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Posts posted by dumball

  1. I am always amazed how they can willy nilly turn a 1/2/3/ day holiday into 1/2 weeks without a care or a jot for anyone else , just pack up and go . When they return they will likely complain they have no money , when nI was working , if I did that there would be no job/customers on my return , what a joke .

  2. I think you are generalising the same as the TV posters you are writing about , by far the majority of posts are opinions or experiences which are often written quickly with not much thought to how content will be taken by others , especially the PC brigade who seem to be always on tap waiting for an opportunity to pounce on the unsuspecting .I take those posts to be in reference to certain Thai they have noticed with certain traits at a particular space in time , I think most of us know better than to include all Thai carte blanche .

  3. I took an English man to the British Embassy in Cambodia because his disability money had been suspended , long story , they offered him a one way 1st class ticket home provided he handed in his passport and signed an agreement to pay the money back .What is wrong with the Embassy in Thailand ? That is if he ever applied for help .

  4. 'JurgenG' timestamp='1302136949' post='4340360']

    True. For European kids there is a list of mandatory vaccinations.

    For visitor, it seems there is no requirements.

    Why so ?

    probably because there are few , if any , diseases in Europe that Aseans have not been faced with , maybe you should be thinking in the opposite direction , people you are visiting are prone to catching asean diseases that can be very debilitating to their health such as hepatitis , that can cause death to a European , maybe they should visit a doctor for a chat and get clued in .

  5. 'RickBradford' timestamp='1302005392' post='4337301'Bangkok is a perfect example of Thai irresponsibility. Think of all the GHGs that are drifting skyward as tens of thousands of cars sit in endless traffic jams--you can even smell it.

    Oh, come on. Have you ever been to Saigon? Shanghai? Bombay? Cairo? Lagos?

    Just out of curiosity , where abouts are those cities located in Thailand , maybe we could start doing a ' Dump ' on them as well as Bangkok .

  6. 'dumball' timestamp='1301989585' post='4336706']

    'BoonToong' timestamp='1301977145' post='4336203']

    Is it just a coincidence that Dawn was always there just before the victim? She must be a very busy lady.

    Took the words out of my mouth , I used to get up at Dawn but she usually said ' No ' and went back to sleep .

    Sorry about the ' wise crack ' , got carried away by previous posts .

    Drawing money from an ATM can be dodgy after dark unless you happen to be in a well lit area with people around .

  7. harrycallahan' timestamp='1301980944' post='4336378']

    Loz' timestamp='1301980421' post='4336348']

    there is no significant research that concludes Thais are worse drivers than their western counterparts. True. But then There was once no significant research proving that the earth was round, and yet...

    So in short. I could agree with your view that Thais aren't bad drivers, but then we'd both be wrong.

    You need to differentiate between skills and wrecklessness. One can be highly skilled but drive in a manner which creates a high accident risk.

    Michael Schumacher must be a good driver but still has more accidents than most people.

    It could be argued the thai road environment creates highly skilled drivers, just as Mr Schumachers domain does.

    The Thai road environment does not create even good drivers , what it does produce is excellent dodgem car drivers , highly skilled drivers do not cause accidents by being reckless , they avoid accidents with those skills ,

    How do they manage that ? A skilled driver makes note of vehicles several ahead of them , not just a rear bumper , this way he has early warning of incidents that are imminent , many drivers(?) only know there has been such an incident as they pick themselves up off the ground , the lucky ones that survive that is .

    Yes , they have incompetents all over , but this happens to be Thai related , pointing fingers never cures anything in your own environment , other than in your own mind .

    As to mr schumacher , not even a smidgen correct , F1 drivers have those skills honed at a very earlier age on the racing scene , just to compare him with knuckle heads is very demeaning of you .

  8. ['Semper' timestamp=1301912810' post='4334676]

    <STRONG>"Thailand seems a lot cooler. Normally in Bangkok it was consistently hot. We have hardly turned on the airconditioner since being here. Is it cooler or just us?"<BR><BR></STRONG>I have always thought Bangkok belonged to Thailand. <IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=:blink: src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif">

    You having difficulty reading English again ? You are correct , Bangkok is in Thailand , I did not notice the OP tell it as not being so .

  9. 'el jefe' timestamp='1301813900' post='4331753']

    'dumball' timestamp='1301807077' post='4331490']

    The disaster in Japan tilted the earth on its axis , at that time the correlation of the earth to both the moon and the sun, made changes in both proximity and positioning , as the moon is effective in tide and weather patterns so it is not out of line to consider the weather in Thailand was brought on by these changes .

    Southern Ontario in Canada is almost diametrically apposed to Thailand , the temperature which had been on a climb , nose dived bringing back much colder temperatures , I did take the time to investigate this on google where there are scientists etc with far more expertise in this matter than most persons on Tv and most certainly more educated in the matter than the Thai academics . I was not stabbing in the dark because I am not , nor never will be a weather expert .

    The last time I checked both all of Ontario and Thailand were north of the equator so I have no idea what they are "apposed" to. Or what Canada's weaher has to do with Thailand's, other than that you're Canadian and have nothing else to compare it to.

    So , some-one finally picked up on my little parody , I had mentioned " according to " " I am no expert " etc , but it sure had the ' Perfection Crew " blustering along in the manner that has become so prevalent here on Tv . Do not just post an opinion or quote an authority on a subject , jump in with both feet and tear the incompetent apart , display your wealth of (supposed ) knowledge for all and sundry to admire you in your moment of glory .

  10. londonthai' timestamp='1301792757' post='4331092']

    japan quake was only on 11th - too early to influence climat.

    cold it thailand started just a few days later.

    mind that this freaky weather was only in thailand, and not globally

    The disaster in Japan tilted the earth on its axis , at that time the correlation of the earth to both the moon and the sun, made changes in both proximity and positioning , as the moon is effective in tide and weather patterns so it is not out of line to consider the weather in Thailand was brought on by these changes .

    Southern Ontario in Canada is almost diametrically apposed to Thailand , the temperature which had been on a climb , nose dived bringing back much colder temperatures , I did take the time to investigate this on google where there are scientists etc with far more expertise in this matter than most persons on Tv and most certainly more educated in the matter than the Thai academics . I was not stabbing in the dark because I am not , nor never will be a weather expert .

  11. 'edwinchester' timestamp='1301790418' post='4331036']

    Quote "could be a rare climatic phenomenon", "it wouldn't be a surprise if this extreme climate change is going to happen again", "However, that's just a possibility", "So far, it's not yet conclusive but it certainly is highly unusual", "could also be attributed to alteration of the Earth's axis or magnetic field etc."

    And this is an expert talking? Talk about hedging your bets. No wonder he's still an assistant professor with observations like this.

    Still, can't wait 'til the pandas get here :D

    I wrote about the shifting of the earth on its axis in an earlier post , caused by the Japan earthquake and possible ramifications .

  12. 'LennyW' timestamp='1301718613' post='4329510']

    We can all look foreward to the coming debate in parliament about Farangs over 50 not being allowed to marry Thai-Nationals. So far, I have always thought, that marriing anyone you want is a basic human right that applies all over the globe ?!

    Cant believe some members still dont get that this was an April fools wind up!!!:lol:


    Should that be a given , will George get a short vacation for trolling ?]

  13. Has any of you boffins figured into your calculations , the earth is not a true sphere , if it were it would ' Wobble on its axis , melting of ice caps can cause this effect .

    One point I have yet to see mentioned is the movement on its axis of app 10 cm's caused by the gigantic force of the earthquake in Japan , this movement has re-aligned the angle and the proximity of both the sun and the moon in relation to our earth . As the moon has a large influence on tidal behavior which influences weather patterns , the suns angle and proximity change temperatures at various times of the year , could it not be then , the cause of weather seasonal change in Thailand ? All of the statistics that have been shown are for the earth rotating on its axis PRIOR to this movement , as over the years it has been shown that the rotating does change as a cyclical event in regards to the axis position in relationship to both the moon and the sun , causing weather and temperature ocilation for various regions of the earth .

    Food for thought , an exercise in futility , or scientists learning more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing . Splitting of the atom some-one ?

  14. 'Ulysses G.' timestamp='1301492219' post='4323235']'dumball' timestamp='1301472649' post='4322560']

    What I found in many cases during my 7 years in Thailand , Thai do not particularly enjoy working...

    I have to admit that I do not particularly like working either. Maybe they are on to something. :whistling:


    You have a choice available to you , retire or find some one to do your work for you , I actually enjoyed my work because it started off as my hobby after working for a boss all day , I quit the boss and set up on my own working at my hobby , the business is still operating to this day run by my son .

  15. I would like to comment on the nasturtium cast upon my good name and reputation by certain responding posters , there is no way or intent that my observations were remotely intended to be anti-Thai , they were in fact substantiated by a few other posters from their own personal observations . The truth of the matter lies in the fact that seeing is believing , conversational verification by Thai employees furthers this fact , if you became offended due to the fact you have somehow become a Thai , that has absolutely nothing to do with my post as an observed fact . To denigrate a regular poster for his comments is most reprehensible , warnings have been proposed in the wrong direction in this matter , I would appreciate mods correct this situation and warn those that have violated forum rules , it happens too often I am afraid .

    With all due respect , oddball .

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