted>'s sake.

    Peace & Love.


  5. Lamphun, star, I had no idea who Georgie was until he felt it necessary to refer to me as stupid boy earlier today. I have no interest in his political stance or his physical condition.

    I do, however, take umbrage to his stupid insults to fellow board members.

    I have taken the time to read his earlier posts and found it very difficult to find one that doesn't contain the words "weenie basher", "pussy warrior", "moron" and "I'm a living legend".

    I will not refrain until this muppet is history.

  6. When I first joined this forum, I mentioned in some of my posts that I had been a Marine when I was younger and used to do martial arts as a hobby.

    Then one day I wrote a post about something in my real life.

    I happened to mention that I have been in ill health for many years; that I am almost crippled with arthritis.

    So what you are saying fatty is that you made up the shit about being a marine and the Bruce Lee stuff to try and compensate for your sad, pathetic existence.

    Then one day you slipped up and revealed the true raspberry that you are.

    Crystal, my son. Crystal.

    I doubt very much if anyone has ever PM'd you.

    Just another fantasy that you ....what do you call it????....Weenie bash to.

    Sad...so sad.... :o

  7. No, let's stick to bashing GP...he totally deserves it!! I'm sick of this prick launching into unprovoked slag-fests against anyone who doesn't wank off to pictures of Condeleeza Rice.

    Ex-marine!!! yeah..right. Martial artist!!! What <deleted>!!

    Come on Bruce Lee you rasberry ripple bring it on!!!

    This tosser has managed to get every thread he's been invovled with shut down.

    Sod off back to the bear pit or has Tukyleith banned you again?


  8. This is all Greek to me...... :D

    Every language is Greek to Stupid-Boy (except for Greek)! :o

    What IS your problem, sunshine??

    How does that nursery rhyme go again?

    Go on fatso, run away now. :D

  9. [All of this in Thai, aside from the suggested English language of course]

    Her: I want to SMS my boyfriend, tell him I love him VERY much, but in a nice way.

    Me: Ok.. how about: "I love you so much."

    Her: No, has to be more beautiful, more special.

    Me.. Ok.................. how about "I love you more than life"

    Her: Lie?

    Me: No: liFe, "chiwit", living, I love you more than my own life.

    Her: Lie.. Lwrie... Wrlie?

    Me: No "LIFE". Lie-FFFF

    Her: I love you more than... wrhlie.

    Me: Lie-FF

    Her: Lie.....FFFFFFFFFF

    Me: [wiping spit out of my eye] Yes!

    Her: .........You mean, "khao"........... ? [= RICE (!!!!!!!!!!!) ]

    Me: [Lauging].. No, "LIFE" not RICE. Not R-R-R RISSSSSSSE, L-L-LIFFFFE! Not same!

    Her: English words all sound the same. Ok, just type into my mobile.




    Nice one. Chanchao :o:D

  10. Now this is more like it!!! I'd almost given up on this forum with it's "Why is som tam so spicy?" and "Can you give me a job?" <deleted>.

    Who would have though that a thread concerning a crap excuse for a sandwich could provoke such an emotional reponse?

    Marmalite Moron...that's not bad coming from a septic.

    What kind of full grown man calls himself Georgie-Porgie, one might ask?

    A retarded fat one, I imagine.

    Anyway, it's all good clean fun! :o

    Over to you Bash. :D

  11. Ex soldier, eh, Bash?


    still serving mate, just back from a jolly in Nigeria, nasty place, used to be ok when we owned it though, and they didn't have guns of course


    I can imagine, mate. Who the <deleted> told em' that gauva halves and pointy sticks aren't that effective against SA80's?


  12. Glad to see brownstone is well versed in the origin of names.

    The gentleman seems to be an excellent product of the American Educational system.

    My dear chap - I am most offended!

    I am British you see; and was Managing Director of a large, majority British owned Company in Nigeria - quoted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange - for over 4 years.

    Interestingly our Auditors in Nigeria were the Deloittes local affiliate, and I called the senior Partner there a few minutes ago to renew acquaintance and ask if he had ever heard of Emeka Ohuche ... no prizes for guessing the answer.

    It seems too that the University of Michigan has somehow omitted his name from their register of Alumni, a major oversight one might say?

    Similarly an Internet search for his name only turns up the self serving puffery associated with the iKobo "Global Integrated Funds Transfer System".

    Well played, Brownstone!

  13. I considered using Ikobo myself but after doing a little due-dilligence and stumbling across posts such as these I don't think I'll bother now. Also I don't feel comfortable dealing with an organization that does it's banking in Antigua, something which it doesn't make perfectly clear.

    Despite the reservations I had about ikobo, I decided to give it a try anyway since I am located outside the US and it was exactly what I needed. Yesterday, my most important client attempted to make a purchase from me (for $200) using ikobo while I was present in his office. On the first screen he received after clicking on the payment link, along with the other information, such as name etc. it requested a password. He was confused by this because it was not at all clear if this was a password he was already supposed to have, or if it was one he should create, or why a password was required. The next screen he received after hitting the Submit button said that the account was "Blocked for security verification" or something to that effect. The rest of this screen was very confusing as it was not clear if the account that was blocked was the "account" of my client (he did not know he was creating an account) or my account as a merchant. From the wording, it appeared more likely that it referred to my merchant account (why the purchaser should receive this sceen intended for the merchant I do not know).

    The message on this screen said that he? should call customer service or send or fax them a message for security verification. We tried to call, but after an hour of trying, the number remained busy. Also, during the last month, I have tried to contact ikobo by email (3 times), and online chat (twice) and the only response that I have gotten from any of this was one automated reply from an autoresponder.

    From this experience it seems evident that ikobo is not really in the business of accepting payments, yet they continue to spam online forums with phony posts written in bad English praising ikobo attempting to induce people to visit their website (some of which appear on this forum). If their business is not actually receiving and transferring money as they claim, then what is it?

    They have the ideal setup for stealing credit card numbers since they get not only the number, but also the associated security information.

    Now my client and myself are living in mortal fear of what use they may make of his credit card number.

    It appears likely that it is a one man, or very small operation, because some portions of their website are written in imperfect english that is very similar to the style of the phony poster on these forums. Both appear to be written by the same person. Well, you know the old saying about things that appear to be too good to be true. What a shame! Too bad this service is not available from a legitimate provider.

    I setup my website to use ikobo. I email support with questions and it has taken up to 10 days to get a reply. I was told a month ago that my ikobo card was sent but still have no card. I emailed trying to get another card and did not get a reply. I have money I paid to test my system in my account and can not get it back without the card. I made four $10 purchases and my account says my balance is $20? I also noticed the site says that only $1,000 a month may be withdrawn from the account. What happens if you have a successful site that does $10,000 a month? I also noticed a pic of their "Visa" ATM card had no Visa logo on it.

    Stay away! ikobo is a nightmare!

    Wait until they freeze your account without explination!

    I am setting up a new site, verified my address with ikobo and hired a programmer to make an ipn script. The site is complete except for the ikobo ipn. Since I can not pay myself to test the script the programmer registered. The programmer could not use their ikobo account. After a week of mailing support they received no replies from ikobo. The only thing stopping me from launching my site was the testing of the ipn script. Then ikobo froze my account without explination! The ikobo info stated...

    "ikobo has developed an intelligent computer system that identifies suspicious activity. In some cases, the system will block accounts belonging to legitimate ikobo customers."

    Very intelligent! A system that can shut down your account and in effect shut down your site even if you are a legitimate customer. Then you have to wait a week or more for support to tell you that they are not allowed to tell you why the account was froze?

    You will find out for yourself some day! Do you want to use such an unstable unreliable company?

    Since y_us2 appears to be the self-appointed spokeman for Ikobo, (yet one wonders what his motiuvation is), would you care to comment? Time for some more damage control, don't you think?

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