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Everything posted by elektrified

  1. Get real. She kicked an 8 month pregnant woman in the abdominal area. Cancel her visa and deport her ASAP!
  2. Actually I think much more than 7 years by now?
  3. Pet Mart has locations all over. They have good stock of cat foods and suplies. You can get a discount card there. Another good pet shop with good stock of cat foods and has even better prices than Pet Mart is on the Doi Saket Road (actually Kaew Narawat), if you make the u-turn just before the Super Highway and look to your left, you will see a large pet shop. Not Namping, their prices are not so good, but just 200 meters or so before it. I just can't think of the name. They have discount cards too. I've always found that for expensive cat foods like Royal Canin, that the best prices are on Shopee or Lazada
  4. What's with all the British pedos in the news? If you can't behave and respect the laws....don't come. Or, go to prison.
  5. Only a heartless loser would post a laughing icon on sad news like this. This website has really become awful.
  6. The combination pill is in fact available here, but only in Bangkok.
  7. Are you for real? He c o n f e s s e d!
  8. "The Swiss language"? LOL that is the funniest thing I've heard in weeks!
  9. What an odd comment. Even really poor Thai people wear gold.
  10. No, I don't have prostate cancer. I had prostatitis at the time of the MRI. But that has been treated.
  11. I'll have to look for the bill, but it was cheaper than the Tesla 1.5 MRI at Suan Dok (>5 years ago) The only review (radiology report) included was by a Radiologist from the CMU Faculty of Medicine The Radiologist upgraded me from PIRAD-4 (old Tesla 1.5) to PIRAD-3 which was a big relief I've had two biopsies in the past; 6 and 10 years ago. Both negative for cancer. This new Tesla 3 technology can be used for an MRI guided biopsy, but in my case, turned out to not be necessary If the MRI is taken at the new Sriphat Imaging Center, then all urologists within the CMU Faculty of Medicine, both public and private wings will accept the MRI. They will not entertain MRI's taken outside of the CMU network
  12. I booked it myself. Nobody arranged it for me.
  13. Hi Sheryl, At CMU (Sriphat) there is a new imaging center that offers Tesla 3 multi-parametric MRI scans. I had one of my prostate in February of 2023.
  14. I should point out that on both occasions that I needed to call an ambulance (1669) for a friend, that they came urgently (patient could not breathe very well and needed oxygen), but they could not locate his house even after 2 or 3 back and forth telephone calls with directions. I had to meet them in front of a nearby temple and they followed me to my friend's house. There was no charge to take my friend to Rajavej (and Suan Dok the other time), but they suggested a donation to their Foundations to cover the cost of oxygen and medical supplies (1,000 Baht). They gave me cards with all of the information to contact and pay them.
  15. Yes, they do. But, you have to tell the dispatcher that you need life support and they will send an ambulance from a well-funded Foundation that has all of the equipment and a team of well-trained EMT's. I did this recently for someone and told the dispatcher that the patient could not breath well and that the main gate was locked and that only a small access gate was open. I spoke with them in Thai. They sent an expensive, well stocked, well-equipped ambulance with 3 guys who were all very well-trained. They checked for blood pressure, blood sugar, blood oxygen, administered an IV and oxygen, and called the hospital that we requested and notified the ER that they were on the way.
  16. They will take you to a private hospital too. Anywhere you want to go, they will take you. They rely on donations to their Foundation of which there are many. If you wish to make a 500-1000 Baht donation, they will give you a card with all of the info.
  17. He's only open a couple of hours a day now. Best to call and ask the hours before visiting. He's close to retirement. I gave a friend a lift there recently.
  18. You could go to Sriphat and consult one there. I don't have a personal recommendation but you can research the surgeons https://sriphat.med.cmu.ac.th/en/service/detail/2
  19. Be very careful buying expensive parrots here. A high percentage of them are infected with PBFD or Psittacosis. It is very expensive to get them tested at a special lab at the CMU School of Veterinary Medicine. A reputable breeder will provide a certificate the birds have been tested for a number of ailments (which of course raises the cost of the parrots considerably).
  20. If you get that 60-day family visa extension does your status remain as Non Immigrant O?
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