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Posts posted by Elfin

  1. 2 of my wife's friends are both working in massage parlours close to Seoul Airport.

    The first one left her lowly paid husband and the 2nd one broke up with her sugar-daddy pensioner boyfriend.

    They both earn good money and are saving a lot and they both are planning to stay there until they get arrested and deported. They both have lived there for more than 2 years now.

  2. 1 hour ago, ezzra said:


    A post about Israel will not go unnoticed without the usual nonsense and rubbish comments from people who think they know everything about the middle east, never has anything good or positive to say, only vilifying and demonizing a country whom it's neighbors doesn't recognize it's rights to exist and have sworn to destroy BDS style.....  

    Ezzra, Dexterm is writing the truth, but you cant handle the truth.  The Palestinian state will have East Jerusalem as its capital once a resolution occurs for a 2 state solution if that is ever possible.

    Otherwise a one state solution will probably keep TA as its capital as an interim measure.  Can I ask why you do not live in your beloved Israel Ezzra?


  3. 1 hour ago, Harveyg said:

    And what do you say about "who deny their rights to exist"?  Is that an exaggeration also?   Of course it isn't.   In that case if Ezzra is exagerating then it would seem your omission of the most important point is an exaggerated one. 

    Of course the Israelis deny the right of the Palestinians to exist Harvey by seizing their lands, demolishing their homes, stealing or poisoning their water supplies, building a wall that devides their farms so they can not access their crops or shooting them at point blank range just to name few. This is happening every day Harvey.

    Hamas should not soften its stance of resistance against the Israelis.


  4. 4 hours ago, ezzra said:

    a huge army of terrorists who deny their rights to exist and live in peace in the land of their forefathers since biblical times....

    A huge army Ezra? You are exagerating again both in numbers, and what constitutes an army-Israel has all the (US supplied) weapons remember.

    You are also using the "Real estate agent in the sky" argument as well for the European, Russian and US jews who are stealing Palestinian land so that they can live there part time.



  5. 7 hours ago, bandito said:


    In my opinion, all Palestinians are mentally disturbed.

    Attacking Israelians and now non-Israelians of the Jewish and Christian fate on a daily basis.  I never read about an Israelian knifing a Palestinian just for being a Palestinian.  It's always the other way around.


    But Bandito you can read about Israelis using guns with and without rubber bullets against Palestinians, or tear gas cannisters to the chest or head at point blank range, or a front end loader, etc against Palestinians and I am just mentioning the ones used on the ground.............................

    RIP to the young lady and condolences to her family.


  6. 10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Oh, I get it now. You haven't even heard of J Street but instead want to play a personal baiting game. I reject your absurd suggestion that there aren't many visible Jewish voices of condemnation of right wing Israeli policies and politicians. I'm one person probably not as leftist as J street as I've grown the respect the tough real world situation Israelis actually live in ... and it's so easy to get on a moral high horse from more comfortable USA though with trump that's changing. Dude -- I personally have condemned some Israeli policies before, I will again, and I have some condemned Bibi's policies before, and will again. But only one person. That you don't pay attention and are trying to paint some kind of false equivalency between the modern Muslim world and the modern Jewish world is really your trip based on a foundation of not even knowing something BASIC such as that J street exists. I find your entire tactic here very disingenuous and intentionally provocative without a basis in any reality. Just another demonize Israel game and insult Jews while you're at it.

    Careful Oilinki, you may end up on Jingthing's ignore list like the rest of us here!:cheesy:

  7. Morch said " Seems like there's a redundant D in your last line."

    Are you referring to big organizations such as the US Presbyterian church having its superannuation fund divest from companies such as Viola and G4 Securities to the point where both these companies are selling their businesses (divesting) in Israel to protect their global names?

    BDS are also working very hard against Hewlett-Packard and Caterpillar as divestment targeting examples.

    The D is far from being redundant Morch.


  8. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Funny, you fail to mention the Jewish Nakba from the Arab and Muslim world after Israel was established. Dude, Jews are INDIGENOUS to the middle east. Period, end of story. There was a very good reason for Israel to exist and there are very good reasons for Israel to continue to exist. All the Israel demonization propoganda in the world won't change that reality. 


    To add, and you really should know better, "Palestine" has never existed in history as a nation state. The greater region before 1948 was a BRITISH mandate, not a separate Arab nation. Palestinian Arab identity is a MODERN creation. 


    Someday, maybe there will be a Palestinian state.

    I can't wait to hear what "progressives" have to say about their social policies if that happens. Towards LGBTQ civil rights. Towards Jews. Etc. 

    Jingthing, when you keep repeating that " Jews are INDIGENOUS to the middle east" (why do you also keep using capital letters in your posts?), are you talking about the Russian jews, European jews, American jews etc? Most of these blow-ins are part time Israelis anyway.

  9. "Israel's suppose cruelty and ' apartheid ' practices against the Palestinians population, " Quote from Ezra.

    Supposed??? You are SO out of touch Ezra with your head in the sand.

    Not only do I support BDS , I actively participate in it. It is a legitimate way of non-violent actions and protest , unlike the Israeli actions against the native Palestinians.

    It worked against the Apartheid policies of South Africa didn't it Ezra?


  10. When I arrived back in Chiang Mai last month armed with a filled- in TM30, my wife at first did not believe me that we had to go to Immi until a neighbour told her of the fines if we didn't go. 

    As I arrived on a Friday night we could not go til the Monday so I was expecting a fine. We went to Promenado to the 2nd floor to the TM 30 office to get processed. No fine and got a receipt. The polite man told my wife to just bring the receipt next time and no need to fill out another TM 30 form unless the receipt is lost.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Diamondbob said:

    Ko Samed national Park is exactly the same.
    200 THB for foreign adults and 100 THB for foreign children.
    For Thais it's 40 THB for adults and 20 THB for children.

    It's ALL about the principle, Land of smiles they say, sure we understand why !!!
    Outrages and completely wrong!

    I'm over 20 years married with a Thai lady and have 2 children, they all can enter under the Thai rate but the moron asked me to pay the foreign fee, <deleted>!


    The same thing happened to me last year at Koh Samed and when I politely told the gate keeper my opinion about this he just smiled and told me that he doesn't make the rules. My wife told me off for complaining but my Thai/Aussie daughter got in for 20 baht.

    I also had to pay a 30 baht "tax" at a window when I got off the  ferry but none of my family had to!

     No-one enjoys being ripped off.

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