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Posts posted by Elfin

  1. 20 minutes ago, XGM said:

    Regarding power, did you note reduction in electricity is related to Palestinians refuse to pay for it?

    It would suffice to shut down water and electricity supply - both continued as usual from Israel, year after year, regardless" Here you are implying otherwise, and Israel frequently refuses to pass on taxes that it collects on the Palestinians behalf, so if they aint got it it is hard to give it back to Israel isn't it?

  2. 12 minutes ago, XGM said:


    Please provide links to support those points. Sound like false claims again. Water in scarce supply?

    I guess you don't have much time to read.

    " A decade-long, deadly blockade denies people in Gaza access to nearly every aspect of a normal, decent life, from food and medicine to building supplies and electricity. "

    "On average, homes in Gaza have electricity for 2-4 hours daily. Last week 14/07/2017, for the first time, an entire 24-hour period passed without any power whatsoever."

    "Palestinians in Gaza are living without reliable refrigeration or potable water. Hospitals can’t offer adequate care. Summer temperatures soar into the 90s with no way to cool homes. The sea is too polluted to offer any relief, because there’s also no way to treat sewage. In the absence of safe sources of light, people turn to candles, a fire hazard that has claimed the lives of children. "

    " As the occupying power, the Israeli government bears ultimate responsibility for this crisis. Perhaps because the world at large ignores the daily siege on Gaza, responding only to the most spectacular military violence of direct and sustained attacks, the Israeli government thinks they’ll get away with this continuous devastation because we won’t notice, or won’t care."

    Naomi Dann
    Media Program Manager

    Jewish Voice for Peace (21/07/2017)

  3. 10 minutes ago, XGM said:


    Israel wouldn't even need to use planes or tanks had it wanted to kill Palestinian civilians.


    It would suffice to shut down water and electricity supply - both continued as usual from Israel, year after year, regardless of scale of terror attacks launched by Palestinians. In each and every day, goods - food, medicines, cloths, construction material and what not, enters the Gaza strip from Israel.


    Which other country provides uninterrupted water and electricity supply to its enemies?

    XGM, you are aware of course that Israel only supplies electricity to Gaza for 6-8 hours per day-not the 24 hours that you are implying. Water is also in scarce supply and Israel targets the Gazan sewerage system regularly to ensure the flow of raw sewerage in the streets of Gaza. Medicines are in very short supply and construction materials are near on impossible to get.

    Since the blockade of Gaza, it only receives a maximum of 25% of supplies compared to pre-blockade times, and things such as pasta, coriander, crayons and children's books are on the blockaded goods list.

    Please don't paint the Israelis as the angels of mercy as they are quite the opposite!!

  4. 5 minutes ago, Greenhill said:

    Unfortunately, the terrorists in Gaza know very well that they operate in a densely populated area and that their civilians are likely to be casualties of any Israeli retaliation!!    That doesn't stop them from housing their rockets in schools, hospitals etc, fully knowing that biased people like yourself, completely ignore these facts and just criticise Israel.   


    How would you like it if you had rockets raining down on your territory?    What would YOU do about it?


    Given that the Israelis have an air force and the Palestinians don't, how easy do you think it would be for Israel to really kill large numbers of Gazan civilians, if they wanted to????   They don't!!!

    The rockets that you refer to are small simple, home made and sometimes carry no explosive material. 99.97 % of them cause no damage to civilian homes and lives and explode harmlessly in open areas. They are a sign of resistance rather than a big, expensive, lethal laser guided missile that Israel fires at the unfortunate Palestinians (after their pre-warning leaflet drop of course).


    It is easy for you to say that every hospital, school etc. is a warehouse for "rockets" , just as it is to say that every Palestinian child is a rock thrower.

  5. 8 hours ago, twizzian said:

    Took my little boy to Bang Saen yesterday, got fed up kicking off the plastic bags and bottles in the water.

    Never again.


    We were at Bang Saen on Sunday and there were football sized jellyfish in the water and on the sand but also lots of dead little silver fish floating about in amongst the rubbish. There was also a lot of rubbish on the beach but a front end loader was cruising up and down the beach to maybe clean it up a bit?

  6. Thailand only measures road deaths at the accident site and not those who later die of their injuries in hospital, so Thailand probably should be #1 in the world ahead of Libya.

    The authorities are not going to listen to any farang whatsoever, so going into schools to educate students about road safety is not going to happen because it would be viewed as interference and so "unThainess".

    As long as we and our families and friends do not become an accident statistic, we just have to let the carnage continue, but be continually defensive on the roads in self-preservation mode.

  7. I moved to Xuzhou in February this year and was surprised to see these things on electric bikes and scooters everywhere. As I have never seen them anywhere else in China in the past 12 years, I thought they must be a local thing but I was so surprised to also see them here in Chiang Mai while on R&R for a month.

    I too thought originally that a big gust of wind would turn them into Mary Poppins copycats!:laugh::laugh:

  8. 21 hours ago, timewilltell said:

    One has to ask the question why the police in Thailand are always in such a rush to cremate the bodies in these cases - especially of tourists where there are relatives that need time to get here and the fact that the investigations should be even more thorough given they are dealing with foreign citizens where the Embassy should take a keen interest in checking the facts and the police be as transparent as possible.  The fact that the opposite is the fact is highly suspicious I'd say.



    Can't the mother/father sue for the cremation of their daughter's body without their permission???

  9. This has just been reported in Khao Sod News by a German reporter:


    When a reporter reached out to Koh Tao police on Wednesday, two officers denied knowledge of the tourist’s death.

    “I don’t remember any Belgians,” Lt. Col. Napha Senathip said.

    Another officer said he had not seen any case with the name Elise Dallemagne and added that police do not always open investigations into foreigners’ deaths on the island. He also accused the media of portraying Koh Tao in a negative light.

    “Sometimes, people just die on Koh Tao without [an investigation], because sometimes people just die,” Lt. Col. Chokchai Sutthimek said. “That said, the media should stop portraying Koh Tao as an ‘Island of Death,’ because that’s unethical journalism.”


    Negative light?? Unethical Journalism?? Don't remember any Belgians?? Deny deny deny..................

  10. 21 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

    Chiang mai, i stoppped along the road. Sellers were there. Old lady selling collored straw bracelets.

    Asked how much and in few english just said 1 bath. Hey what is 1 bath and i help her with 1 bath (?).

    She gave me 1 and i paid with 10 bath. Then no return money and she acted as she had said 10 bath.

    I tried to argue but as she wouldnt know english that well, i skipped it and just let it be. 

    Hope she is happy with her "scam" and enjoy my 10 bath.

    Sounds like a clean deal! :cheesy:

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