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Posts posted by alphason

  1. 3 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:
    23 minutes ago, alphason said:

    How does the 2 months work, is it 90 days, 2 full calendar months or eg 5 Mar to 5 May on the date of application or the date extension is due.

    It is 2 calendar months as per your example. If you put it in the bank today (Oct. 11th) you could apply for the extension on the 11th of December.


    23 minutes ago, alphason said:

    Does it have to be new money from overseas, eg I have a couple of accounts here already I could use to fund a new account I would open for seasoning, but could not show the money coming in from overseas and then make it up to 400K with a topup overseas transfer (transferwise).

    There is no requirement for proof that the 400k baht came from abroad. 

    Thanks again ubonjoe


    1 minute ago, ubonjoe said:
    6 minutes ago, Derek B said:

    Nothing new there. It is identical to what was posted on their website on Monday.

    In that link it incorrectly says 3 months seasoning  for marriage, shows the BE does not really understand the details and maybe why they are saying to show 40K per month in a Thai account to immigration.  


    For marriage visas British Nationals should demonstrate that they have an amount of at least 400,000 THB in an account in Thailand for no less than three months prior to the visa application, or a monthly income of at least 40,000 THB. A bank statement should be used as the supporting document for obtaining a Thai retirement or marriage visa.

  2. 21 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    The 400k baht only has to be in the bank for 2 months for every extension based upon marriage. The 60 days and 3 months is only for retirement extensions.

    How does the 2 months work, is it 60 days, 2 full calendar months or eg 5 Mar to 5 May, on the date of application or the date extension is due.


    Does it have to be new money from overseas, eg I have a couple of accounts here already I could use to fund a new account I would open for seasoning, but could not show the money coming in from overseas and then make it up to 400K with a topup overseas transfer (transferwise).


    Until there is more certainty on using income instead of money on deposit I think its wise to plan to do this  for now.



  3. 28 minutes ago, dick turpin said:

    Think also you can't apply for a new passport until within nine months of old passport expiring. 

    No you can do it anytime https://www.gov.uk/renew-adult-passport/renew

    If your passport’s expired, you must renew it before you can travel. You can renew your passport at any time.

    Time left on your old passport will not be added to your new one.

  4. 1 hour ago, robertson468 said:

    Easy, put 65,000 in to your account and then transfer the balance you don't use to your Wife's Account and the next month, you transfer back in to your account enough to make up the difference to 65,000 baht.  See below:


    Sep - deposit 65,000 baht in your account.

          - spend say 30,000 baht, leaving a balance in your account of 35,000 baht.

    Sep - transfer 35,000 baht in your Wife's account.

    Oct - transfer to 35,000 baht back to your account and deposit a further 30,000 baht in to your account thereby having 65,000 baht in your account again for Oct.

    I have been assuming that they would want to see it coming in from a Uk bank

  5. 13 minutes ago, Moonlover said:


    A possible solution regarding UJ's comment about proving the source, is to transfer the money from your home bank via TransferWise.


    When you perform a transaction via TW a slip is produced, which can be downloaded as a PDF which will prove, categorically that the money came in from abroad.



    I assumed the money would have to come from your home bank anyway (which the TW slip could prove), or it could just be money form illegal Thai working. I took ubonjoes comment to mean the source of the money you transferred being income rather than just money sitting in your home countries bank savings account? 

  6. 19 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    You could do the transfers every 3 months but they might want proof of the source to prove you are not transferring it in from a saving account.

    Its all speculation at the moment if Thai immigration will change policy to allow foreign income to be shown in a Thai bankbook rather than by embassy letter. I would say IF they do allow this in future they won't be looking at the source of the income just the amount coming from overseas, they don't have the skills to check all different sources of income or the resources to do it hence why they currently ask the embassy to do it and issue a letter. But who knows??? this is the flaw in the theory immigration will accept proof of income in this way.

  7. 15 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Immigration would no require you to show 12 months of bank deposits since you are only proving the income you have on the date you apply. At the most they would want to see 3 months of transfers into your account. 

    IF that's what happens and immigration just decide they only want to see 40K going into a Thai account with 3 months history then that in fact will make things easier than they are now for a lot of people (no embassy income letter, no 400K sat in a Thai account, just 3 months of 40K).


    15 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    The 400k baht only has to be in the bank for 2 months for every extension based upon marriage. The 60 days and 3 months is only for retirement extensions. 

    Great I don't know that, reluctant to do it but makes things a bit easier then if it comes to it early March 2019, you never know the fx rate may have recovered a little by then.


    Thankyou ubonjoe

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    I think you should wait and see what actually happens with the UK embassy income letter thing. I think there will be another option that they will come up with.

    a. I think if needed that is what I would do instead of losing more than a year on your passports validity.

    b/c That is your decision. But it may not be needed.

    The UK no longer will add the old passport's remaining validity to the new one.

    Thanks Joe, you seem to agree with what I thought was the best option for now, basically wait and see.


    Hopefully the BE and/or immigration will sort out the issue. I don't currently bring in 40K every month (with my wifes income, some purchases made on UK cards etc we just don't need that much) so if they decide to want to see 12 months history of Thai deposits I couldn't do it without some notice, although if 12 months history rather than say 3 was needed I would most likely just switch to 400K on deposit, that's why I was asking about the 2/3 months seasoning requirement.


    Thank you.

  9. I am starting to consider what I will do if the British Embassy no longer issues the income letter and theres no policy change from immigration. There is so much we don't know yet, what the BE are currently saying does not match with immigration policy. We need to know to be able to plan ahead.


    My extension is due beg of May 2019, but my passport will expire end Apr 2020, my plan was to get a new passport around Feb next year, then the income letter, then extension end of Apr ish.


    Now unless anything changes I can see 3 options:
    a) Forget the early passport renewal, apply for income letter before 12 Dec and hope its still accepted when I do my extension before early May, but will lose a few weeks on the extension as I think they date it only last until the expiry of my passport? Then apply for a new passport later and have the stamps transferred.
    b) Apply for income letter first, then apply new passport and hope the income letter will still work with a new passport number, then apply income letter before 12 Dec and hope its still accepted when I do the extension.
    c) Apply new passport soon but lose nearly 18 months on it, apply income letter with new passport and hope its still valid when I do my extension. (Am I right that they don't add 9 months to the new passport anymore?)


    At the moment I think A is the best option if I am correct that immigration will still give me an extension but end it on the expiry date of my passport & that the income letter issued in Dec 18 will still be valid for a May 2019 extension. This way also gives some time in the hope that things have sorted themselves out, either BE restarts the letter or immigration will accept something else.


    If I reluctantly decided to change and top up accounts to have 400K on deposit in Thailand would it need to be for 3 months as I already have an extension, or could I get away with 2 months as its the first extension using this method?



  10. 36 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    No, they are saying transfer the minimum needed to satisfy the Thai Immigration. That will be Bht 65,000 per month ie Bht 780,000 per year. OR you could put Bht 800,000 into an account for at least 3 months. Up to you!

    I meant to say 40/65K in the post you quoted.

    But not sure that is what they are saying, they need to be clear.


    15 minutes ago, Expattaff1308 said:

    The link shows...

    British Nationals should now demonstrate that they have an amount of at least 800,000 THB in an account in Thailand for no less than three months prior to the visa application, or a monthly income of at least 65,000 THB transferred into an account in Thailand. For marriage visas British Nationals should demonstrate that they have an amount of at least 400,000 THB in an account in Thailand for no less than three months prior to the visa application, or a monthly income of at least 40,000 THB. A bank statement should be used as the supporting document for obtaining a Thai retirement or marriage visa.

    The Embassy is saying use bank Statements (Thai I assume as proof of depositing the required amount), but its not what the Embassy say that matters.

    What does Immigration say is required as proof of the 40/65,000 income if the Embassy letter is no longer effective as proof

    Yes this is whats important, what do immigration want for proof of 40/65K per month, at the moment its only the embassy letter that I know of, so is something going to change and they will now accept something different?

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, roath said:

    The main problem is the lack of clarify from immigration (and the British Embassy) as to what is going to be acceptable going forward


    The fact is that probably most people will be able to comply, but we need to know how we are meant to be complying. Until now, immigration accepted (required) an income verification letter from one's home embassy. If that is going out the window, then OK, but what is wrong with immigration issuing a short statement clarifying what will be required going forward. 


    This is exactly the point, if no income letter then other than the money on deposit what do we do? BE says show the money going into a Thai bank account, show it to who? immigration don't currently accept this method they want the letter, so is there a rule change coming, for how long does the money need to be shown for?

    • Like 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, roath said:


    As others have posted, it is likely that there are other factors at play behind the scenes

    The main issue is clarification from Immigration as to what they will accept as proof.


    Equally, a change from 65,000 income per month (which funds don't have to be in Thailand) to proof of funds IN Thailand is quite a difference in interpretation (or re-defining more likely) of the current regulations. Possibly, they may want to see the funds coming to Thailand so many people will need an income in excess of 65K a month to cover both their Thailand requirements AND any home country expenses (property and/or family maintenance etc.) so definitely a shift in the goalposts if that is the case.


    If its just a BE change then why isn't the BE just asking for proof of the 40/65K coming into Thailand rather than overseas by showing a Thai bank book in order to issue the letter as before. I have always had to send the BE 3 months of UK bank statements anyway, so just change that to Thai only bank statements.


    It would be a lot easier if we can just show the Thai bank book to immigration and cut out the BE involvement - but we need detail and confirmation from Thai immigration.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Lovethailandelite said:

    Are you stupid to think this has just been put out on a whim without the UK speaking with Thailand? The requirements are there on the government website. I have no idea what other information you need? It's easy enough to understand. Money needs to come into a Thai bank account. That's it. 

    That is information from the BE, I don't think this currently matches with what Thai immigration wants.

    If Thai immigration will accept a Thai bank book showing the funds coming in monthly as the BE suggest, for the last 3 or 12 months (??) then we all understand, at the moment we don't know. Thai immigration are the ones that say if its acceptable or not, not the BE.

    • Like 2
  14. 9 minutes ago, Lovethailandelite said:

    It all states quite clearly what will be required on the UK Government website what will be required after 1st January 2019 when no more letters are issued. The money MUST then be in a Thai bank account either 800k lump sum or 65k a month income proved by a letter from your THAI BANK. The money MUST come into Thailand


    Is there an upcoming change in policy from Thai Immigration, as far as I know you have never been able to prove your monthly income directly to immigration without the income letter ?? Have the BE made this announcement early before an immigration policy change has been announced? Or do they not understand the process?


    If this is true it could make things easier for a lot of people, but we need details how many months of income must you show, 3 or 12 if its 12 then there has not been enough notice given to prepare for this, many don't bring in that much each month or withdraw by other means eg using foreign ATM. If like the BE you just need to show 3 months Thai bank statements with 40/65K income then there is just about enough time to prepare that, but if they need the last 12 months this could be a problem.

    • Like 2
  15. 29 minutes ago, smedly said:

    what is the point of the British Embassy giving you a letter that Thai Immigration won't accept as proof of income ?  Sure go ahead and pressure them into continuing this service - pay your 50quid for a useless piece of paper if you want lol


    The Issue now is that Thai Immigration need to clarify what they will now accept  as income proof - simple as that, if fact if my understanding of what it means going forward - things just got a whole lot easier for people now not needing a useless letter from Their Embassy 


    8 minutes ago, smedly said:

    The bank knows were it came from and can confirm this in a letter for immigration - not an issue


    Only issue I see is that some people don't transfer every month - I do 2x transfers a year but I also have a running balance in excess of 800k baht for most of the year which I may not need now


    Like I keep saying - we now need clarification from Thai immigration as to what then need for annual income proof

    Agreed , this is what we all should be asking the BE, they have offered 2 alternatives 400/800K held on deposit in a Thai bank, or 40/65K monthly income into a Thai bank - we need to know how this works.

    • Like 2
  16. Had an IMobile iqII for a few years now but now it is just getting so slow it can be barely usable at times, sometime just ok sometimes 15 minutes to open an app like email or line.


    I have used cleaning apps and they sometimes help a little if they load, even restart or power off the phone sometimes takes a few minutes, sometimes miss calls because the phone is to slow to pick up.


    I have a SD card installed so any big files are there, storage capacity is ok.


    Any tips, should I do factory reset, is there a way to do this without losing al the data or installed apps?



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