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Posts posted by pontious

  1. Went to DLT in Chiang Rai province and was able to renew my 5-yr license using my yellowbook, along with the stated photocopies of my key pages from my passport. The office took my photo and digitally printed it onto a plastic ID card with a magnetic stripe along the back... all very professionally done. I did need to take a physical test for seeing colors (red/ amber / green) and a test for reflex speed in applying brakes. My wife and step-daughter both came along, which was helpful in completing the forms since I neither read nor write Thai.

    Sorry Pattaya, there may be a rational reason demanding paperwork from immigration. It could be that some foreigners do not update the yellowbooks upon change of address. Some might even acquire a second book. If long term residents were required to simply be listed in the blue-books for where-ever they live, then that problem would be lessened. Ex-pats are maybe too mobile for that solution. Maybe having ex-pats have a yellowbook, but shifting the emphasis from one book per building to one book to record each seceding long-term residence for the ex-pat. (???)

    Not likely anyone will heed any of our ideas. Merely reporting back as I said I would.wai.gif

    My guess is that the Pattaya DLT will not accept the "yellow book" because they are facilitating Jomtien Immigration's un-authorized residency certificate selling scheme

    Seems pretty outrageous when one agency of the government will not accept an absolutely legal document issued by another agency of the government for proof of residency. Especially when the requirements for the yellow book are much more stringent than required for the residency certificate issued by Pattaya Immigration which only requires something as simple as a utility bill for proof

    I think you are right - I posted earlier in the thread they refused my Yellow Book and I went to Jomtien Immigration for the residency certificate - and absurdly used my Yellow Book as proof of residence to get it. 300 Baht march out.

  2. New and sort of "exciting" Isaan food restaurant at Pattaya Central Beach Mall

    TUM LAE restaurant

    6th floor of the mall

    near the Northwest corner

    All signage is in THAI (no English)

    Menus in THAI only (no English)

    A tiny percentage of the large menu is shown in pictures (but the pictures are not always clear as to the contents of the dishes)

    OK, so this is a place for Thai speakers, people going with Thais, or those willing to wing it and take some chances

    Prices are low/moderate.

    I tried an Isaan style Chicken tom yum at 90 baht and a grilled pork neck for 100 baht.

    Noticed a fried whole fish dish for 300.

    On another table noticed a delicious looking either baked or grilled large chicken leg/thigh.

    Taste and quality: EXCELLENT

    The place is BUZZING with happy Thai people.

    I don't really understand why they don't have English signage or menu in such an INTERNATIONAL location in Pattaya except perhaps it's a sign to Thai people that the food is the REAL Thai deal.

    It is indeed the REAL Thai deal.thumbsup.gif

    How do you say another Jingthing THUMBS UP ... in Thai?

    Went today - excellent meal for two 290 Baht..

    They have both Thai and English menu - you must look local JT.

    The Thai menu is the book version and the English one is a large single sheet.

    That's funny. I don't look THAT local! Happy to hear that. Do you think the large sheet of English lists the entire menu?

    Not sure if it was both sides of the sheet ( I think it was ) or if it reflected the whole 'Thai Menu'. I did not have my glasses so my wife ordered. We will certainly be going back.

    One dish we had was the chicken you observed. 'Gai Op Ong' ( spelling ) -delicious

    Larb Moo Tod - excellent

    Soup No Mai - not soup really just the Thai name.

    • Like 1
  3. New and sort of "exciting" Isaan food restaurant at Pattaya Central Beach Mall

    TUM LAE restaurant

    6th floor of the mall

    near the Northwest corner

    All signage is in THAI (no English)

    Menus in THAI only (no English)

    A tiny percentage of the large menu is shown in pictures (but the pictures are not always clear as to the contents of the dishes)

    OK, so this is a place for Thai speakers, people going with Thais, or those willing to wing it and take some chances

    Prices are low/moderate.

    I tried an Isaan style Chicken tom yum at 90 baht and a grilled pork neck for 100 baht.

    Noticed a fried whole fish dish for 300.

    On another table noticed a delicious looking either baked or grilled large chicken leg/thigh.

    Taste and quality: EXCELLENT

    The place is BUZZING with happy Thai people.

    I don't really understand why they don't have English signage or menu in such an INTERNATIONAL location in Pattaya except perhaps it's a sign to Thai people that the food is the REAL Thai deal.

    It is indeed the REAL Thai deal.thumbsup.gif

    How do you say another Jingthing THUMBS UP ... in Thai?

    Went today - excellent meal for two 290 Baht..

    They have both Thai and English menu - you must look local JT.

    The Thai menu is the book version and the English one is a large single sheet.

    • Like 2
  4. Renewed my retirement visa yesterday at Jomtien -- Arrived at 0845 -- number 3 in list -- out at 0900 everything ok except I had photocopied one page of my bank book on the reverse side of the other -- must be sepatate pages but the very helpful police officer re photocopied that for me -- used combination method -- extra money in bank for just a few days -- no problems -- have to collect my passport today at 10am

    How early (days) did you apply.?

  5. This thread raises an interesting question


    I noticed (if understanding the posts correctly) that an embassy letter doesn't necessarily need to be from your own Nations embassy - e.g. a UK citizen could avail themselves to the services of the Australian Consulate in Pattaya  to produce the letter if they provided the UK bank statements and paid the fee


    I think you mean Austrian - I cannot find an Australian Consulate in Pattaya.

    I have not seen any reports of UK Citizens getting an income letter from any non UK Consulate in Pattaya - -despite many efforts.

  6. ScottMallon/ George any new word about this or the reporting while traveling issue? Thanks for the info update.

    I take that as NO then.

    I am sad to see there is no reply from George -he did say there would be an announcement ( several days ago)

    and invited everyone to sign up for the 'breaking news newsletter' . If there is no news then just say so.

    Bumped before it drops to 'page 3' and is completely forgotten.

    • Like 2
  7. I have accounts with Santander IOM - they will still operate from IOM, Branch and office etc but they have changed all accounts to join the Santander UK system. It is and will be same as before but you have different account numbers and Sort Code.


    You can use an overseas address for all offshore banks but you have to jump through various hoops and expense regarding ID etc.


    UK mainland banks ( despite being allowed ) -i have not found any that will open a NEW account for non residents.

    ( without lying)



    If anyone has a Santander  International Saver IOM paying 2% then it will drop to 1% from from 29 September 2014crying.gif    




    which of these banks will deliver new credit and debit cards to you in Thailand?


    I have used FirstDirect for nearly twenty years. They post cards overseas and have done for well over 10 years.


    Recently they introduced a Foreign Transaction charge  ontop of their standard ATM charges smile.png Along with the local bank charges it now costs nearly twenty quid a month to withdraw my state pension sad.png


    I am now in the process of trying to get the state pension paid directly into my local Bangkok Bank to avoid these extortionate charges ...


    I think you will find this is 'out of the frying pan into a bigger fire' John, as I'm sure your pension will be worth a lot less due to a much reduced exchange rate.  I also enquired about this some time ago as a way of avoiding the bank charges but dropped the idea as soon as I realised how much less my pension would be, check it out first!


    The poster who mentioned the Nationwide Flexplus is spot on imo as you only pay 10 pounds a month to avoid the 2% and 1 pound per withdrawal charges altogether, which is a saving of around 14 pounds on a 1000 pound pension.



    That is what I thought Ray - but on another thread about Gov pensions being paid direct to Thailand people have reported exchange rates around or on some occasions better than the TT rate. Most people thought it is because of the bulk buying of currency . My next pension payment will be direct to Thailand and I will report the rate I get when it arrives. 



    Reporting back as promised - Pension arrived 1 Aug - exchange rate 53.7

    Bangkok Bank TT Rate 1 Aug at 0830 was 53.95     Can't complain at that.

    • Like 1
  9. Some great news and common sense on the passport front. But is there any clarification on the 24hr ruling of having to advise Immigration of change of address? This may also change as logistically is not always possible, particularly if moving around the LOS.

    Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    We are planning a story about the 24/48 hour reporting by tomorrow. Subscribe to Thaivisa newsletter and you will be the first to know:


    Any progress on this ?


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