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Posts posted by bluesofa

  1. 4 minutes ago, 1FinickyOne said:

    well, no, I would not extrapolate it out to blame on Buddhism...


    they daydream a lot... I often wonder where they go... you see it when they walk around or just stand in the middle of a supermarket aisle... w/cart so nobody can pass... I see people get off escalators and look around, unsure where they are as if they have just woken up... they go someplace. I don't know where but it seems pleasantly detached, I want to go there too. Except not in my car. 

    Well I don't know.

    What about the amulets that will save the owner's life if involved in an accident?

    That must surely bear responsibility for not concentrating fully on driving because they think they're invincible.

    • Like 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, 1FinickyOne said:

    sort of a placebo for the soul, as I always thought...


    if you go to the monk for your auspicious day to buy a car, then you have done your part, the responsibility of an accident or whatever is out of your hands... 


    I see many parts of the culture that are designed to make people feel good.. 

    'the responsibility of an accident or whatever is out of your hands'

    I see we can blame the high rate of traffic accidents and deaths in Thailand to buddhism  then - 'it was my fate.'

  3. 10 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    I find it crazy that They celebrate Xmas & Easter (and expect presents). Do we have Song Kran in Basingstoke?


    The world is in 2021, so how difficult would it be to 'fix' Easter, and Ramadan (other religions are available), so the rest of the world know what's going on, and ONLY devotees to that religion take it as part of their annual holidays.

    How difficult would it be to re-invent the calendar to be 13 x 28 day months? New Year would always be a long weekend, and 29th February could be added to it every 4 years.

    Using logic, that could be where the idea falls down.  What we need is a pope to endorse it.

    It worked last time when we changed from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar (named after pope Gregory XIII). Mind you, it took centuries for it to catch on globally.


    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, PatOngo said:
    3 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    The name '1 Tambon 1 New Theory Farm' sounds suspiciously similar to 'One Tambon One Product', which originated from someone living in exile in Dubai.

    Will a 'rice pledging scheme' be next? Sounds like a good idea!

    It would have to be something like a 'rice covenanting' scheme.

    They wouldn't want to infringe copyright completely.

    • Like 1
  5. 57 minutes ago, khaowong1 said:

    Not sure I mentioned this yet.  I called my monk friend in Lopburi province, and this is what he told me.  Astrology.  These abbots and senior all knowing monks are using astrology for their "auspicious" predictions.  That's it.  He said has nothing to do with Buddhism.  I asked him why they would be using astrology when it has nothing to do with the Buddha's teachings, he said, because that's what the people want.  And when a Buddhist monk gives them a "auspicious" date for whatever, wedding, burial, building a house, buying a car, the people are very happy and take the given information as "Gospel".  I told him that I find that a little misleading, he said, maybe so, but it's what the "people" want.  And it's been going on for hundreds of years.  I was a ordained monk at this temple where my friend is, and they know that I question everything.  So they just laugh me off.  Then he asked if I would be willing to donate some money to build another Buddha statue at the temple,  so I laughed him off.  Turn about's fair play.  

    Thanks for the details. That seems to confirm the direction the thread has been going.


    'he said, because that's what the people want.'   Something along  similar lines:

    Back in the UK decades ago a ferang abbot at a Thai temple told me about Thais asking him when his birthday was.

    He knew the only reason they asked him was to use it to buy lottery tickets, as a ‘lucky number’.
    He said he originally used to reprimand them about it, but after a few years gave up when he realised they weren’t interested in learning about true buddhism.

    • Like 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:


    He can't be scared of a little <deleted>  surely .. 

    And why does it need to be postponed indefinitely if as the reason given is the documentation has gone to S K .. 

    If it exists that's a temporary hitch .. 

    Sounds more like someone's selling porkies again .. 

    It doesn't matter if it's postponed indefinitely, after all he is immortal, isn't he?

    • Haha 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    Animals are not stupid Bluesofa. They soon learn what side their bread is buttered. Why waste energy chasing humans when a guy in a robe chucks it food every day; and the occasional careless dog.


    The problems arise when someone does not do their job.


    "You fed the croc today number two."

    "Oh <deleted>. I forgot."

    "Never mind, that newbe will sort it. Just gone to the pond for meditation."

    the newbe thought it was going to be meditation, the croc knew it was a boil-in-the-bag meal.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    Mrs Owl has left. Mildred didn't want to go.


    I asked teerak if she could get a close up of the croc's nose. She said she would try.


    She took my phone to get some pics.

    'She took my phone to get some pics.'   A misprit surely - She took my phone to trade for a handbag.

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