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Posts posted by Elfin

  1. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Israel did leave Gaza or did you miss that?

    Jingthing if the Israelis left Gaza, then why are their near daily incursions to arrest Palestinians or to kill them. Why are there drones constantly flying overhead along with IDF aircaft in their airspace?

    Why do the IDF shoot at farmers who dare to farm in constantly changing "no-go" zones?

    I could go on with more..............................

  2. Just in from nine.com.au :Bibi says to the New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully " "If you continue to promote this resolution from our point of view it will be a declaration of war. It will rupture the relations and there will be consequences."


    It looks like he is going to be Wyle E Coyote again with a cartoon picture of a bomb??


    President Abbass is very pleased with all the support he is getting.

  3. Another small win for Palestine as inch by inch, step by step, the world is realising the atrocities being committed by 60 years of occupation and illegal settlements by Israel against the Palestinians. Well done to the US for finally showing some nads in the UN too.

    The BDS campaign also is growing in strength and is one of many organisations I support in the quest for a free Palestine, meaning that indeed isolation and boycotts are what lie in the future for Israel.


  4. To use the word "democracy" when describing the Israeli form of government is a misnomer. It certainly is not like any other democracy in the world which encourages free speech and free movement. The Israeli government is an unstable fascist occupying power-no less.

    Little by little we are making progress against the illegal zionist occupiers. Well done UNESCO!


  5. 1 hour ago, Morch said:


    "I remember the fate of 2 Palestinian soccer team members who were deliberately shot in their feet by the IDF, once they realised that the 2 were soccer players."


    Could you kindly provide anything more concrete on this?

    "The calls for Israel to be removed from the global footballing body Fifa have grown louder after two Palestinian footballers were reportedly shot in the feet at an Israeli checkpoint, preventing them from ever playing football again.

    The two teenagers, Jawhar Nasser Jawhar, 19, and Adam Abd al-Raouf Halabiya, 17, were walking home from a training session in the Faisal al-Husseini Stadium in al-Ram in the central West Bank when Israeli forces allegedly opened fire without warning, according to Al Jazeera

    Jawhar received 10 gunshots to his feet, seven in his left foot and three in his right, while Halabiya received one shot to each foot, according to medical reports.

    Police dogs were then released on the pair and Israeli soldiers beat them before being taken to Ramallah governmental hospital and then transferred to King Hussein Medical Center in Amman. It will take months to assess whether the pair can ever walk again."


    This was taken from Jack Moore in the International Business Times, March 6 2014, Morch.

  6. This will help further expose to the world the oppressive nature of the Israeli regime. I hope FIFA recognises that these teams are playing on stolen land and should be made to play their games inside Israel itself or have the teams disbanded.

    I remember the fate of 2 Palestinian soccer team members who were deliberately shot in their feet by the IDF, once they realised that the 2 were soccer players. From the OP " Following the suspension attempt, both sides agreed to a compromise that included international monitoring on Israel's actions toward Palestinian soccer players and more scrutiny for the settlement clubs. " Israel deserves to be red carded over this!


  7. You are forgetting the violence of the Stern gang which started the senseless violence against the Palestinians.

    40 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


    ARABS started it. The Jews did not organize to fight back for around 20 years. The Palestinian youth are paying for 100 years of armed conflict and terrorism started by their Muslim bretheren. Signing a peace treaty is the only way to end it.

    Get back to '67 borders and allow the right of return of Palestinian refugees. Bibi just spews crap whenever he opens his sneering mouth.


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