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Posts posted by bluesofa

  1. 22 minutes ago, faraday said:


    The Courier 2021


    Decent reviews, Benedict Cumberbatch (what a name!????) in the lead role.


    Halfway through, & because of the Russian speaking scenes, I've had to search for a subtitled torrent.


    Can't though, coz the internet's gone off & AIS isn't fast enough.



    Btw, did you know his ma is Wanda Ventham the actress?

    I see the 720p Webrip by uploader GalaxyRG on Magnet has inbuilt subtitles for the Russian dialogue,

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  2. 3 hours ago, Blue Muton said:

    I d/l a couple of Kiwi miniseries, One Lane Bridge and The Bad Seed. I watched the first episode of One Lane Bridge and it looks quite promising despite it's modest 6.3 score on IMDb. I haven't started The Bad Seed yet.

    In the usual places:

    One Lane Bridge I can see some episodes.

    The Bad Seed only found one episode that's downloading very slowly.

    Where can I find them all?


  3. 2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    Ever wondered why there are so many motorbike deaths in Songkran ? Daft woman blurring cyclists vision in the photo is one clue.


    Exactly the same thing happened to me over ten years ago on the first Songkran morning. It was about 8:00 in the morning and needed go into town to pick up something work-related,

    I thought I'd miss the water by going early. Big mistake. Came off the motorbike, had my girl friend on the back.

    Someone called an ambulance. Police also turned up, by which time the culprit had run away, Police shrugged and weren't interested as it was Songkran-related.

    I ended up with a dislocated thumb when the bike hit the ground.

    Ever since I don't even leave the house for the entire week.

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  4. 22 minutes ago, snoop1130 said:

    key trade partners being countries that have free trade agreements (FTAs) with the kingdom. Thai durian, mangosteen, longan and mango are popular in China, Hong Kong and ASEAN member states.

    FTAs - pah!

    I just hope they stiff the Thai exporters with import duty (or rename it 'special tax') as Thailand have done with Beer Laos which is also part of the FTA and is not supposed to have any import tax imposed on it, coming into Thailand.

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