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Posts posted by pontious

  1. DaveBKK, on 17 Dec 2014 - 06:25, said:
    dundas, on 17 Dec 2014 - 03:05, said:

    I've had the same problem in OS X. None of the existing anti-virus and adware removal tools worked. I finally found SelfControl, free software designed to help Facebook addicts stop their addictions for periods up to 24 hours. It's necessary to add all the URLs you're being switched to and then they're blocked - well, I can't stop the popups, but now they have no content.

    The problem isn't OSX. It's not on your computer. Your router was hacked. The pop up ads are the least of your problems. The bad guys can now set up a perfect "man in the middle" attack and potentially grab any password you enter anywhere.

    I think my router ( TOT) Modem has been hacked - any ideas on what I can do? In language a simpleton like me can understand.

  2. khastan, on 16 Dec 2014 - 22:41, said:
    theoldgit, on 16 Dec 2014 - 19:28, said:

    I contacted them via their website, they responded from this email address.

    [email protected]

    I don't know if this address receives emails.

    Many thanks if you put all the email address in lowercase it goes through.

    Sent them a email asking them to confirm that the same person who countersigned my passport photo last year can sign the life certificate and if they will accept faxed completed life certificates and had the usual automated reply back which states the following:

    Electronic copies of forms or documents, including scanned documents, are not accepted. Please send either the originals or certified copies of any relevant documents by post to the address below. Personal documents will be returned to you as soon as possible.

    Once again conflicting information given from what other posters have been told. Incidentally the address given is the Wolverhampton one.

    The Pension Service 11

    Mail Handling Site A


    WV98 1LW

    United Kingdom

    I sent my fax yesterday, (IPC) having said that was ok. On reading your post I have just phoned Newcastle .

    Mine has been accepted - no problem and all clear. When I read your post to him he suggested I report on this website that it is acceptable. I explained that I have done that on several occasions. And anyway I don't work for GOV. UK.

  3. You will probably laugh.

    I just spoke to IPC about the general concerns regarding the Life Certificate and OJAS's and others applications.

    The answers were.

    1. IPC Newcastle no longer have a post room.

    2. Mail goes to Wolverhampton - they scan it and send that to Newcastle.

    3. Wolverhampton will not sign for mail that arrives by courier or ( EMS).

    4. This is the good bit - if you send EMS (or courier) to IPS Newcastle they will sign for it and you will see that on your Track and Trace.

    BUT - They will not open the letter - they will sign for it and send it Wolverhampton who will open it and send a 'scan' back to Newcastle

    I have not been drinking -yetcheesy.gif

    Will Wolverhampton accept the letter if sent by registered mail?

    Sorry, just read the thread more thoroughly . Seems the best way is to send it by ems or registered post to Newcastle and let them play 'pass the parcel' with it. At least that way I am sure it will get there.

    This business of Wolverhampton not accepting couriered or registered letters from countries where ordinary mail is very unreliable, on such a crucial matter as our ongoing pensions is an absolute disgrace. At the very least we should be advised of this problem in their covering letter.

    Why not just fax it to them Mobi - its cheaper.

  4. You will probably laugh.

    I just spoke to IPC about the general concerns regarding the Life Certificate and OJAS's and others applications.

    The answers were.

    1. IPC Newcastle no longer have a post room.

    2. Mail goes to Wolverhampton - they scan it and send that to Newcastle.

    3. Wolverhampton will not sign for mail that arrives by courier or ( EMS).

    4. This is the good bit - if you send EMS (or courier) to IPS Newcastle they will sign for it and you will see that on your Track and Trace.

    BUT - They will not open the letter - they will sign for it and send it Wolverhampton who will open it and send a 'scan' back to Newcastle

    I have not been drinking -yetcheesy.gif

    Will Wolverhampton accept the letter if sent by registered mail?

    If 'registered mail' requires a signature -no

  5. A fax or scan/emailed copy including the track and trace details confirming an original is on it's way has always worked in my dealings with Govt Depts.

    Re "Why can't they put that in a letter?"; Their letters are auto generated and are aimed at people living within the UK or perhaps the EU. The system isn't geared for claimants further afield but thankfully common sense usually applies once contact has been made by phone.

    IMO the way ahead would be to utilize Skype etc to everyone's advantage by interviewing claimants online/at home using image enhancing technology already in use @HMPO etc.

    Your suggestion of a Skype interview is a excellent one and would save them millions of pounds in paperwork.

    The problem is I believe you are not allowed to send mail that is either track and trace or requires a signature to the Wolverhampton address given.

    That is correct - if you insist on sending the letter ( signed for ) you have to send it to IPC Newcastle who will sign for it, but not open it and will send it to Wolverhampton who will open it . scan it, and send the 'scanned copy' back to IPC Newcastle!

    I was advised by IPC - just fax it to us - 'no original on the way' That seems the cheapest most simple solution.

    • Like 2
  6. I posted in the UK pension thread of my conversation with Newcastle regarding Wolverhampton and Life Certificates and other things.

    I forgot to say they will accept a fax of your life certificate - so I have done that.

    If that is true why not put that info on the letter!!!!!

    I used my insurance agent (Thai) to sign mine -nice big Company Stamp - insurance agents are on the list.

    and IPC confirmed to me that was perfectly acceptable.

  7. I do not know the Royal Mail procedures with Wolverhampton - I expect they have a procedure to accept but no signature. I am sure your claim will get to Newcastle - but like you I applied exactly four months to go and wanted the 'belts and braces' of track and trace for my file 13.

    At the end of the day you have little choice.

    1. Send it to Newcastle who will sign to accept - then send it unopened to Wolverhamton so they scan it and send it back to Newcastle.


    2. Send it to Wolverhampton IAW with there instructions. And I assume hope for the best.

    With the Life Certificate saga now it is getting like the Passport Procedure - better now I know but the hassle that caused us all.

    At least in one month you can ask if all is in order - and still have 3 months to go. I know you should not have to.

    To avoid overexcitement on D -day when I applied they replied I was entitled to xyz - then followed another 3 letters saying they were all wrong - it is now right.

    Good luck

  8. You will probably laugh.

    I just spoke to IPC about the general concerns regarding the Life Certificate and OJAS's and others applications.

    The answers were.

    1. IPC Newcastle no longer have a post room.

    2. Mail goes to Wolverhampton - they scan it and send that to Newcastle.

    3. Wolverhampton will not sign for mail that arrives by courier or ( EMS).

    4. This is the good bit - if you send EMS (or courier) to IPS Newcastle they will sign for it and you will see that on your Track and Trace.

    BUT - They will not open the letter - they will sign for it and send it Wolverhampton who will open it and send a 'scan' back to Newcastle

    I have not been drinking -yetcheesy.gif

  9. You don't have to believe me but why don't you just ask the immigration.

    Like i asked the captain of Phuket Immigration.

    I don't need to ask anybody. This site has been running (i guess) 15 years and has tens of thousand of reports - all consistent. You got the answer already, you're welcome to disagree but stop trying to spread misinformation.

    I posted in another thread that your replies were in general obnoxious and arrogant. That was deleted of course. You seem to annoy a lot of posters here but for some reason get away with it. I have no doubt this one will go the same way.

    • Like 1
  10. For the 20 Baht cost of copies I would advise to take them. My last 3 reports was '1 computer you dont need copies anymore' and 2 'I need the copies'.

    Every time someone reports you dont need them it is followed by reports of 'I did'

    For the cost of 4 copies it is not worth the hassle.

  11. In reality it was never going to happen today, zero signage in place anywhere, what were they going to do switch the traffic lights and hope for the best?

    One Way signs would have had to been ready to uncover, thought would have to be given to what sois ran which way, also Jomtien Complex would have become a giant rat run without some control

    The relevant signs were up yesteday afternoon - this morning they had been removed.

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