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Posts posted by Elfin

  1. I can not understand why Obama would give the ugly Netanyahu one cent. Israel can well afford to BUY the weapons if the US uses the excuse that it needs its weapons industry ticking over. The USA would be far better using that $5 billion per year on its OWN citizens.

    Who does Israel use these weapons on? Mainly on the hapless Palestinans-see the movie "The Lab" for proof.

    BDS is gaining strength and support daily and I certainly make a point of avoiding anything made in or connected to Israel.

  2. I use a CD player to play Listening tracks in my classroom though this player also has a USB port which I also use.

    After a long search last year, I think I bought the last remaining DVD player in Beijing which was heavily discounted. I use this to play my Seinfeld collection as well as House, Yes Minister and Mr Bean.

  3. I went to Kho Sumed last week with my Thai family and friends. They paid 20 Baht to get into the NP which led to the beach and I had to pay 200 Baht! I gave the officer a mouthful about the discrimatory and racist policies that his department imposes on non-Thais, but also acknowledged that he was just following orders.My rels felt a little embarrassed and apologised to me for the discrimination.

    This was after paying 20 Baht "wharf tax" when we got off the ferry and 10 baht to use the toilet at the pier.

    I know the value of the fees is not much by western standards-it is the principle of double pricing that annoys me.


    So how do you think Abbas will respond to Netanyahu's offer of new talks without preconditions?

    That was actually somewhat of a surprise and beyond the theatrics of the BIG SILENCE the biggest actual news in the speech.

    I know many people won't believe the offer is sincere and perhaps it wasn't, but it was made in the most public of ways, so it seems to me it's out there as a thing now that DEMANDS a response.


    Abbas and the rest of the world know, based on previous attempts, that as soon as peace talks resume, Netanyahu will announce the approval of 1,000 new homes to be built on Palestinian owned land, or a Bedouin village will get demolished, or a teenager will get shot dead at a checkpoint etc. You know that Jing Thing

  5. Quote from ABCer "Time for words is over. Israel has no alternative. It must strike and it will.

    But if it does it with one eye on UN it will lose.

    I am afraid Netanyahu has no stomach for a step like this."

    What a war-mongering, zionist and hawkish statement to make.

    It is people like "Wyle E Coyote" Netanyahu and yourself who are the clear and present danger.


  6. I bought progressive/transitional lens glasses with a titanium frame in Australia from Optic Express with a full eye test for $A300 (9000TB) and they were brilliant.

    After some years I got some progressive lens glasses from TC with a steel frame and they were terrible. The number of times I fell down the steps was scary; I could not see the computer without tilting my head back and driving was a nightmare. My Thai wife then convinced me to get a pair of prescription reading glasses and a separate pair for driving/normal distance vision and though it is inconvenient to keep switching (to read the iphone messages while outside), at least it is safer!


    "prompted widespread condemnation and pledges by Israel's government to get tougher on Jewish vigilantes who repeatedly have attacked Palestinians and their property over the years.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged a "zero tolerance" approach to the attacks and his government has taken steps to crack down following the attack."

    (Bold emphasis mine)

    That's an admission that for "years" Israel has NOT been doing what it could to deter, arrest, and imprison these Jewish terrorists.

    Perhaps Netanyahu should go further and stop naming streets and squares after terrorists or paying them a salary when they are in jail using money donated by the E.U.....Hang on, silly me I'm thinking of Mahmoud Abbas.

    You are right SD-there is an Israeli airport named after an abhorrent terrorist, isn't there?


  8. I meant the 22000 pound bunker buster-my mistake. This was said during the first slaughter of Palestinians that I witnessed called Operation Cant Lead as I recall. There was a HUGE explosion that lit up the whole sky with an incredibly loud noise. The Israeli-American who was commentating-an ex member of the Israeli parliament-said on live TV that it was a bunker-buster and it was used to level an apartment building.

    That telecast has stayed in my mind, and it was what absolutely cemented my hate for the zionist movement and Israelis generally.


    You keep trying to justify Israel's blockade with wildly innacurate statements such as this:

    "As I'm sure would your home country if facing thousands of rocket attacks into their land."

    You know as well as I do that 99.9% of these rockets land in open spaces, doing no harm. They are little home-made rockets that have no directional capabilities, and some of them don't even have explosives in them. They are launched more out of protest against the Oppressor's blockade than actually trying to harm anyone. Some of them don't even make it out of Gaza!

    Compare these with the US-supplied laser guided 1000-ton bunker busters that Israel unleashes with impunity on the hapless Palestinian civilians, wiping out whole families, apartment buildings, HOSPITALS, schools and UN shelters! Thousands of these US supplied weapons have been fired into Gaza by the IDF.

    Just tell your right-wing Israeli mates to lift the blockade and let the Gazan children enjoy crayons, colouring-in books and coriander again!!


  10. "800 trucks a day of supplies cross over into Gaza from Israel."

    I don't know where you plucked this figure from SD, but since the blockade began in 2007, only 1/4 of Gazas daily needs are trucked in because as an Israeli minister said at the time "Gaza is being put on a diet". Items blockaded include jam, pasta, coriander, crayons and children's colouring books-all of which are considered dangerous by Israel.

    I will continue to support organisations such as Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) and Jewish Voice for Peace until justice is done against Netanyahoo's right-wing-ratbags.

    With Israel allowed to do whatever it wants with impunity, no one is safe in international waters.

    But it can't last forever and the blockade will be broken and one day soon, and gone forever!


    Israel is doing what it needs to do.

    The good news this time is the outcome was peaceful.

    Well done!


    Wrong Jingthing. Israel does whatever it WANTS to do, regardless of International law, UN resolutions or world opinion, courtesy of being blindly funded and supported by the USA whose allies obediently turn a blind eye to the atrocities and apartheid that are forced on the hapless Palestinians and non-jews daily in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

    Taking on an unarmed boat carrying medical aid (show proof of any arms or military equipment on board) to the imprisoned Gazans shows just how gutless the Israeli IDF that you swoon over, really are.


    Im sure only a small fraction of chinese are filthy animals, but I have encountered a few of them to pass my own personal judgement and frankly.. I dont give a damn about them


    I have been living mostly in China for the past 11 years, and I would change your small fraction into a LARGE fraction!

    However I wish the Chinese lady a speedy recovery, hope she is covered by insurance and that she has the 50,000 TB for the "damage" to the jet-ski.

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