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Posts posted by dumball

  1. Mozart is relaxing , do you have any Pavarotti ? I have found in the past that they do not like him , when they did not respond to a pleasant " Please turn it down " , I would give them a loud blast of Luciano at his best and away would go the noise . Does not work on my wife though , she just sings along with him and gets on with what she was doing , like clanging the pots in the sink 555 .

  2. 'Tolley' timestamp='1305247445' post='4420177']'dumball' timestamp='1305161020' post='4417637']

    'Tolley' timestamp='1305079164' post='4415649']

    I rarely have problems in Thailand with loose bowel movements.

    The food by and large is no more unhygenic than what you might eat in the west.

    Your particular case sounds more serious as others have stated.

    Anything more than a week of loose stools requires urgent medical attention.

    It is a known fact that diarrhea is a problem in Asia , Asians are not to be considered in many instances to be hygienic , one of the side effects is that Asians do not suffer as much with colon cancer as those in the west due to their colons being purged on a regular basis , no matter how you paint it , diarrhea happens to many travelers and expats in Thailand .

    That is a wacky theory.

    Diarrhea as a preventative for colon cancer.

    What is probably more likely is much lower intakes of dairy and red meat and higher fish consumption.

    Some preventative measures you can take are to eat yougurt, or yakult and line your system with good bacteria.

    It is not a ' Wacky theory' , I read this in a medical journal many years ago , I did not say it was a preventative measure for colon cancer , if you read again I said it is a side effect , not the same thing at all . Diarrhea is a common problem amongst Asians due to some of the food they consume , it is not considered unusual by them , nothing to do with lack of read meat or the amount of fish they consume , some of the cause has been connected to that ' Special ' sauce tthey add to so many things , made from rotten fish and the fact they leave cooked foods out in the air for hours , even days . they seem to think that covering this food with muslin cloth or another dish will prevent bacteria contamination , not that they know much about bacteria and the many illnesses caused by them .

    Talking about preventative measures as in the west is irrelevant , most Thai would not take heed any way , they eat what they eat because " This is Thailand " .

  3. 'ryladie99' timestamp='1305189685' post='4418850']

    NoBrainer' timestamp='1305182907' post='4418598']

    This is called Disputed Land. Why should either side occupy the land prior to the dispute being settled. Thailand is right to ask the Cambodians to withdraw.

    They should issue a reasonable timeframe for withdrawal, say 48 to 72 hours, and if this is not complied with, then they should decimate the entire 4.6 square kilometers, making it unusable.

    Why should one side of the dispute be permitted to occupy and build on the disputed land before an agreement has been reached?

    Makes no sense.It's is just as bad as the Israelis building settlements on Palestinian land. How many people on this board support that?

    You are so Right about this Matter?? The Cambodia does more damage to claim the culture, temple, dancing that similar to The Thai. These were originated from Cambodia but the Thai copied their stuffs. Recently the Cambodia did file her claim to UNESSCO, and more to come in the future. I hope many people understand this issue...I remembered when I was 8 years old, all my friends were marching on the Streets after the World Court gave the temple to the Cambodia and allowing the Thai to access the other site by helicopter. Many Thai people were crying. Sad and you are right about building settlements on Palestine Land same as Cambodians occupy the 4.6 squares kilometers. The Thai has her Right and this show never be over. let's watch and see. I am so amazed how the Cambodians never stop making more trouble. Why don't they do good thing to heel the country and people. By the way, some gangsters, Cambodian born in America had to ship back to Cambodians because the parents did not know how to be parents and do more for their children...I am standing tall for my opinion.

    What a twitter and bisted post , admits theft of culture etc , education showing its end result I fear .

  4. chiang mai' timestamp='1305166232' post='4417843']

    I don't recall the source but I have read somewhere in the past two weeks that the UK is also now ready to stop these payments to overseas residents.

    Did the British government EVER paid this kind of payment when people went abroad?

    As far as i know, as soon as you set foot outside the UK, (or pretty soon after) your entitlement to befefits of this nature stops


    I helped a Brit on health disability benefits some 4 years ago , his daughter in law caused a problem with the local council concerning his subsidised apartment , when we went to an ATM to draw his allowance , it was refused , on looking into this , he had been out of the country for quite some time but had failed to notify local council of his where-abouts before he left . On disability a person is allowed to go on vacation for up to 6 weeks maximum but must inform council of their where abouts for that period , failure to do so is automatic stoppage of benefits , e-mails to the appropriate authority did nothing to rescind this decision .

    I have read of Brits assisted by a parent who were caught out and they were required to repay the over drawn amounts , just watch it you other reprobates .

  5. 'Mobi' timestamp='1305175137' post='4418245']

    Just did a google on Anlene. It seems to be a high calcium milk product. No mention of it having slimming properties or causing a high heart rate, but who knows?

    Should you decide to take her to a hospital for a heart check up , I urge you to go to BNH and ask for Dr Wiwat in the heart department , I can assure you he is an excellent heart specialist , I know from my treatment by him , he is a straight shooter with no BS .

  6. 'Tolley' timestamp='1305079164' post='4415649']

    I rarely have problems in Thailand with loose bowel movements.

    The food by and large is no more unhygenic than what you might eat in the west.

    Your particular case sounds more serious as others have stated.

    Anything more than a week of loose stools requires urgent medical attention.


    It is a known fact that diarrhea is a problem in Asia , Asians are not to be considered in many instances to be hygienic , one of the side effects is that Asians do not suffer as much with colon cancer as those in the west due to their colons being purged on a regular basis , no matter how you paint it , diarrhea happens to many travelers and expats in Thailand .

  7. 'lovelomsak' timestamp='1305157749' post='4417567']

    When will Thailand quit these playground games and act like real diplomats and adults. An Agreement has been made live up to it. Credibility for the country is lost daily with antics like these.Other countries lose faith seeing this happen. Who in their right mind will deal with someone or a country that never lives up to a written deal. Who will risk with people or a country like that. What is going on is very damaging to Thailand in many ways.What business man will deal with a country that willnot keep an agreement after it is signed. What ever Thailand is trying to achieve here is costing them a lot more than its worth . I feel sorry for the Thai people that the government can be so narrow minded as to keep acting in this way.

    It is true no one can make them live up to the agreement but others can simply quit associating and stop all further dealings for fear of lack of trust. They may get what they want now but at a very high cost in the future. Other countries , companies and business men donot want their time spent in courts to make a country live up to agreements. In my humble opinion more face is being lost than saved.

    I feel this decision has more to do with military ' FACE ' than Ahbisit , they want to say " See , we drove those no good Khymer back from the front line , we are so strong and powerful , we are the defenders of the realm " . The true fact is that Thailand signed an agreement with Asean which was accepted in all good faith by all parties , now they wish to change the parameters , they will soon gain the nick-name of " back stabbers " which in fact is what they are in this instance , what say you Bucko ?

  8. Thai are not that conversant with food hygiene , especially street vendors , you do build up a resistance over time if you continue to attack your body with their bacteria laden food(?) , far better than immodium is Loperamide oral , but you should first give the body some time to void itself of the problem , if not you can cause yourself larger problems .

    A good medication that works without side effects is Mebendazole 500mg if you have parasitical worms which are quite prevalent in Asia .

  9. One thing not mentioned NOISE , noise causes many health problems for humans but it is not normally considered , it can cause problems early in life with the immune system and motor efficiency . Adults subjected to loud noise can suffer elevated blood pressure and pulse rate together with palpitations in the chest and multiple other problems , that is why noise in the west gets monitored and restricted in residential areas .

    Deep stomach breathing can help to relieve the stress and tension precipitated by loud noise which elevates the heart beat , deep breathing into the chest does not have quite the same effect .

    My resting heart rate is 58bpm , loud noise can elevate that to 68bpm in a short space of time , I know this because a restaurant opened behind us and was playing very load music , after a few days I asked them to cease and desist , problem solved .

    Google the effects of noise on the human body , you will be totally amazed at what testing has come up with .

  10. 'deejah' timestamp='1305150327' post='4417473']

    she says not better but not worse

    i think we are both at a loss what to do

    at least we have steered her away from massage

    i always think of surgery as the absolute last, final, and desperate option

    thanks for your concern if that is why you ask

    I had a similar problem last year , woke up with the back of my hand swollen and pain in my thumb , had it x-rayed and found a small bone broken in the base of my thumb , put in a splint and was given a spray to use Yunnan Baiyou , and sublinguals of the same name ( Chinese medicine) , problem cleared up in 4 days .

  11. 'happyrobert' timestamp='1305124988' post='4417073']

    Cipro. Don't leave home without it if you're eating out a lot.

    Take one tab, one time. It's not a healthy antibiotic by any means but is vey effective against food poisoning. If one does not do it, try two in two days. Still not good?--find a better doctor.

    Parasite tests are specific. If you don't have a target parasite, they're not gonna find it, outside a few common ones.


    Cipro , I was put on that once for a suspect infection , made me feel like a zombi on steroids , terrible drug I will never take again , far better for the hot trots and very effective with no side effects is Loperamide oral , one tablet and all gone , Immodium does not even come close .

    For parasites I buy Mebendazole 500mg for the family in the village , also no side effects , the side effects of any medication is what you need to check out , they are often worse than what you started with , the effects of Cipro took over a week to wear off .

  12. Did you notice___-he concludes by asking not to drag the army into politics_________what planet is he on (or other substance) ________because it will taint their reputation ________and the army interference into government policy as applied to the border agreements___________-Oh yes , that is a different matter________-not on our agenda to interfere ____well , no more than we deem necessary , that is our decision to make _______after all WE ARE the ARMY_____defenders of the realm .

  13. 'kuffki' timestamp='1305097312' post='4416161']

    I am sorry but do you understand that people's personal problems have nothing to do with the company?

    Do you understand that company is not a charity and it does not have to feed employees? And if it does, then they should be thankful instead of complaining

    Why should a company pay travel allowance??? What company in the world pays unskilled labor travel allowance??

    I am sorry to sat but it appears you have lost all sense of reality and rather developed " give me money syndrome " so many thai have.

    I strongly suggest you take a trip out of Thailand into a real world , better yet get a job and then make this ridiculous demands like travel allowance and see what happens.

    If some one can not afford petrol, they clearly should not have a car.

    Bus is only 6-10 baht

    It is certainly not company responsibility to help to get to or from wor'sirchai' timestamp='1305095031' post='4416071']

    'kuffki' timestamp='1304987912' post='4412873']

    I suppose Toyota employees should also get a brand new car for free!

    Forced to eat noodles ??? I doubt anyone forced them. Do not like noodles go buy what you like!

    Left overs food, as in unsold food! How is that leftovers??? Why should company put up a banquet for the staff?

    Travel allowance? Is that a joke? Do not like to work or finish late, find another job!

    Were paid ONLY 27 baht per hour?? Well that's ONLY the salary in Thailand . Are employees brain surgeons? Or highly educated staff ??

    There is nothing unfair in removing those who disturb company operations. They used company time and money for their own agenda, further more they did not contact the management to voice their concerns prior to creating a problem .

    If you ask me, nothing but 2 gold diggers trying to make some money.

    KFC is a business and profits it makes is not an employees business . If employee has a problem with company profits, they are welcome to open their own.

    Sorry, but I totally disagree with your post and it shows that you're not very familiar with this country and its problems.

    Your Toyota worker example surprises me, there's no direct similarity.

    How could they go to buy what they like?

    Don't you understand that most of them are really financially starving?

    It wasn't that they were asking for a banquet. Why not a travel allowance?

    One liter of gasoline is 43 baht, they make 27 one hour.

    Have you ever thought about how much profit they are making using them like a tool?

    Most employees have to have a university degree to get such a high paid job, so you really mean that they should kick those out who had realized that they got a sort of ripped off?

    My wife is Thai and I don't want to let her know how some foreigners here are thinking about Thais.

    It's just showing that you're not a person who can appreciate that other people are trying to have a better life.

    Shouldn't they have the chance to get married and having kids?

    But life can change immediately. What would you think if you'd be suddenly on their side? :jap:

    Having read many of the posts in this topic , I find it difficult to understand what all the fuss is about , if you have a problem with the quality of food and service , send an e-mail listing your complaints to KFC head office , all KFC are supposed to opperate to the standards and methods set out in their franchise directions . The charge for the food is not standardised but shoud reflect the country of operation as it is here in Cambodia , not to over charge as KFC does in Thailand , you would need to take that up with management .

    I have also read posts on here that explain why some farang business men have a problem operating a work force in the realm and keeping loyal staff , there are pointers contained within the topic that is self explanatory on their problem if they would only take the trouble to read what has been said ,ego allowing of course .

  14. ='welsh1' timestamp='1305043392' post='4415083']

    Guilty as charged ...rolleyes.gif.if there is two behind the counter i normally send the other one to make me a hot dog aswell jap.gif

    I used to do that when I lived in Thailand also , here in Cambodia I let my wife do it , she always catches the days when the phone companies give a 100% bonus , you get double your top up money , WOW .

  15. 'Berkshire' timestamp='1305020064' post='4414261']

    Boy, not another wind-up thread. And a bunch of replies from clueless farangs who just love to batch the Thais about something. So are you guys suggesting that the kids just drop out of school, go to Pattaya, and sell their bodies to the highest bidder? And all this because the OP is annoyed that the kids are reciting the national anthem every morning. Well guess what? When I was a little kid growing up in America, guess what I did every morning at school? Recited the national anthem. Until it was seared to my brain. But that was patriotism. If the Thais do it, it's nationalism. I always wondered how you guys make the distinction. No, the Thai education system is not perfect. And neither are any of you blowhards.

    Oh boy , if only you had been taught to read and understand English as it is written , hard to do in America I would imagine , first remove your special taiwise eye wear and re-read what the clueless farangs actually wrote , there is no Thai , what was that word ? Oh yes , batch what ever you meant that to mean , the antham was not brought up , but the rote method of shoving information into receptive grey matter was , this is a fact of methodology in the realm of Thai education facilities , not all of course .Denial is the biggest factor holding Thai progress basically static , oh , but of course , that is a part of your need to live cheaply in the realm on the backs of the poor under educated , underpaid masses , sorry for my intrusion into your ' Dream world' , hope it lasts for you .

  16. 'robert00' timestamp='1305010931' post='4413879']

    'Deez' timestamp='1305008404' post='4413797']

    'CobraSnakeNecktie' timestamp='1304990983' post='4412977']

    sounds more like a profit shakedown.

    hey if they don't like working there then vote with your feet.

    When I was in high school I worked in a McD's. They had a policy of only giving a small sandwich per employee per shift. We ate like kings though. How can you prevent an employee from sneaking food? making them wear a locked muzzle maybe.

    Not the healthiest food though...

    Ate like kings? At Mcdonalds? Umm OK. Congrats. And proud to be a thief too. You parents must be so proud

    I for one never ever stepped into a McDonald or any of the other fast food businesses, they use the fattest and cheapest meat's

    only have to look at those countries were those businesses are. More and more fat people, look at Thailand, China etc. etc.

    years ago one would only see nice slim ladies, today 40% are looking like Buffalo's, sorry but that is fact.

    So , in a manner of speaking you are in agreance with the KFC policy of minimum wages , this will ensure their employees will remain slim(skinney) because they are not able to purchase that which will induce a propensity to fat accumulation .

    One point , sloth is a good aid to obesity , something many Americans can testify to .

  17. 'asiawatcher' timestamp='1304925903' post='4411426']

    'supaprik' timestamp='1304907338' post='4410633']

    "" Dr Catherine Bernard, FounderPresidentDirector of Service and Research Institute on Family and Children (SERFAC) said yesterday in an interview with The Nation.

    many children now grew up in violent family environment. So, they would be terrorists when they became adults.

    If this is actually a "true" quote Dr Bernard is a raving lunatic with absolutely ZERO credibility at all, I find most of her statements not only flawed but highly repugnant, but this one OMG what an idiot, she wouldnt be a white,aging western woman would she?

    Agree - what rock does this Dr Catherine Bernard live under. The Thai family system is far more civilised and appropriate than the majority of the western systems. What makes this woman think she has any right to sprout this vitriolic garbage and with what authority? blink.gif

    What rock are you living under may I be so bold as to ask ? The Thai family system is civilised ? It is appropriate to what may I ask ? Children have far more recourse and facilities in the west than Thailand is likely to achieve in the next 10 years at least , do you know what would happen to you in the west if , for example , you transported your children on a motor-cycle in such an uncaring dangerous manner? Are you aware of the penalties of failing to send your child to school on a daily basis ? I will not even go into the abandonment of children or the selling of such poor children for monetary gain , The Thai family system may be okay for adults but the children are a completely different concern , they often become mere pawns of indifference .

  18. 'SomTumTiger' timestamp='1305006758' post='4413737'IMA_FARANG' timestamp='1305006596' post='4413733']


    Not to be "picky" guys....but niether you or I (especially the I part) probably has any idea who or where the weapon(s) came from...so trying to speculate on who they belonged to is really just guess work, isn't it?


    You do realize this is ThaiVisa right? :lol: Just a bunch of monkeys flinging crap at each other, for fun! ;)


    You are most likely correct in some ways , without these types of prolific posts , thaivisa would diminish by some 50% , take away the inanity of " do you wear a wrist-watch" , " is it 'naff' (?) to wear a belt container for your cell phone " etc and I wonder where the seemingly totally bored members would spend so much of their time .

    I admit that I have learned things of consequence here on thaivisa , but on average my ' Look ins ' are merely to gain a laugh or two and keep my brain semi-active to appreciate I have not sank that low in my second childhood of old age .

  19. 'tcmill' timestamp='1304993810' post='4413124']

    'prakhonchai nick' timestamp='1304990336' post='4412947']

    Nobody is forced to work for any employer.

    If the working conditions, pay and other benefits are unsatisfactory to them, they may leave and seek employment elsewhere.

    Fair comment but when all the other options for employment are similiar it aint much of a choice.

    This is a very pertinent point you make which it would appear many posters have missed in their excitement to condemn a employer without whom they would have nothing . As has been noted , this type of work in a franchise is not intended to support a family but more to supply pocket money for students , they are only employed on a part time basis which enables all of them to take a second job if they desire more money .

    I know many families in the west who have more than one job and both husband and wife work to make a reasonable living , all of my children did part time work after school when they became of the requisite age , not one of them complained , they were only too happy to have gained a certain amount of independence for themselves . They also learned a very good lesson , nothing comes free in this world once you leave home and become dependent on your own effort .

  20. 'james24' timestamp='1304998841' post='4413389']

    ALOT of false history.

    Id love to know what they were saying also. Having speakers in schools, housing estates etc seems very North Koreanish and in a very clever way Thailand kinda is.

    It is a form of brain washing whereby the students really believe what they have been taught is the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth , this is further ingrained by the lack of ability to question the teacher or , indeed , even think for themselves , parrots suit the elite very well in controlling the masses to suit their own agenda .

    This is my own personal thinking , no animals died in the writing of my comment/opinion .

  21. lopburi3' timestamp='1305000227' post='4413447']

    Unit needs service as coolant level is likely not right.

    From my experience of servicing cooling devices quite some years ago , external icing is caused by too much refrigerant in the system , have the pressures checked by a technician with the appropriate equipment .

  22. 'BEENTHEREDONETHAT' timestamp='1304913727' post='4410874']

    Keep the price the same just reduce the contents in the package, that does not show up as inflation but ends up costing you more.ermm.gifmad.gif

    The reasoning behind that stratagem is apparently that consumers will accept lower content as apposed to a price increase , they only have 'X' number of Baht in their jeans pocket on a daily basis . That system has been in use for many years in the western world , I guess you can blame us for that also , but we cannot be blamed when local vendors Adjust ' their weigh scales to extract more for less , even the change of egg selling from numbers to weight was a means of extracting more cash for less .

    The ways and means of business can be very dubious , check weights of content by different suppliers , it is printed on the packaging .

  23. 'eezergood' timestamp='1304911174' post='4410786']

    'Fookhaht' timestamp='1304910046' post='4410745']

    'eezergood' timestamp='1304908372' post='4410683']

    Blame the farang syndrome, a very useful panacea indeed! So kick us all out and our herecy with it, this of course does not include the ever so necessary BB or IPhone :whistling:

    I agree. The answer is really to kick us out; along with electricity, print media, TV, radio, automobiles, computers, modern medicine, satellite communication, and all the other similar evils inflicted on Thailand by western society--which Thais hate so much. :whistling:

    Dont forget Whiskey! we know how much they hate whiskey :bah:

    Having spent 7 years of reasonable contentment in Thailand , I was sat contemplating my navel on one particular day , suddenly it all hit me in the head , so I said to myself " Self , do you realise all of the problems that have invaded this country have been caused by you and the expats you sit and enjoy yourselves with idle chatter over a sangsom ? Think , you do not visit the wat on a regular basis , you drink whisky , you participate in extra marital sex , you lavishly spend money on luxuries such as a cell phone , refridgerator , colour TV and all of the other unnecessary clutter in your apartment , you are a bad influence on these poor people and their culture " So being the honorable gentleman that I am and not wishing to be any further part in the destruction of Thai moral fibre , I moved on . What is keeping you despicable people there to continue causing these obstacles that pervade the very soul of Buddhism , confess your blatant sins and get the hell out of dodge .

  24. 'jackr' timestamp='1304904255' post='4410514']

    Yep, been pretty intense up here in CM, especially when you're house overlooks miles of rice paddy. :whistling:

    Well done Mr Minister , warn every one about expected storms and suggest various hazards that could kill or cause huge damages , then AFTER the storms have struck and caused such damages putting people into hazardous conditions , out comes the equipment to cut off dangerous limbs on trees , dredge canals to prevent MORE flooding and do a survey of large signs which are a constant hazard at the best of times . What happened to the appropriate ministeries that were advised(Told) to do all of these things BEFORE the storms struck ?

    I know , I know this is Thailand , do not fix it until it is broken , lack of forward thinking me thinks .

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