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Posts posted by peecee

  1. This is why the entire planet regards the Thai justice system with such little regard. Even when convicted of such a horrific crime, this creton gets 2 years in jail, which will probably be reduced to time served. Are there no judges in this country with courage? Where is the deterrent?

    He didn't go out and deliberately harm anyone. He had a momentary lapse in focus resulting in a crash. Tragically, people died.

    It's one thing if he was drunk, or high, or hot dogging, or deliberately driving recklessly. But I'm not reading that in the stories.

    Should he be punished? Sure, but appropriately. For an accident, 2 years in a Thai prison seems pretty harsh.

    (500 baht fine for beating a foreigner half to death, that's why the Thai justice system has such a bad reputation.)

    Clearly you think like all Thai's that the use of any form of transport in killing people is just bad luck. Not to see a fishing trawler is poor seamanship, even if vis was down then he is responsible for maintaining a vigilant lookout and his vessels speed. However, I don't believe this or the feeble plastic bag excuse. I feel this idiot was showing of in trying to pass very close at high speed and failed to understand what a trawler actually does. To my mind his actions equate to manslaughter through negligence and equate to 10yrs porridge.

  2. Why is no-one commenting on the running away factor of this story?

    We all know why, its because its such a common situation, we all take it for granted.

    Its about time this disgusting attitude to taking responsibility for actions is cracked down upon.

    I suggest mandatory full sentences for negligence,attempted murder etc, depending on the circumstances of each case.

    in every case of a person fleeing the scene of an accident.

    I suggest the law sees this flight as a full admission of culpability and the attempt to hide from it indicates full responsibility.

    An extra dollop of porridge for the sorry little s***s!!!

    They run away to the temple and have their sin prayed away!

  3. I know that this man has only been accused. He is innocent until proven guilty.

    But, I am always sad to hear. That some one as sucessful, can be so greedy. He had a good job with status, and respect. He must have worked hard, and been very capeable. He certainly had a good salary, at his pay grade. Then his greed, and perhaps feeling that he was above the law, because of his status, corrupted him. Why can't people let their good qualities come out, instead of their selfish greed.

    I would like to respectfuly suggest. That theThai military acadamies. Have ethics courses, if they already do, Then they should carfully, thoroughly reevaluate them, and improve them.

    Senior officers in the Thai military have to have very good connections to get a brass hat, hard work is not part of the equation!

  4. It's pretty small beer relative the the tens of billions of losses the same mob caused through their airport escapade. They belong in jail.

    Nobody died though did they ? wink.png . It's called a peaceful protest.

    Did you calculate what the protests cost in 2010 as well ?. A lot DID die because of that one eh ?.

    Peaceful protest is one were the protesters obey the rule of law and lawful direction by the police. But there's no use in arguing that point eh!

  5. "Of the 1,250 respondents, roughly 49 percent said they became happier" What about the other 51% that are not ? whistling.gif

    90% are happier or as happy as they were.

    Only 10% are less happy, even though you are attempting to infer it is the whole 51%.

    I expect that the 10% are the scumbags who see less opportunity to steal from the state now things like the rice scheme have been exposed and stopped.

    The Junta should seek an election to confirm their popularity.

  6. Can happen everywhere. It happened to me in Barcelona. Have I complaint all Spaniards?

    No and neither do you go on about Spanishness.

    The problem is that the Thai bashers don;t have the slightest idea what Thainess is.

    It is a topic that they are taught in school - "kwam bpen thai" which, in the curriculum says - "The GOOD characteristics of a Thai - eg, 'benevolence, compassion, sacrifice, deference, dress conduct, selflessness, protecting the development and continuation of these POSITIVE traits, reverence for the king, teachers and elders etc.

    For some idiot to say, theft, corruption etc is Thainess is pure ignorance.

    I wish all students would take the Thainess lesson onboard, but as we all know any transgression can be quickley recinded by a trip to the Wat.

  7. Hold it just a minute. How are they going to charge her with murder if the guy, on his own, took Viagra, then died while having sex?

    Did she force him to take Viagra?

    Was the sex so good, so passionate, that his heart couldn't handle it?

    From my point of view, she's definitely guilty of trying to hide his death, but that's about it. Sorry, but i don't see how you can charge her with murder, unless there is a lot more to this story we're not being told.

    I suppose they think she's lying.

    The guy who helped her carry the body may have some useful info.

  8. Seems Brits are just like Thais.. need to have it from numbers. (sorry the standard remark the expats make when its one on many so I do the same) Just to show its not only Thais but also Brits that are cowards.

    Well that is a sign of intelligence. Go only into a fight if you are sure that you are win.....

    Every Soi dog knows that. Real heros die young.

    Sure.. but I always read on Thaivisa that Thais are cowards for attacking in groups, I wonder what reasons people have for changing that tune when people from their own country are involved.

    I'd like to have some back-up if a drunk was coming at me with a knife, nationalities don't come into such equations!

  9. head in the toilet? this man did not die well, but then again who does.

    Judging by the picture , and presuming he wasn't moved, I believe they meant to say 'face down in his bathroom'.......

    Just old enough for his state pension and alone, rather sad.

    Looks like one of the common type of deaths, age, prob sitting on toilet arms on his knees, head down, blood clot in the brain, my Mum went like that same age. RIP.

    Too young, so sad; RIP.

  10. They discovered the bombing linked from North to South.

    What in the name of sweet zombie jesus does THAT mean?

    I'll make it simple for you.

    The bombing was ordered and paid by red leaders in the North that employed people from the South to carry on the attack.

    Simple enough for you?

    It's really a close race between you & the junta propaganda team as to who speaks more BS.

    Simple is an adjective often used by others re the former.

  11. Heart goes out to the parents.

    No good to talk about safety in Thailand it'll always fall on deaf ears; this is a country that cares only about money. Earlier today the government stated that the would attempt to 'negotiate' with the ICAO over air safety issues ... yes negotiate which clearly shows how incompetent this country is.

    Planes, boats, buses, minivans, taxis, jet skis ... avoid them at all cost if you value your life.

    But you see, it IS about money. Safety is about money. Safety costs money. One of the problems is that tickets are too cheap. Another is of course that operators don't invest enough in safety. What would happen in a functioning market is that you would in due course have a diversified bunch, some operators offering decent safety standards in exchange for a slightly higher ticket price. Safety, in this instance, becomes a marketing aspect. Such operators would attract more business than the others and, in theory at least, the others would in time disappear. We know it won't happen like that because, for one reason, there is a dirt-poor populace that cannot afford these tickets and that also wants or needs to travel. I should personally like to keep State out of it. Could imagine a privately run safety certification system that is not just about bribes. It's not, because they make so much more if they keep their reputation intact. Money is a lovely mechanism, when it comes down to it, you just have to put it to proper use.

    Lack of government interest or supervision of the industry.

  12. More ' values ', more hypocrisy, more BS that no one will pay the slightest attention to.

    Ladies dress appropriately or you encourage a sexual assault ! Does this apply to ugly women who may wear bikinis ?

    As "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" who knows?

    There is a fairly standard template for beauty, for most guys. Slim, young, pretty face. I know if the girl I have 'met' at Nana is a fairly standard 'beauty' as all those beer guzzlers in the 'sit and stare bars' at the entrance, give jealous and longing looks as I walk past with her.

    WOW, what a he man!!

    Getting jealous and longing looks from the beer guzzlers when he is passing with his rented hooker!!

    You seem to forget, that the beer-bellies probably already have slept with your "girlfriend"

    Most stayed awake!

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