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Posts posted by offset

  1. Hi lomatopo

    I went to the true move shop today and to try and cut a long story short after shop assistant spent an hour talking to customer care he gave me a new SIM card and changed the telephone number to the old one That did not send sms messages on my phone or his so after another 30 minutes talking to customer care I suggested to give me another SIM card but not changed the telephone number which he did and now it works OK So the only thing that I can think that was at fault was the phone number or the setup in Truemove

    Any how thanks again for your help

  2. I believe you have a TrueMove H SIM.

    The SMSC for TrueMove H is +66830032000.

    ( +66891009120 is the SMSC for TrueMove, which is a different service provider)

    Are you able to discern any differences in settings between your SIM and the one which you are borrowing (which apparently works)?

    Have you added any APN information?

    I guess I might delete all configurations, power the phone off, remove the SIM, power it on then off, then re-insert the SIM and power it on.

    Have you added any value to this SIM? What is the result of #123#? (open the dialer, enter #123#, press the call button)

    Failing that it may be some issue with the configuration, or with TrueMove H which they may be able help you resolve in person.

    I have been in touch with Customer Care and I have been told that there is no problem their end and have been advised to go to a True Move shop to get it checked out and have the Sim card changed if need be which I hope to do today

    The more I think about it the more that I think that the SIM card is faulty because I cannot understand why if I change the SIM card into another phone it does not work on that phone either even though another Truemove+H card was working on that phone with no setting up to do and the SIM card from that Phone works on my phone with no setting up to do

    I have put money on the SIM card and have 20 Baht on it at the moment I do not want to put any more on it at the moment in case I have to change the SIM card

    I cannot see any differences in the settings from one phone to the other

    The only thing that I have done to the APN is put in the True H Internet details and the the same for Truemove MMS which I got from the true web site

    The number on SMSC is +66830032000 which it puts in when I put the SIM card in

    I do put a AIS SIM card in this phone every day (which I can send sms on) so I would think that that would reconfigure the phone

  3. Can you share any additional information as requested?

    What type of SIM?




    These SIM do come with some "start-up" data allowances: 70 - 100 MB, after which you will start paying 2 baht/MB until you subscribe to a data plan.

    Re: SMS delivery, can you verify delivery with the recipient rather than relying on a message delivery option?

    Can you check the "Message Center" setting on both SIMs and document it here? (Messaging, Settings, Message center - this should be a +668nnnnnnnn number)

    Obviously without a lot more detail I am shooting in the dark, but my best guess is that the Message center number is incorrect. Or maybe your balance is zero?

    Thanks for your help so far the Sim that I have is this one http://www.truemove-...m/en//isim.aspx

    I have already tried to send a message to 3 different numbers and non received the message

    The number in the message centre is +66830032000 I have also tried the number +66891009120 both of which Turemove's customer care gave me it seems like they do not know which one I should be using because every time I ring them they try to get me to try the other number

    I must have credit on my phone because I can make phone calls on it

  4. That is one long sentence! wink.png

    Can you add any detail: type of phone, type of SIM, type of service.

    Is this a new problem? Related to location, time of day, destination/service provider of SMS. You say that you cannot send any SMSes? How do you know?

    What are the differences between the other TrueMove H SIM and yours?

    Many, many people have complained about TrueMove H's seeming lack of ability to deliver SMSes consistently - there have been many posts here on this subject - , and I did experience this when using a TrueMove H SIM for 30 days.

    I think you may need to start documenting your issue and then visit a TrueMove service center and ask for some resolution.

    The lack of consistency in monitoring/reporting data usage also seems to plague TrueMove H. Do you have a data plan? If so, which plan?

    There is a reason TrueMove remains the 3rd place service provider here, and continually loses money quarter after quarter, however competence doesn't seem to be one of the reasons. wink.png

    Both Sims are Truemove+H both are on pay as you go and I am using a Galaxy 2

    It is a new Sim tried different times of the day to different providers my phone tells me if a sms is delivered or fails

    The only difference between sims are one is useable as a mini sim and the other one (the one that I am having trouble with) is a one peice sim card

    I do not have a data plan on the data issue I am wondering if they give free data useage at the beginning of a new card

  5. I have a small problem in that I can receive messages but cannot send any I have been onto customer services I found them helpful but could not solve the problem and they said that they would put it up to the tech. dept. and that I should hear from them but after 4 days I have heard nothing I have also noticed that when I use the Internet they do not deduct any money from my phone even after using You tube for an hour I have tried the Sim card in another phone but it still will not send sms I have also tried another true+H Sim in my phone and I can send sms OK on my phone any ideas

  6. Hi.

    I did some searching on the net and found this:

    Although the new HD channels are only available to cable subscribers at the moment, TrueVisions said its satellite subscribers will be able to receive the service starting in 2012: "Though the new service remains limited to subscribers to the fibre-optic cable network [currently], it will also be available to satellite customers next year," confirmed chief commercial officer Ongard Prapakmol.



    That is interesting I am on Satellite I signed up last week and got a date for connection of the 18th of November which was confirmed by sms and it is showing for connection on my account on their INTERNET site also there ads. have changed on the TV before it said it was for cable TV but now it does ot stipulate any service I will have to wait and see

  7. Didn't you have the land surveyed and maThought rker posts confirmed when purchased six months ago? There are two copies of the Chanote, one held by the Land Office and the other in your hands. Are you saying that the measurements recorded on them are not the same? Ask to see the Land Office copy and compare the two. Unless you have a bogus Chanote, the land recorded thereon is what's legally yours.

    I thought that the 4 markers were there and the mound followed the markers but i have since found out there is a missing marker

    We went to the Land Office and they over laid there copy on ours and they were the same but they then got 3 sets of maps out and checked the measurements on them and arrived at a measurement of about 5 mtrs smaller than ours they did not seem to worry about the difference

    So now nobody seems to know what is correct

  8. We purchased some land about 6 months ago on one side was a mound marking the boundary which had been there for years now the land owner says that some of the boundary is on his land to cut a long story short I got the land remeasured by the land office it seems that what he thought was the land marker was not for our boarder but was for the land to the right of ours and the proper marker was another 6 meters further on what he thought was his land which he disagrees with When I check the measurements on our Chanode the Land Office measurement is over 4 meters less than what our Chanode measures which on a boundary of 232 mtrs long it is quite a bit of land it would also mean that the boundary is completely on our land At the moment we are waiting for the Land Office to arrange a meeting to sort out the problem but I would like some advice on what to do next

  9. Just to report on the progress made he drilled 2 holes and found very little water he said about 1 cubic metre each hole he left without asking for any money so it cost me nothing he also said that there is no large water reservoirs on my land but I am not sure if i can believe that or not after him being sure there was a lot of water in the first place

  10. mkawish

    He put 4 metal rods into the ground took a digital reading on a box (which I think had the name Aquarius on it) and then moved the outside pair of rods 10mtrs at a time until he got a low digital reading he then moved the rods outward some more and he just told me that the water extended 25mtrs one way and 36mtrs the other way he told me how many ltrs of water there was (which I have forgotten) and that I could run the pump for 3 days without stopping before I might loose any flow he seemed very confident about it not like the other driller that I have used that used divining rods


    I told the man that I would like 100mtrs, we are growing Thai vegetables (I do not know the names) on 11 Rai and I was hoping to use sprinklers on most of it in zones the pump is going to be a 1.5HP bore hole pump


    I think that you are correct in saying that he is using other results from before by the way he picked the spot to try first he is also the first driller out of 3 that I have spoken to that told me that it was a 1.5HP pump the other 2 told me they would use a 1.5KW pump which should of have warned me any way I should know later today if he is correct

  11. Just had my land checked for a good supply of water the first area that he checked for he told me that there was a good supply 25 mtrs deep and would give me a supply of about 170 ltrs per min and he guaranteed (i know what Thai guarantees are worth) there would be no drop in supply. He used and electric device anybody know if these are reliable

  12. Does anybody know if I could run 2 pumps on the same watering system

    Yes, you can run 2 bores/pumps into the same water line. Probably better to install additional check valves at the Y junction.

    Thanks for your reply I think that is the way I will go

    sorry i couyldn't reply sooner but running a bit hard now. I'm putting in a tank tower and will pump to it from the well and then run all my lines off the tank not the pump (or pumps in your situation with more than one well). You can have a booster pump or a "pressure tank system" to use from your stoerage tank if you need high pressure or high flow.

    That is what I intended to do (not a tower tank) but I need about 120 ltrs per min and only having 40 ltrs per min from the bore hole nearest to where I was going to put the tank meant that the sums did not match up so with the 2 pumps I intend to run them for a while to see what the constant flow is and if it is about 80 ltrs per min I will then put a tank system in to allow me to run a sprinkler system

    I have a tank tower on the land adjoining my house which is OK but I feel that it was a expense that was not justified where a tank lower at ground level with a pump on will give me enough pressure to do what I want

  13. Not knowing your location, or density of neighboring population, I would think as suggested by previous poster that the water table is variable and there for reacts as the tides rise and fall or the over-consumption by neighbors draws on the table. In Thailand its not like your taping into any underground streams. Using a "restrictor," will certainly reduce the flow however it won't increase the wells productivity. It appears that the flow is irregular not due to your pump or other possible variance. How deep is your well? Well depth in the LOS is usually very shallow interms of western standards. Well water is by no means to be considered potable and often contains many caustic additives by farmers, neighbors toilets, and industry. I do not recommend you use this water for cooking, drinking or even bathing unless treated first.

    Good luck

    I was told that it had been drilled to a depth off 92 meters and at a guess the pump is 70 meters down I was left with 12 meters of extra pipe to go down further if I needed to but I am not sure that would help me it may extend the time of good water flow by a little but I would still have the same problem

    Does anybody know if I could run 2 pumps on the same watering system

  14. Khonwan

    At first I thought it might be a voltage problem but the control unit tells me it does not matter if the voltage is 200 or 230 rate of water varies without any change of voltage


    I have a spare bore-hole which I am told has a water supply can I put a pump in that and connect it up to the same water lines as the other pump to give me more water flow or would I have to have separate pipes lines

    for each pump

  15. ksamuiguy

    This is a new bore-hole when it was finished I did not see the guy do any testing of the rate of flow he just said that is the best I could expect to get, when the flow went down again he then told me that he had closed down a valve to keep a steady constant flow but I could not understand that if he had restricted it to 40 lpm why does it increase to 80 lpm sometimes I also would of thought that if at 80 lpm I was starving the hole of water I should see the water splutter and air coming through the pipe is there any reason why the flow should change during the day


    It is a submersible pump you and are correct about the testing I have not seen a valve on my bore head the guy said that he adjusted the valve on the pump but I did not know that they had any valves on the pump because you would have to keep lifting it up 70 mtrs to adjust it but I know nothing about pumps so I may be wrong

  16. Best guess while knowing nothing certain.

    You may have debris clogging your intake in the well.

    Suction will pull debris and hold it there,

    then when the pump shuts off the debris is free to fall or float away.

    It is unpredictable exactly how and when the debris comes to the intake

    so each episode would logically be a bit different.

    That is possible but the flow of water can go up from 40 to 80ltre per min as well as down and I would of have thought that any debris would stay while the pump is turned on

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