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Posts posted by T_Dog

  1. Cadel Evans of Australia wins Tour de France.

    More or less blew the doors off everyone in the individual time trial today at Grenoble.

    First Tour Victory for any Auzzie. Sweet!

    Evans raced hard through the whole tour, and had good strategy. He deserves it! He is not officially the winner though until the final day, but he will be unless something crazy happens.

    And thanks all for adding your posts and making this a fun thread.

    Joy on the podium


  2. Good comments about the spectators. I just can't see myself telling the better half: "Hey Honey, This afternoon I'm going to dress up in a devil suit and carry an inflatable fork and chase bicycles for a few seconds up in the Alps."

    At any rate, one guy got famous with a different theme. I think the Steephill/Reuters caption is spot on as the currently running stage will cause big changes in the overall standings.


  3. Andy Schleck just pulled off the ride of his life, launching his attack some 70km out from the Finish Line....helluva gutsy move!

    Frank Schleck came in 2nd Place

    Cadell Evans has been gutting out on his own to close the gap, dragging along Thoma Voeckler to the finish line......

    Helluva and exciting ride today.

    Thomas Voeckler has climbed back INTO the Yellow Jersey on the final kilometer! And KEEPS the yellow jersey another day!

    Andy Schleck was cooked the final 500-700m, legs screaming. Andy Schleck won Stage 18

    Contador's Tour effectively over....

    Three victors today:

    1) Thomas Voeckler retains Yellow Jersey

    2) Andy Schleck makes up HUGE time on the rest of the field

    3) Cadell closed the gap at the end......

    Yes, a great race! Voeckler really looked spent at the finish after that incredible ride to keep the yellow jersey. Will have to see how he does tomorrow.

  4. Glad to see everyone checking in as I've been wondering why this thread has been so quiet with one of the best Tour's ever going on. Agreed that the coverage is superb this year with the WestCam heliboys doing a terrific job. Love the term, Tour de Norge! Fantastic.

    Haven't seen any comments about http://data.srmlive.de/TDF/. It sure adds a cool dimension to watching to Tour. Here's an image captured from the computer display next to the TV.

    I think we will see some General Classification changes tonight!


  5. Average time lately to Chiang Mai from the USA has been running about 14 days. Best time I have ever seen is 8 days. I'm waiting for a letter right now that was mailed 21 days ago so I am also hoping to get my mail.

    Update: My mail never arrived so it was re-issued and appeared yesterday in 11 days. The address is in cursive English writing which I am pretty sure most non-English speaking countries would have a tough time reading. Make sure folks sending you mail print the address in block letters.

  6. I missed watching the tour yestersay.

    Looking at the news today, My God do I regret not watching.

    Im so proud.

    We have only 2 riders in the tour.

    I was rooting for Thor all the way, but the execution with his team mate at the finish was perfection. You deserve to be proud!

    The next few days of racing will be pretty intense. Here's a cool overall summary I ran into on what to expect. I'll be keeping a close eye on 51 and 55 for sure on that last climb tonight.


  7. If you missed stage 13 last night, try to catch it on the reply today. Thor Hushovd from Norway took off on his own to catch the break-away group early on, and did it to win. One of the most amazing mountain stages I've seen.

  8. Hoogerland seems to be one the bad luck riders this tour.

    I believe this was not the first incident (personal or mechanical) during the tour.

    He is lucky to be alive after that catapult into the barbed wire fence. Over 30 stitches. He would be so much farther ahead as said in the earlier post.

    Anyone able to get speed/heart-rate SRM data to work? Mine attempts time out.


  9. It seems to be the way thieves work in Thailand. They aren't too bright. They come back to the same spot - particularly if they were successful the first time. I am pretty sure they'll come back for your bike, too. So take preventative measures. Anything that's big and obvious is good, so they don't even try.

    And yeah either break your lock yourself with a screwdriver, or put the bike on a truck....

    They work that way in the USA as well. Had my car window broken and they tried to get out my nice car stereo which had an anti-theft strap on it. I put in a wireless car alarm (My link) and they came back two months later. That time they got pepper-sprayed and they felt the cold stainless steel clamps of justice. Two guys just turned 18 years old. I asked them why they came back and they said "Didn't get it the first time." Both of them served jail time as their get-away car was filled with other evidence.

  10. Kloghead.. You are right in worrying about this. I've seen aluminum coaxial hardline terminated to dissimilar connector material fail in less than a year in milder climates than Thailand. Standard procedure was to terminate all our hardline using one of two greases, only one of which I remember the name of. I know this would be difficult to find in Thailand but it would help greatly. You need to keep the air and possibly water (the electrolyte) off the dissimilar metal interface otherwise oxidation will occur.


  11. those **** cars - an accident was always going to happen, there are far too many media and support vehicles out there


    So far, one pedestrian, one motorcycle, and now a car have knocked riders out. The driver of the car looks like he was talking on a cell phone on that narrow road as it is such a fast swerve. Intolerable as the race official says. You can see it here:


  12. I wonder if the guests who stay in room ??? at the Dusit D2 Hotel are aware of it's history.

    Some years ago, when Charles Sobraj was at his best he bumped off one of his many victims at this hotel. It was known as the Chiang Inn back then.

    I suppose the staff don't inform the unknowing guests when they check in. In fact, the staff probably aren't aware of this anyway.

    Time heals all............most of the time.

    Boy does that bring back memories! I always stayed at the Chiang Inn in the past, back when the staff was so humble they would bow their heads every time they passed. Great place. There are other hotels in town that also have their list of rooms the staff does not want to enter.

  13. :) i know this has been done to death in the past ,but where do members recomend

    to buy reasonably priced,good glasses.{eyes for the use of] :D thanks Random


    As you say, it has been done to death. Since you are obviously too lazy to do a search, the consensus seems to be:

    Vision Center, Rajvitthi Rd, halfway between the UN Irish Pub and Moon Muang Rd.

    / Priceless

    Vision Centre. Full stop.

    Has Vision Center moved? I walked from the UN Irish Pub to the moat yesterday and could not find it. Could be me though as I do need new glasses....

    UPDATE: They were closed yesterday and found it today so they are indeed in the same place. I agree with the posters who recommend this place. Excellent service and value.

  14. :) i know this has been done to death in the past ,but where do members recomend

    to buy reasonably priced,good glasses.{eyes for the use of] :D thanks Random


    As you say, it has been done to death. Since you are obviously too lazy to do a search, the consensus seems to be:

    Vision Center, Rajvitthi Rd, halfway between the UN Irish Pub and Moon Muang Rd.

    / Priceless

    Vision Centre. Full stop.

    Has Vision Center moved? I walked from the UN Irish Pub to the moat yesterday and could not find it. Could be me though as I do need new glasses....

  15. true channel 102 every night at 8:30pm has the previous day's highlights. it's the same summary that velonews used to offer on their web site in previous tours (but don't seem to do so this year).

    Sounds good. We watched the whole last two hours last night and it is amazing how much beautiful country-side they roll through. I was always keen on the mountain stages but the flat stages are just as scenic.

    Wife was asking how long the race is and thought I would post that here:

    "Running from Saturday July 2nd to Sunday July 24th 2011, the 98th Tour de France will be made up of 21 stages and will cover a total distance of 3,430.5 kilometres."

    I can not imagine a tougher sport in the world.

    (From http://www.letour.fr/us/homepage_horscourseTDF.html )

  16. Thnx a lot for the link.

    Have not seen it on Truesport (any of the channels).

    Yeah, we're lucky to be watching it on our cable network. Great scenery tonight and some fantastic racing as well. Two guys are 40 seconds ahead of the pack but 26km to go so I doubt they will stay there.

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