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Posts posted by dumball

  1. MJP' timestamp='1297268819' post='4208117']

    'WarpSpeed' timestamp='1297268070' post='4208098']

    Maybe not legally but how about morally?? He made children with her and now they are both their parental responsibility whether he sees them or not, why does he need a law to tell him that?


    He knows that and wants to support them but doesn't know how.

    What he could do is get a lawyer to talk to his mother-in-law and set up support that way. The old MIL's are generally the only sensible ones and will see the money goes to the right use.

    You mean you would trust your MiL farther than you could throw her ? with money ? Are not they the ones usually on the grab for more , and more , and more .Next thing you will suggest he leave his children with her also and keep them shrouded in ancient history and superstitious mumbo-jumbo .

    Why not contact the local child authorities , they have lots of guidence where child welfare is concerned , I don't think it will be allowing them to be kidnapped only to be abandoned into the care of a (most likely) uneducated old lady .

  2. Hun Sen Manet has all of the qualifications for his position in the army ranks , probably more so than any existing generals, these qualifications are all on paper of course . As an ex British army sargeant resposible for the abilities of my men in the role we played , I would have been disgusted with myself had my men performed in such an incompetant manner as I saw displayed by the Cambodians at the front line on ctn footage . They were firing blindly from thier bunkers , crouching behind the sand bags with not a clue where the rounds of amunition were going except 'Somewhere towards the enemy' , weapons jaming due most likely to failure to clean and maintain in operative condition . Where were the artillary 'Sighters who normally guide the gunners 'for acuracy as artillery is normally not in sight of targets , men need to be trained whilst in action to hone thier capabilities , shame when your officers fail you in battle , that was the role of the British army sargeants .

  3. i have mentioned on a couple of forums that I felt the whole chaotic debacle along the border had next to nothing to do with a piece of scrub land worth a mere 20 satang , but much more to do with political posturing , villagers have lived quite happily for years in those contested areas , just cede them the rights to the land to share and prosper from in unity .

    The yellow shirts should all be brought to task for incitment of anarchy , is not that which they are trying to achieve in thier own evil coniving way ? They stirred the pot for the border dispute , put spies in that are now in jail and have even admitted in a blatant manner that they have spied again on Cambodian territory ,it is in writing on TV just what they so gloatingly thought they had achieved in this area . They even bragged about an unofficial task force of civilians willing to attack Cambodian forces , anihalating them in a mere 3 minutes , is this not worthy of immediate jail time to prevent even more blood shed and stupid incitement of the wrong kind ? Both the army generals and Abysit need to show why they have been alloted the power to protect the Kingdom from just such an uprising, now is the time to save face and do the job that is thiers .

  4. 'inmysights' timestamp='1297155895' post='4205248']

    'anterian' timestamp='1297142516' post='4204720']

    I thought Thailand was trying to discourage backpackers, they are the only tourists that seem to enjoy getting soaked and floured.]

    And they're the only tourists who know where Cambodia is.

    You would not happen to be in the employ of TOT would you ? Maybe you just gather commissions on the wealth of information you supply on tourism to surrounding countries , or maybe , just maybe , you have no idea of that which you speak .

    Do you tour often or maybe doing visa runs is where you form your convoluted thinking .

  5. I read a news report on the skirmishing from Asia news , they mentioned that most of the claims from both sides are untrue and more or less ,should be taken with a pinch of salt . They also appeared quite adamant that the aggressors were Thai and the whole shebang was a cover up for thier incompetance with thier own internal affairs and constant harrasment from the yellow shirts to attack the Cambodians .

    My own thoughts are that no good or benifit of worth will come for either side , once the dust has settled , the dead buried or consumed by fire , the original named reason will still need to be settled in an amicable manner , this will only be achieced in my mind provided an unbiased mediator is called in to keep the apposed children in line and on subject with all possible current facts brought to the table .

    A diabolicall fiasco to suit the whims of the rich and powerfull hanging on to thier corrupt control of the downtrodden masses .

  6. 'farang000999' timestamp='1297096394' post='4203742']

    Asia is the future imo. Western society is on the knees. These things are cyclical. Look at America and the UK in Egypt and how their governments can barely form a coherent sentence that does not contradict something else said in less than 24 hours.

    There could be some sense of a good future in some parts of Asia but it would need to be a country that has moved into the twenty first century not one constantly dwelling in the distant past .

    When was the last time you lived in North America ? Where does Egypt fit into this equation ?

    Which country are you currently living in that can perform better than your last line ?

    Judging by your screen name you seem to be too deeply embedded in a lost cause .

  7. When you are considering shanghying a young child to a strange land with a completely different language and culture , your childs future life should be given considerable thought as to the advantages and disadvantages of such an upheaval , she is only 3 at this time and will adapt quite quickly , but considering the state of the education system in Thailand and the prospects for her future employment etc , it will need lengthy fore thought that should be given precedence over that of your own .

    I had very good prospects for the future in regards to my wife and 4 young children , but the prospects looked somewhat bleak for the children in the future , after much discussion and investigative work on Canada , we decided I could still provide a decent standard of living for us but the future for the children would be to thier advantage . The transition for them was not easy at first even though Canada was similar in structure to England at that time and the language was similar , but in the long run the move proved worth the effort .

  8. 'londonthai' timestamp='1297089061' post='4203583']

    the great majority of export from the central provinces is thrugh the sea ports on the east coast.

    air cargo, including post, is often carried on the passanger airplanes and there are already cargo fascilities in the suvarnabhumi. Hence moving back cargo services to don muang will be a logistical problem.

    Whoa-whoa-whoa there a second , are you implying simple logic should be applied ??

    You have forgotten to include an absolute in thier thinking here , think of the Bmillions you will divest the architects of .

    That would never do , sorry old boy , try another suggestion to fit scam, sorry , plan .

  9. I just say "Kopkoonkrap , hakun , dankashun , merci "or whatever with an intense stare , all I get is a vacant stare , they do not have a clue about covering thier mouth or that the spray travels up to 30 feet(10 metres) infecting all within range . I started carrying kleenex in my pocket so that when this happened I could make a farcical affair of presenting the offender with one and miming how it should be used , in one 7/11 they started to call me Mr Bean , yes , there are times it happens that often .

    The latest method for prevention of spreading germs is to cough or sneeze into the crook of your arm .

  10. A successfull method I devised a few years ago which works very well , ants will attack anything that contains nutrition , hair , skin flakes , dead insects , tidbits of food etc , they send out trackers that once they find food , go back and bring a whole army to collect and take it back to the nest . When you find a collection of them , follow the workers to where they are coming from , a hole or crack in the wall , down from the ceiling , up a drain pipe etc . Buy some ant chalk at 7/11 , preferably the octagonal not the round as in blackboard chalk , draw a circle around the area they are in , as in around your towel , leave a gap in the circle where they are entering leaving to and from thier nest , now draw a line of chalk along each side of the columne of ants back to where they dissapear , then draw lines between those lines of chalk like the rungs of a ladder about 4 cm's apart . In the time it takes to smoke a ciggy or drink a beer , the majority of ants will have gone back to the nest carrying chalk on thier feet , this will kill of the majority of ants in the nest . For survival of the fittest , the remaing ants will move the nest elsewhere .

    This has worked so well , we rarely see an ant in our apartment as apposed to when we moved in , I tried plugging holes etc but thier were far to many , spraying down the holes does not kill off the nest because it could lead god knows where inside the wall and the whole object of the excersise is to kill off the nest . Hope this gets rid of your annoying problem as it has mine .

  11. So , from a huge panel of one , you decided the poster was making an allegation when it is a quite well know fact that thousands of Japanese suffer from food poisening from one of thier most favourite dishes , you could have asked him in a more pleasant manner than an arogant "allegation "

  12. You know I find it a little strange(biased) that when all of the riots were going on in ?BKK many asked about the safety factor for tourists , they were told "Oh , no problem here , just stay away from where the street fighting is happening " You know , where bullets were flying around and bombs going off etc , etc .

    There is nothing of that nature going on in Cambodia other than a few places along the border , red flags are raised , anything could happen , they will eat your liver and similar garbage . There are no such signs showing at this time , the Thai here are still working at thier jobs with aplomb , no mass vacation plans offered by the Thai government etc .

    Cambodians like and appreciate tourists of all stripes , cannot see why that will suddenly change because they still have to make a living . Just be a tourist and all should be hunky-dory .

  13. 'TAWP' timestamp='1297044965' post='4201834''mystwoodcol' timestamp='1297044825' post='4201831']

    Do the Thai's also claim to have invented the food poisoning that usually goes with sushi?

    Ummm...sushi is one of the dishes I am sure to never have been food poisoned by. What is your source for this allegation?

    Sushi is made with raw fish , many fish carry bacteria , many Japanese eat sushi , equals , many Japanese suffer the consequesences , this malady can be prevented by freezing the fish at temperatures below 4 degrees for 24 hours , the Japanese refuse to do this as it would then not be authentic sushi , other countries are not so concerned , they prefer customers who return for more of the delicasies .

    This is NOT an allegation , this is a well know fact that you somehow overlooked in your extensive searches on the web to prove posters incorrect , please may I humbly suggest you let your fingers do more walking , you may even manage to become more enlightened and even more PC .

  14. There is no huge nationalistic "Thing' in Cambodia as in Thailand , these people are friendly and I feel sure your wife will have no confrontation as Khmer are not that way inclined , that is as long as she does not wear a shirt or carry a banner proclaiming her hatred . Where did she derive this hatred from anyway ? HATRED is usually deep seated for specific reasons , as in rout teachings in Thai schools , after her visit she will more than likely lose her bad thoughts when she discovers they are just human beings going about thier daily lives .

    Come , relax and enjoy a pleasant visit , it will open both your eyes , many expats are as brainwashed as the Thai they like to feel they have become .

  15. bangon04' timestamp='1297026456' post='4201548']

    "However, trade in other areas along the border between the two countries were not expected to be hurt much, he said."

    So they are not including any figures from the casino business , it seems......

    It would appear that Thai officials have memories of convenience or whatever looks good on paper , do not tell it as it is , only as they wish it to be .

  16. Incompetance , major or minor , to my understanding "Failure to take the neccessary knowledge , information , tools , equpment or all uther neccessities to the job or project at hand " . All excuses , pointing of fingers , reference to others be they nations or contractors have no relevance to the one in which you are involved , bosses in China have been shot for less .

  17. 'TAWP' timestamp='1297005722' post='4201219']

    'random' timestamp='1297004490' post='4201171']

    'TAWP' timestamp='1297004228' post='4201156']

    I suppose you guys above missed the posts and images by the western guy in this forum or the ones posted by Al Jazeera...unless you think they are 'government news' too. *sigh*


    I guess you have irrefutable proof of who fired these missiles *sigh*

    Shells, not missiles. And for the love of God, if you are trying to tell us that the Thai Army shelled their own troops and village now, well...you truly are a red shirt apologist...why am I expecting you to be logical and not put forward conspiracy theories just because you can, not because you have any evidence of it?

    It was stated on this forum very recently that Thai airforce bombed thier own troops during the Laos debacle , so yes , anything is possible during times of (Chaotic) confrontation , it would appear even the generals are somewhat confused about what are the facts and what is the fiction during these skirmishes .

    I have the feeling much ot this tempest in a teacup has more to do with political posturing in its own wierd way , nothing of good or benifit will be the end result , the same old problem of land ownership will still need to be settled in an amicable manner . You posters are getting your nickers in some terrible knots over something you are not able ,to do diddly squat about in amy way shape or form , as many have been told before and I feel will be told again , you are mere g(J) uests in Thailand with no say or consideration what-so-ever . I suggest you save your thoughts and energy for the typical 'Bar-buzz' and at least have a laugh together .

  18. I noted this a few days ago , the Khmer shoppers have not been happy with the ecalating cost of goods and food stuff from Thai , traders have taken note and are purchasing many items from Vietnam . This was explained to my wife by a trader my wife buys things in bulk from when he had no stock of an item , "We are fed up with Thai who leave us short and then put prices up , very easy to change to Vietnam who are happy to sell to us at reasonable cost "

    Thailand has already lost superiority of major exports to Vietnam and other countries due to thier superiority thinking , without the supply to keep up with demand , no , Thailand is not the be-all and end-all of so many things they express the desire to become the HUB of for the world , they are just a tiny factor amongst billions of people .

  19. All in all , the non biased opinions given point to the actuality that Cambodia in the main is vastly improved , there are downsides to just about anywhere that people go to visit or live , that is to be expected as , be honest , we all have our own criteria and comfort levels .

    The river-side has been completed for quite some time now and it is an absolute pleasure to walk and enjoy the cool evening breezes , NO motos allowed , a plethoria of waste bins with accompanying staff to ensure it stays that way , a multitude of seats to park your bum and enjoy the pleasure boats plying thier way up and down for a mere $1.00 a tour . The moto-men and tuk-tuks have cooled thier heels in general and are not so"' In your face ' , many vendors have been moved on to keep the sidewalk clear on the restaurant side as have many throughout the city .

    Phnom Penh is on the move upwards for the comfort and pleasure of both tourists and xpats alike , the numbers of same are in a steady rise thanks to the attitude that has become Thailand , it is veritably a no hastle city , I for one can vouch for that , problems you can find any place if you are 'Tat 'enough to search for it , but I would like to point out that I have yet to see the anger simmering beneeth the surface as I saw so often in Thailand , especaly from the woman after a few beers .

  20. whybother' timestamp='1296872625' post='419762'dumball' timestamp='1296841040' post='4197184']

    w11guy' timestamp='1296816469' post='4196550']

    'dumball' timestamp='1296737041' post='4194426']

    I am amazed , for any job or project to succeed , it is imperative to have and complete good preparation FIRST , this usualy enables 99%success of the job or project . Having now noted the land appropriation has not been completed , they are passing the buck to the construction company , who are the F@#%@heads responsible for this utter show of incompetance ? .

    I would have added "But this is Thailand , what else can one expect " but I dare not for fear of the ramifications from the defense ensemble .

    In Thailand it takes a few years to buld a new line. In the UK it takes 20-30 years to talk about it, 10 years to buy the land, get planning permission, etc. and another 10 years or so to build. This is no exaggeration.

    I responded to this but for some strange reason have been restricted to my number of posts which are far less than many other posters ???????????/

    "Number of posts" within 15 seconds.


    I happen to be a two finger typist , it takes me that long to type the first word forget about a whole paragraph .

  21. I am amazed , for any job or project to succeed , it is imperative to have and complete good preparation FIRST , this usualy enables 99%success of the job or project . Having now noted the land appropriation has not been completed , they are passing the buck to the construction company , who are the F@#%@heads responsible for this utter show of incompetance ? .

    I would have added "But this is Thailand , what else can one expect " but I dare not for fear of the ramifications from the defense ensemble .

    In Thailand it takes a few years to buld a new line. In the UK it takes 20-30 years to talk about it, 10 years to buy the land, get planning permission, etc. and another 10 years or so to build. This is no exaggeration.

    I responded to this but for some strange reason have been restricted to my number of posts which are far less than many other posters ???????????/

  22. w11guy' timestamp='1296816469' post='4196550']

    timestamp='1296737041' post='4194426']

    I am amazed , for any job or project to succeed , it is imperative to have and complete good preparation FIRST , this usualy enables 99%success of the job or project . Having now noted the land appropriation has not been completed , they are passing the buck to the construction company , who are the F@#%@heads responsible for this utter show of incompetance ? .

    I would have added "But this is Thailand , what else can one expect " but I dare not for fear of the ramifications from the defense ensemble .


    In Thailand it takes a few years to buld a new line. In the UK it takes 20-30 years to talk about it, 10 years to buy the land, get planning permission, etc. and another 10 years or so to build. This is no exaggeration.

    I thought this thread was about trains in Thailand , I must have become 'De-railed' somewhere along the line , plus the OP concerned a new line in proccess where most posters also got side-tracked , or should that read 'Off topic ? .

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