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Posts posted by UnknownPoster

  1. Last week, my wife and I need to make several phone calls from the airport to Canada. From our home phone, it's 3 baht a minute. We used the computer-touch screen phones on the departure floor and there were about the same price. However; the phones were a bit tempermental and we could only get through about ever 5-6 tries. So, we decided to go down a level and try the traditional TOT phones near the restaurants. The phones had instructions on the front on how to make international calls. We followed the instructions and to our surprise, we just found out that the 3 phones calls (10 min each) cost us 3500 baht each call! Just an FYI.

    That's outrageous but hardly suprising.

    Just add that one to the list.

    Welcome to Thailand.

    TOT Phone Scam.

    Pilfered Baggage.

    Bogus Custom Officials.

    Rude Customs Immigration Officials.

    Magnetometer Heist.

    Taxi Touts/Limo Scam.

    Credit Card Scam at King Power.

    Hotel Airport Scam.

    Drugging Tourists/Robbery. (GHB).

    Keyloggers at Internet Shops.

    Double Pricing.

    Taxi, Tuk Tuk, Touts.(Temple Closed Scam)

    Gem Scam.

    Seafood Scam.

    Baht Bus Scam.

    Random Search/Piss Tests.



    Bird Flue.

    Legal System.

    Littering Police Scam.

    Ground Transport Scam. TAT Travel Agents Scam..(train/Bus Stations)

    Student Survey Scam.

  2. Oh, for the love of God.

    Please, Lord, protect us from half-witted farangs who not only overestimate their own importance to Thailand BUT, in the process, mangle their mother tongue in trying to articulate their half-arsed ideas.

    I guess I'll get a holiday for this. It's almost worth it just to feel the joy, the release, the sheer freedom of saying what is patently obvious to everyone. The OP is an idiot.


    Please, Lord, protect us from half-witted farangs who not only overestimate their own importance.

  3. The security/screeners know where the video cameras are aimed and they know these people are getting on an airplane. They work as a team and can easily steal items while customers are distracted.

    Of course, nobody has the 'right' to frisk the workers. They claim the customer is attempting a scam.

    A corrupt Airport in a corrupt Country. Half the employees in the Aiirport could know about it.

    What are the chances sombody would report it? Thais don't turn Thais in, and the cops look the other way, especially if the victim is a Foreigner.

    Utter nonsense. Every single word of it.

    With an 'everyone is out to get me' attitude like that, I'm surprised you dare to get out of bed in the morning.

    Another expert opinion from a starry-eyed rookie.

    You should get a few years on the ground before making such remarks.

    I've got a few years on the ground, thank you.

    I also use the airport twice monthly. Perhaps I have a few more smarts about me but none of the numerous things that are reported as endemic have ever happened to me here or in any other SEA airport. I often wonder why that is.

    Humility surely is not your strongest attribute.

    I'm in awe of your ability to prattle on about how educated, enlightened and experienced you are.

  4. "There have been numerous reports of theft at Suvarnabhumi Airport, police say, including at least two from tourists who say their valuables disappeared while they were being scanned."

    "Piyarat said he had written to airport officials asking to check the scanner's photographic record but was provided with unclear CCTV pictures taken from one angle. He was told that there was only one camera in the area. "

    "It has been difficult to investigate the claims because the airport does not cooperate, Sitthichai said."

    "The official declined, however, to comment further, saying it might affect the reputation of Airports of Thailand."

    The published story here:


  5. The security/screeners know where the video cameras are aimed and they know these people are getting on an airplane. They work as a team and can easily steal items while customers are distracted.

    Of course, nobody has the 'right' to frisk the workers. They claim the customer is attempting a scam.

    A corrupt Airport in a corrupt Country. Half the employees in the Aiirport could know about it.

    What are the chances sombody would report it? Thais don't turn Thais in, and the cops look the other way, especially if the victim is a Foreigner.

    Utter nonsense. Every single word of it.

    With an 'everyone is out to get me' attitude like that, I'm surprised you dare to get out of bed in the morning.

    Another expert opinion from a starry-eyed rookie.

    You should get a few years on the ground before making such remarks.

  6. The security/screeners know where the video cameras are aimed and they know these people are getting on an airplane. They work as a team and can easily steal items while customers are distracted.

    Of course, nobody has the 'right' to frisk the workers. They claim the customer is attempting a scam.

    A corrupt Airport in a corrupt Country. Half the employees in the Aiirport could know about it.

    What are the chances sombody would report it? Thais don't turn Thais in, and the cops look the other way, especially if the victim is a Foreigner.

  7. Very noble of you to notice that. Do you notice that they still look so happy in this wretched condition. I always wonder why they look happier to some of the millionaire families. Must be Buddhism.

    Who knows, maybe further lowering of their wages and (if possible) deterioration of living conditions would make them even happier?

    Many of us ost of us know those 2 VT buildings, just completed, next to Adriatic Palace hotel in Pattaya. Top floor units went for 12, 13, 14 million baht.

    The happy heroes who built them missed on "company accommodation" but were enjoying the benefot of "company transport" instead.

    Their happinss was dripping off that truck as I drove behind it.

    The guys in the back of that truck are loving it. It's a good minimum wage job. Thousands are lined up to take their place if they don't like it.

    Back home(up-country), they have almost zero opportunity, picking up the odd job now and then for 100bt a day.

    Come to Bangkok, work a couple years on a project and then go home as a bigshot with money to burn.

    That's what they are doing.

  8. I broke my arm and went to Bumrungrad and it cost 4,000bt for the fix.

    Asking for 600,000? That's insane.

    They crashed into you, and now, with the cops as business partners, are trying to win the Farang Lottery. Who knows, 'your' Lawyer might be in on it too.

    Thailand is corrupt but my understanding is, the judges are quite fair. The cops don't take bogus claims all the way to court and will try to settle if you dig in.

    I would offer the cops a few thousand "for the paperwork" and bet they stop harassing you.

  9. The "magnetometer heist" takes place at airport security check-ins, again perpetrated by a gang. Just before stepping through the magnetometer after placing your belongings on the belt, a con artist alerts you to a ticket envelope on the floor. You pick it up, but by the time you discover it's not yours and finally step through the magnetometer, your stuff is gone.

    Not to be confused with the Pilfered Baggage or the Bogus Custom Officials scam.

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