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Posts posted by pontious

  1. My mother in law ( Thai ) has a title deed on her house and land. When it was issued she put the name of the eldest daughter as ;holder' The eldest daughter ( 48 years old ) is now the black sheep of the family and no longer lives in Thailand.

    Is there a legal way ( by court if neccessary ) to reinstate the title deeds back to my mother in law or would the permission of the daughter be required? What would we need to do?

    Many Thanks

  2. Fine if you live in Bangkok - why not by EMS post with copies of both passports. You can get a new passport by just sending a copy of your old one.!!!

    The new website for embassy is a complete and utter shambles

    By asking the Embassy very nicely as I did and pointing out to them that a 300km round trip to Bangkok from Rayong Province where I live would result in much inconvenience and expense for me, they were prepared to bend their rules in my case and allow me to request the letter by email with copies of my old and new passports.

    They were even willing to issue me with a second letter in this way, owing to an error in the first regarding my latest entry date - for which, I hold my hands up, I was entirely responsible!

    I then trotted off to Maptaput Immigration to get my current stamps transferred to the new passport, only to be not asked for the Embassy letter in the event! However, as I explained in a previous post on this thread, they did kick up an almighty fuss about the size of the passport copies I'd brought along with me!!

    I personally think that the Embassy are very helpful and making the best of a bad job. IMHO our wrath would be more appropriately directed at the FCO big-wigs in their Whitehall ivory tower who seem solely dedicated to dreaming up in total secrecy and mystery dozy-daft procedures aimed purely at causing the maximum expense and inconvenience for us Brit expats.

    Thanks OJAS for your response. We have discussed this on other threads regarding this subject. The point surely is that as you set a precedent ie by not turning up in person why should we all write nice emails to achieve that. Surely someone could say 'we will allow an EMS with photocopys of the passports.'

    The only saving grace is that not all immigration offices insist on the letter.

    I agree with your comment elsewhere about Jomtien Office - for everyone who says they did not need the letter I can show you the same ammount of people who said they insisted on it . It really is on who you see or what side of the bed they got out that day.

  3. New Thai restaurant opened 2 weeks ago on Chaiyapruek 1. It is called 'Onolicious'. It is opposite the 711 near the German Bakery. The Thai food is excellent and very reasonable prices. They serve Western food as well but we have not tried yet.

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