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Posts posted by dumball

  1. Children being raised by grandparents is not just prevalent in Thailand, but is rampant in western culture (America, England, Australia, etc). It is a sad fact that many children today are either being raised by one parent or being pawned off on the older generation. It is sad to think that the world has become a festering pit of "no accountability" and as time goes on the human race will eventually pay the price for it.

    You fail to note that in those Western cultures , government pay what is called ' Child allowance ' , low cost housing is supplied to help parents keep their children with them , there is welfare for those in need and food stamps/food kitchens and food banks .I am aware that this is not the real answer either , but at least governments are there for citizens in distress . The grandparents in those circumstances do not live in flthy conditions , are more educated and there is access to education , pointing fingers achieves nothing nor does it help those in most need .

    The ' family circle ' is not what some believe exists in Thailand , oh the show is put on , but in the end the welfare of the children is pushed aside to better the welfare of the delinquent parent(s) , please do not hide it under a stone and shrug your shoulders .

  2. Yet another intelligent announcement by a Thai specialist in something or another .

    Could the earth being knocked out of whack a couple of inches by the force of the earthquake have anything to do with this freaky weather change , maybe just a coincidental happening . The moon has an influence on tides and weather , I normally see it just looking up from my balcony , last night I had to lean over the rail to find it , it was still up there how-ever .

  3. IanForbes' timestamp='1300329576' post='4288512']

    'Jingthing' timestamp='1300284006' post='4287331']

    Interesting. I wonder if the majority of Thais have a full concept of how far away Japan is in kilometers (not to mention the radiation level that does travel)?

    Most Thais couldn't pick out Japan on a world map written in Thai. But, they can find their way on the cheapest bus from Sakon Nowhere to Nakon Somewhere even if it takes 20 hours of travel.


    Well noted Ian , most anything outside of Thailand has no importance to most Thai , as far as they are concerned due to the educational brainwashing methods , Thailand is the centre of the universe , this , of course , includes many in government despite their off shore educations .

    In my mind it recalls an old adage " You can lead a horse to water , but you cannot make him drink " .

    The omni-present " I know , I know " response and " Maipenrai " , are of course the main contributing factors to The learning process , or should I have said the lack of ?

  4. 'mstribling' timestamp='1300276249' post='4286927']

    It is better at being a skoda than a BMW is.

    If you are referring to the general upkeep , you are probably correct , but as far as quality goes I think your preference has been aimed rather low or your sense of values are rather restrictive , but then again , it could point to the standard.of living you have become accustomed to or are forced to live at .

  5. The thing is , you do not need to marry a Cambodian female to be accepted by the people , you go through a village ritual promising allegiance and love to her , then she can go anywhere with the man and not be looked down upon . The men would not get married if they had to comply with the monetary issue , many only earn around $100.00 a month and that is if they work in the city .

    The country would lose huge amounts of money pumped into the country by foreign husbands plus many families would still be living in poverty , also , the ripple effect of that money would leave many more villagers in poverty . Cambodia is supported by foreign aid , take that away and it would rapidly go back its populace swinging in the trees , no joke !!!

  6. 'Richb2004v2' timestamp='1300274701' post='4286884']

    It's a little like comparing a 1980's Skoda to a current BMW. There will be some folk that for personal reasons prefer the Skoda, which is fair enough, but to argue it is better then the BMW is surely delusional.

    From my own personal experience , you have defined the differences in an excellent manner , educational advantages alone should point one in a reasonable direction of the thought process .

  7. Ah-so , it has been determined by experts that radio-active contaminants will not reach Thailand because of the great distance between the two countries ,let me think about this for 5 seconds .

    A smelting process in northern Ontario in Canada was killing off local forestation with the pollutants expelled from the tower , very simple cure , raise the height of the emitting tower , problem solved , in Ontario that was . Some months later it became of some concern when vegetation was dying off in Sweden , the pollution from the raised tower in Canada had been carried by air currents to Sweden .

    Please let me think for another few seconds---------------ah yes there is not enough wind power in Thailand to economically run wind turbines (Another thread) , so thai do not have a need to be concerned about the spread of pollutants by air currents , very , very sage ??????????????

  8. 'Mickeem' timestamp='1299741717' post='4271706']

    Well the neighbours around here in our local Chiang Mai residential area do not seem to be concerned judging by the huge amounts of water they spray on the roads and around their gardens every day to cool down in the hot season.

    During the 7 years I spent tnere , I never noticed Thai capable of conserving anything , not even a baht to eat tomorrow .

  9. 'samuibeachcomber' timestamp='1299732736' post='4271355']

    one of the reasons for lower tourist numbers is(imo) that they are going to other countries instead.Look at Laos,Cambodia,vietnam,they are all packed with tourist/travellers.People tire of the same destination and its catch up time for these other countries.

    imo , it has more to do with the shenanagins of Thai in tourism hot spots , why would they continue to put up with multiple scams/rip-offs/confrontation from aggressive

    tuk-tuk drivers etc , not to mention the ongoing in fighting between themselves , police who do not give a dam and an army that operates in sync ?

    They are going to other countries where the locals are far more friendly , costs are lower for most things , other enhancements being built for ease of walking , and in general the air is less polluted . In other words , tourist are actually welcome .

  10. This is only the beginning of the confrontations over water , it will escalate only due to the incompetence of the powers that be who have sat on their fat buts over the years with no logical planing to aleviate a slowly worsening shortage , the villagers have not done anything either , such as building their own reservoirs to store water in times of plenty . Now , instead of using what is available in a conservative manner , they grab all they can and over water which detracts from healthy rice growing and production , why did they not start using half and half with drought growable types so they could use what is available for their existing strain ? Oh , I am rambling , that bwould mean putting in the effort needed to build dams between the conflicting strains , silly me .

  11. A royal pardon ? Should you do a google on this subject , I doubt you will find the king has power or authority in that direction , why should he give a pardon to such a trouble making loud mouth anyway . Thailand should be happy he is locked up safe and sound instead of being a pain in their asinorums , they do not need him that badly for much else .

  12. So what , if anything , does the ministry oh health intend to do about these deplorable conditions ? Spend more and more on more and more detectors just to prove their point they are doing some kind of job , or actually start an immediate programme to ' Edificate' the under educated masses about the health dangers caused by their constant burning . This burning has been talked about for years on TV , are these posters the only ones with good vision and a sense of smell to notice that something drastic has been taking place every year ? They talk about how it affects their health and yet still live there ?

    A mass exodus of expats , coupled with a dirth of tourists may be the only event that will make the ministry take remedial action any time soon , empty pockets make busy officials , at least in the arm waving , pointing and money grubbing departments .

  13. 'transam' timestamp='1299579659' post='4267262']

    'welsh1' timestamp='1299575940' post='4267163']

    'transam' timestamp='1299502167' post='4265051']

    'tim armstrong' timestamp='1299500673' post='4264991']


    Where did you get 90% of people who try suicide, do it sooner or later? Absolute nonsense. Most people who try -do get help, they don't kill themselves. Much less than 1% of any population do suicide.

    But the point about this post is that anyone who has made 2 attempts, whether or not she is being manipulative, needs help. Yes she may not be mentally ill, but she does need someone to talk to.

    If more people did actually get involved the world's suicide rates would be a lot less. Many young people do it in anger, and its highest in the under 35yr age group in Australia, Canada,UK, US, Japan and many others.

    Currently suicide is the 4th leading cause of non accidental deaths in --several DEVELOPED countries

    90% of people who try or do it, tell someone they are suicidal in the week before the attempt. Unfortunately, the predominate reaction on this post to walk away is the most common response in the community to someone's threats of suicide. Even health professionals would rather not deal with it, because it frightens them.

    Most of the time simply talking to someone calmly about their issues makes a huge difference in the first instance, and that does not need you to be a professional counsellor. No doubt some of the frequent cases of suicide in Pattaya and other places amongst expats could have been avoided, if there was a bit more awareness and compassion around.

    Of couse she needs help, financial help. :rolleyes:

    Think she might postpone or delay committing suicide if she was to all of a sudden come into money,rolleyes.gif

    Absolutely taff. :)

    With these suggestions , give her a thousand baht and tell her to go play under a bus , problem solved .

  14. 'Beetlejuice' timestamp='1299601463' post='4267976']

    First, I would divorce your wife on the grounds that she is homophobic.

    Then I would take legal action against your friend Dave for bringing you all that strong alcohol that caused your misjudgement and the problem at the beginning.

    After that you could comfortably walk out of the closet and enjoy the Thai visa Gay forums with peace of mind and have a whole new start in life.

    Now that is funny , thank you for a good laugh .

  15. I saw the mention of ' Driver training' , in my 7 years spent in Thailand , using local conveyance and watching the antics of the majority of ' Vehicular propellers' , where will they find correct drivers to do the teaching ? From what I have read here on TV , there is not , in reality , a test as such , pay your B500 and receive a piece of paper proving competence . Training chimps would be more appropriate .

  16. 'happyrobert' timestamp='1299599793' post='4267942']

    Um, are you referring to the woman on the scooter or the old lady?

    Reading what you wrote , the old lady was passing the FRONT of your vehicle , the 'Grunt' on the scooter was adjacent to your door .

    Please repeat your question .

    Well, I coulda swerved and accomplished your strategy...they were both kinda pesty...

    If I'm wrong, please repeat your confusion.

    Well reading once again what you had written , you were at a stop at a red light before the female scooterist opened her thighs to show what a grunt she could be , how could you possibly swerve anywhere ?

    You wrote your story , not I , I cannot see the point you are trying to make said the blind man , nor I said the monkey on his back .

  17. 'Forethat' timestamp='1299597907' post='4267892']


    Surely , if you service your lady in appropriate manner on a daily basis , there would be no call for her angst ,uuummmm , unless you use the ' Service' entrance as a norm of course .

  18. 'happyrobert' timestamp='1299597835' post='4267886']dumball' timestamp='1299589805' post='4267589']

    With tongue in cheek , you should have opened your door , gave her a slam and gotten rid of the dastardly pest , then give her the finger and close your door with the window wound up .

    Actions speak far louder than words .

    Um, are you referring to the woman on the scooter or the old lady?

    Reading what you wrote , the old lady was passing the FRONT of your vehicle , the 'Grunt' on the scooter was adjacent to your door .

    Please repeat your question .

  19. 'rubl' timestamp='1299520823' post='4265665']

    'Credo' timestamp='1299507857' post='4265289']

    Having a Thai doctor examine Vera would seem like a slap in the face to Cambodia. It might not be a good idea.

    Also, can a Thai doctor practice medicine in Cambodia? Are there licensed doctors in Cambodia?

    Assuming k. Veera has a physician he normally consults, it's good practice to have the guy around. That physician may not be able to 'practice', but could accompany and assist a Cambodian doctor. Numerous face-saving possibilities :)


    There are many European doctors in the new very modern hospital Hun Sen had built and many more around the city with up to date equipment , why would they need a Thai to assist ? Besides , is not his brother a qualified Thai doctor who already passed prognosis on him ?

  20. 'featography' timestamp='1299596696' post='4267833']

    'BuckarooBanzai' timestamp='1299466538' post='4263710']

    Hydrophobia, maybe it's just me but I had to look this up. Why don't they just say rabies. When is the last time some one heard of hydrophobia shots?

    The topic is about food safety?? When is the last time someone caught Rabies from bad food?

    When some-one tried to feed a rabid dog food he could not stomach , the dog decided to bite the hand that fed him , close enough to be PC ?

  21. ='RedNIvar' timestamp='1299578015' post='4267226']

    "Veera and Ratree got into trouble when relations between Thailand and Cambodia soured."

    Huh, I thought they got in trouble by repeatedly crossing into Cambodian territory. That is against the law, a soured relationship is not against the law.

    I still don't understand why this guy thinks he deserves preferential treatment. Go to the prison doctors if you're unwell.

    What is even more puzzling is why Suthep is bending over backwards and stretching lips to ass to get Veera freed. Does he pay the same amount of courtesy to every Thai in a foreign cell?????

    No matter what any one thinks , he was proven guilty of his crime and must now serve his time , how many of those in Thai jails will he step forward to assist when they cry for help due to sickness , as I thought , likely countable on the hand of a man who has no fingers .

  22. Thongs/flip=flops , another notorious spreader of multiple germs/bacteria etc , just think where they have been in many instances , dirty market places where rats urine is quite prevalent , animal excrement to name only a couple . Take them off at the door , then walk around in bare feet embedded with all said bacteria and possible planters warts , very , very hygienic to be sure . what of small children crawling around on the floor who have a propensity to put everything in their mouths not even having time in life to have built up any immunity . Ever wonder why so many babies never make it past 5 years old ? The motor-cycle is far safer a bed mate despite the fumes emitted because Thai drive them in on many occasions , then start them up to paddle them backwards to exit the room , observed it many times , pure laziness and not the least bit informed o

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