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Posts posted by bluesofa

  1. 14 minutes ago, berrec said:

    I know that many of these women are desperate for money but it's really dumb they head off to other countries where they can be victimized. 


    There is enough history of these cases you think the light bulb would go off in their heads that it's dangerous under any conditions to head out to foreign countries for financial gains. 

    I'm sure most of the women have no understanding of foreign countries, due to the useless education system, specifically geography in this instance.

    Too many people think that Africa is a country, not a continent.


    I was once looking at buying a world map, to explain to the girls in my bar where the countries were. It was a Thai map, with the countries written in Thai. I couldn't help but notice according to the map, Singapore was in the southern hemisphere.


  2. 6 minutes ago, Disparate Dan said:

    If it took just 80 HGVs off the entire stretch of road 3 times a week, it would contribute something to safety and the environment.

    But will Thai companies become organised enough to employ drivers at both ends - because no-one is going to pay a driver to sit on a ship for 20 hours....

    I wouldn't be surprised if some transport company forced the driver to count it as one of his days off.

  3. 3 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    I've not looked at that for a year or so now. It's a forum that encourages their members to scam the scammers.


    I do remember one of the 419 members convinced some scammers they would be sent money if they joined a 'cycle for jesus campaign' and provided a lot of photos of them cycling about with sign on the back of their bicycle saying they were cycling to promote a church project. It wasted their time quite well.

    There were loads of scammers who fell for this and the photos of them on their bicycles with signs on the back was hilarious.

    Another scam bait was the Toilet Bike. Promised cash to the scammers if they attached a toilet to the back of their bike:


  4. 2 minutes ago, elgenon said:
    6 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    You could try contacting the company who the website - hence the email address - registered the domain name. They have a responsibility to look into these issues.

    Don't think it is companies. Thanks

    Is it a web-based email account - like gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc? They all have a policy to terminate spam.


    If it's another domain name, then if it's an individual or a company, anyone who registers a domain name has their website/email service provided by a web-hosting company.

    In this case it's the web-host you need to contact.

  5. 5 minutes ago, webfact said:

    With fewer water sources available in the upper part of the northeastern region, water management plans, and precipitation from recent storms, have resulted in a total of 3.145 billion cubic meters of water flowing into dams, which has led to a greater reserve of water available for the 2020-2021 dry season.

    Have I misunderstood this?

    'fewer water sources available' yet despite this, through 'water management plans' there is more water available?


    I'm guessing the 'fewer water sources available' refers to the increasing number of Chinese dams upstream, but they don't want to say this directly?

    • Like 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Wouldn't it be a lot simpler to bury them under the pavement as in London, so they only have to dig up the pavement and not the road?

    Yes it would, but in Thailand there isn't enough pavement (if any).

    It's also quite narrow compared to say London, so trying to burying all the utilities under a narrow pavement would make it even harder than they are making it at the moment.


    In the UK there is cooperation between the utility companies to share information where their ducts are buried. It avoids a lot of unnecessary severing of other companies ductwork.


    • Like 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Probably connections to the building in the vicinity. London has buried cables under the pavements and doesn't have boxes above ground- could they know something that Pattaya engineers don't?


    I thought they were joking when the picture of the cables under middle of the road was published in a thread. Seriously, I hope they don't need to dig up the road every time a cable fails.

    In other places they often put a spare length of draw-rope in the ductwork, so that if additional/replacement is needed at some point, it can be used to draw a new length of cable through the duct, without the need to dig up the road.


    There are also 'mole ploughing' options.

    Some manoeuvre themselves through empty ductwork. Other versions can bore a hole underground to install ductwork.

    I'm sure this won't happen for a few years here though.

    • Like 1
  8. 35 minutes ago, voulez vous said:

    We are always taking selfies. It's a modern form of flattery.


    Historically we have always been regarded as great cooks and lovers. Risk-takers too. This poor man was just trying to be cool.


    Not too much sympathy for him on this thread.



    Perhaps you are always taking selfies? Yes, it is a modern form of self-flattery, very narcissistic.

    I have only ever taken one selfie. That was six years ago, when a photo was required for a job application.

    I did avoid standing in front of any scenery, risking my life.


    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Justgrazing said:


    Rings , metal plates .! sounds more like Hampton armour for cockfighting .. Personally ( not that I would be wearing one but if I was ) I don't know why they didn't stick it in an ice bucket .. one it had reduced to a chipolata the ring would've dropped off .. 

    'Hampton armour for cockfighting'

    You must be thinking of Hampton Caught. They used have jousting and fighting there.

    • Haha 2
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