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Posts posted by bluesofa

  1. 9 hours ago, kokesaat said:

    There's some (dated) discussion of this on another forum https://www.udonmap.com/udonthaniforum/auspicious-days-t24490.html

    I see there's a reference above to Chinese calendars showing these types of auspicious dates.


    I did a search and found this:  https://www.chinesecalendaronline.com/   

    A Chinese lunar calendar telling you clearly auspicious times and dates for house building, weddings, etc.

    Looks like that's where all these dates come from.


    At the bottom I can even search for auspicious dates for a various events, even a  haircut - remember Wednesdays is a no-no for haircutting.


    However, in my particular example of 22 Feb at 08:19 to start building a house, that appears on this calendar as only for a sacrifice, and to avoid anything else.

    I was hoping we'd got to the bottom of where the dates come from. Perhaps 'our' monk was using an old calendar, who knows?
    He'd be aware that no one else locally would know, and wouldn't dare to question his knowledge.


    Must be why monks all have mobile phones with internet access.

    I was hoping to be able to cut out the monk middlemen and go directly to the source.


    • Haha 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, VBF said:


    You are basically correct, but in the interests of accuracy:


    IF (!) the current proposals from UK Gov are enacted, all such restrictions should end in June.

    Big IF of course but planned if Covid numbers keep coming down due to vaccinations 

    The "hill walkers publicly shamed" incident was one very over-enthusiastic police force (Derbyshire I think) which has since apologised for its behaviour.


    Having said that, 6 million is still risible ????????

    Using my TAT logic calculator, I can see that:

    6 million divided by 300 passengers per flight =20,000 flights

    divided by 180 days for the last six months of the year = 111 flights per day

    divided by 18 hours, flights per day = 6 flights per hour.

    Is no problem, Mr Fawlty.

    • Haha 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

    I swear they take their PR lessons direct from Baghdad Bob (the former Iraqi Minister of Information who made a series of really stupid comments during the last Gulf War, including one where he claimed that no American forces had entered Baghdad when in fact they were fighting only a couple hundred meter away from where he was at the time in the heart of the city.)

    'Baghdad Bob' I don't remember that name. I always heard to referred to as 'Comical Ali', a play on words of the more sinster Chemical Ali.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

    Good to have you back Owl, I'm pretty sure you either write a script or actually dictate for monsieur Vol au vent, when you are otherwise engaged ???? because the writing style seems to be so so similar ????

    As someone once said, "I've got all the words there, I've just got to get them in the right order."

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 9 hours ago, khaowong1 said:

    Bluesofa, when ever some villager came to the temple and asked the abbot to pick a date for this or that, he would open this book, kind of like a Thai version of the Farmers Almanac, consult it and give a date.  I couldn't read it as it was in Thai.  I asked about where he got it but never got a answer that I could even understand.  So, I have no clue.  

    Thanks for an answer to my question, there is a book to refer to. 'Farmers Almanac' - the best time to plant your house. ????

    Finding out more about the thinking behind it might be more difficult.


    Even though this is the buddhism forum, it has attracted a lot who aren't interested in finding out any reasoning that may be behind it.

    Even as an atheist it doesn't stop me wanting to understand where the thinking might come from, then being able to make a (hopefully) informed critical response.

  6. 41 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


    Actually, they can.

    Their spellings are the original. When the colonists first moved to the New World, there weren't that many of them and the language and spelling stayed static. Meanwhile, in the UK, things evolved and changed.

    Though, they have no excuse for their pronunciation and spelling of the word Aluminium.


    Explanation is courtesy of the author Bill Bryson.

    Yes, I've read that elsewhere too regarding the origin and hence different spelling.

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