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Everything posted by thrilled

  1. Are you saying Biden is monitoring or are you saying this? These are the same kinds of people at Black Lives Matter. America has never just watched and doing nothing like they are doing now. It seems like every day now something stupid is happening.
  2. All of this was known back in 2915. They decided to do something when he decided to run again. The last 3 years and 3 months have been terrible with Biden
  3. I guess the farang didn’t know you discuss how much with the driver before getting in.
  4. I saw in weather.com at Korat it was around 42. Now that is hot. I looked it was hotter there than it was in Bangkok.
  5. Look where this is coming from. The National Enquirer
  6. December I can tolerate Thailand. I Mean 43 is ok if I want I want to stay in the house all the time. I left in January.
  7. The way I look at it is if you want to play you need to pay. To me that’s small money but maybe not to many. Girls aren’t there for free. They are making a living and your helping.
  8. I live in Korat a month every year. I do the same
  9. Thailand is HOT. I mean to hot for me to go anywhere except to the mall. I can handle it for a little while, Ain’t no way I could live there
  10. I wouldn’t be in Thailand if I didn’t have the funds to live good. It’s hot. The air quality especially around Chiang Mai can be unbearable. Since Covid prices have gone up quite a bit. For me 1 million baht a year was sufficient annually. Now it’s closer to 1.2 million baht
  11. When they went to court they knew they were never going to see the money
  12. Every country is different. I believe starting in 1st grade you have your kid in a good school you pay more money. And then later later going to a University is the same. If you want a better University you pay more money. Thailand is 100% about money. The better you want you,pay more money.
  13. I believe what you’re talking about is Sin Sod. The man pays money, gold, diamonds, water buffalo etc to the mother of the bride. If the lady is young, never married no kids extremely pretty then her Mom will expect a large amount. If the guy can’t come up with it then the girl won’t marry or see him again. If the lady has been married before older, has kids then the amount of sin sod is a lot lower. But I have seen Sid over 10 million baht and 30-50 baht gold.
  14. For one if you don’t speak Thai your like a fish out of water. If you speak English to them 9 out of 10 they don’t understand you. Over 90% of Thai women are not prostitutes. They might think you smell or you try to have sex with everyone in Thailand. They think you have a high body count. They don’t want you to give them HIV. Good luck.
  15. Nope, 2023 Chevy Corvette. It stays in park no matter what
  16. Not sure as much about brake failure as much as it was running a traffic light
  17. I have Kasikorn Bank. When I want money from Schwab I just do a wire transfer from my brokerage account from Schwab. I call them. They keep my standing instructions on file. I say use them. I tell them how much. They read a disclosure. From 9 eastern time in the U.S. the money is usually in my Kasikorn account in 19-12 hours.
  18. Mine don’t have a key. It has a key fob. Push button start. Won’t turn off til it’s it park. Then after it’s off it stays in park. That’s the way it’s made. It can’t be pushed
  19. I have a 2023 Chevrolet Corvette Z06. Best car I ever had
  20. I’m fine with Sukhumvit, Silom rd or riverside.
  21. Life in another planet don’t want nothing to do with earth. At least I wouldn’t. I would stay away from this place.
  22. If you’re a U.S. citizen you need to make sure you don’t have over $10,000 in the bank. You’re talking a business account. The U,S. To stop off shore banking has a FATCA law. And Thailand abides by it. The IRS will fine you heavy going over that amount. If you notify the IRS then I believe your fine.
  23. I just use a regular taxi service
  24. My wife is Thai. She was a teacher. She went through Thai schooling. She has a PHD. This is in Thailand. That’s a subject in itself. That’s another topic. I have never mentioned what I read. She watches a lot of Thai YouTube stuff.
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