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Sick Boy

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Posts posted by Sick Boy

  1. I have one. Bought it from Carefour on Srinakarin Rd. Fantastic bit of kit.

    I dare you, I just dare you to touch it. and give yourself a quick zap.

    I did.


    Never been the same since.

    My wife zaps me for fun.

    And then I punch her face in.....for fun. :o

  2. I overstayed 51 days late last year. I get harassed at every border and have had hassles getting a 60 day tourist visa and again getting my extension for 30 days at imm. clearly they do not like overstay

    So you cleared your overstay.... 3 or 4 months ago, yes?

    Since then you have visted every border? Why?, How?, Where?

    Please tell us which borders give you so much hassle. Or is it indeed every border?

    Allowing oneself to overstay is, as I'm sure everyone will agree, bloody stupid.

    However, I have never met anyone who has experienced discrimination for previous overstays in the 11 years I have lived here.

    Were you by chance wearing nothing but a bumbag on your border runs?

    Perhaps you don't feel it necessary to wear a shirt..... or shoes perhaps.

    Maybe your attitude towards our friends at immigration is the reason you've had problems.

    Clearly they do not like you.


  3. As I previously posted, a couple of weeks ago, ECSTASY KILLS!!!

    So does alcohol, mate. And on a much wider scale. I think you will find that alcohol abuse kills many more bods than ecstacy does.

    You're right when you say that dropping an 'E' is not the same as doing a couple of large scotches. The scotches are far more dangerous.

    What a strange world we live in, eh? :o

  4. Adjan....ummm.... ' eating ' one's girlfriend is an English language colloquial term for oral sex. She holds her likker by the ears  :o

    Exactly. And usually as a prelude to "font l'amour." :D

    And I thought that the French were supposed to be great lovers. :D

    Looks like we could teach em' a few things, eh Dr. Pat?


  5. In truth my French is limited to "le chat est sur la table" & "Pierre mange Marie-Cluade".

    Over to you adjan jb.  :D

    I can understand why the cat is on the table. But I really don't understand why Pierre is eating Marie-Claude.

    "Pierre et Marie-Claude font l'amour" would make more sense. :D

    It's called fore-play, adjan. :o

  6. French:

    cult art = art de culte

    design culture = culture de conception

    a sparkling crystal = un cristal de scintillement


    cult art = arte di cult

    design culture = coltura di disegno

    a sparkling crystal = un cristallo scintillante

    There you go mate.

  7. I always tip in restaurants unless the service is especially bad and usually a 20 baht note in the hand of the waiter/waitress for themselves. I will also tip the car park attendant another 20 baht although I prefer it when they don't lift up the windscreen wipers!

    Taxis...sometimes but only small change.

    For a fare of 62 baht they happily accept Bt60.

    I don't know how you would get a fare of 62 baht since the meter starts at 35 and increses in 2 baht increments. But yeah, for a fare of 61 or even 63 the driver will often give you 40 baht change out of a 100.

    Some of the attendants hanging around the car park at Don Muang take the piss.

    For simply helping you lift your luggage out of your boot on to the trolley, uninvitedly I might add, will moan at anything less than a hundred. So now they get a sincere "Kop khun maak khrap" if they do insist on lugging my bags a distance of 3 feet.

    Most service staff rely on tips to survive. The often pitiful wages from their establishments are hardly enough to live on which is why so many protested over the early closing crap. The government seemed to think that these employees would be grateful for working less hours. Brain-dead muppets!

    At the same time I don't like to feel that I'm expected to tip every time. Like I said, I will tip for a decent service and I agree one should not over tip.

  8. Huski, that was you that drove your bike off the end of the pier?? Wow, that was about 10 years ago? Still doing stupid stuff huh?

    You're correct about the time sbk. The bike incident was about 10 years ago. Doubt if it was Huski though, that was me just messing around.

    Sorry Huski, don't wanna get you blamed for every crazy stunt. :o

    I take it that you were on the island around that time sbk?

  9. Against all protocol, he reached in to grab the conch and.....wham! The clam snapped shut trapping his hand inside.

    similar to something that happen to me at soi cowboy...i didn't have to cut my hand off, just pay bar.

    Brilliant!! :o:D

  10. I once met this crazy Frenchman who lived on Koh Tao in a small house he built on top of a large rock.

    Now this chap was a keen diver and the story goes that on one of his excursions he noticed a beautiful conch shell sitting on the bottom inside a gaping giant clam. Now these things are huge and weigh several hundred pounds. Against all protocol, he reached in to grab the conch and.....wham! The clam snapped shut trapping his hand inside. With only limited air left the Frenchman had one of two choices, drown or.......

    So he took out his shark knife strapped to his leg and hacked his hand off just above the wrist.

    He now sports a nice shiny hook which he claims is useful for dragging moray eels out of their lairs.


    c'est la vie.

  11. He sounds a real classic sbk. Did he do himself in ?

    no, i'm still here...but i really thought the police were after me, sorry about that sbk

    Superb!! :o

    Remember that time you drove that motorbike off the end of the pier, Huski, then reported it nicked the next day?

    Classic :D

    Oh, the halcyon, carefree days on Pha Ngan :D

  12. There is an increasingly growing school of thought that suggests that the legalisation of all drugs may be the only responsible solution.

    The "war on drugs" is lost. It was doomed right from the start as prohibtion proved in the 20's. The United States alone spends billions of dollars a year on their campaign to keep narcotics of the streets. They have failed miserably as has the rest of the world. Taksin claiming that Thailand is drug free is beyond ridiculous. People will never stop using drugs whatever the penalties and so they are often forced to deal with dangerous criminals who supply substandard product at hugely inflated prices.

    Why not pull the rug out from under the feet of the drug lords and use the trillions of dollars generated for education and rehabiltation?

    Worth pondering.

  13. Has anyone come across any Peter Sellers movies on DVD on their travels around Bangkok?

    Caught a few clips during the Oscars ceremony where Blake Edwards was recognized for a lifetime achievement. About bloody time!

    That clip where Inspector Clouseau destoys the piano in .......(which movie?)

    Posh bird: "That was a priceless Steinway!"

    IC: "Not any more." :o:D:D

    I'm would love to add the Pink Panther movies to my collection. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


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