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Posts posted by Elfin

  1. 22 hours ago, Classic Ray said:

    I hope as much international attention is paid to this incident as to the boys in the cave, to ensure disasters like this are not repeated. 


    Dont let the world think that Chinese tourists’ lives count for less than Thai footballers.

    On the television here in China at the moment Classic Ray, the news bulletins are putting the boat incident before the Thai footballers.

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  2. 4 hours ago, ezzra said:

    The Turkish president was initially marked as a great hope to connect Islam to democracy. In practice, Erdogan was discovered as an anti-Semitic slanderer, and as a demagogue who sells his people illusions about the revival of the Ottoman Empire. 

    In the last 15 years, when Erdogan served as prime minister and president, he has systematically destroyed the most sophisticated - some will continue to say demonic method - almost all the centers of power that might have posed a threat to his Islamist rule.

    His wild incitement systems against Israel are a prime example of this. However, the "refugee crisis" through which he flooded Europe with illegal immigrants and forced the "old continent" to his will. At the end of the 19th century, the colonial powers referred to the corrupt and degenerate Ottoman Empire as "the sick man of Europe." Turkey of today has developed another, more disturbing disease.

    Erdogan's survival in power has so far been possible not only because of his political abilities, which should not be taken lightly, but also because of the weakness of the opposition - which Erdogan always knew to exploit for his own purposes. And if Erdogan does not achieve his dream today - an absolute victory in the presidential and parliamentary elections, one hopes that the opposition and the population in Turkey will be able to unite around another candidate in the second round of presidential elections so that Turkey can be saved before it is too late....

    Where did you copy this from?

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  3. 54 minutes ago, ezzra said:

    Than allow me to comment, over 170 of mortar shells have been lobbed into civilian targets in Israel in less than 24 hours


    How many bullets, teargas cannisters, tank shells and missiles (from the IAF) have been fired in a similar 24 hour period by Israeli troops? I am asking you seeing you seem keen to compile statistics.

    Of course most of the Palestinian home made rockets without any guidance systems do no damage except make a small hole in a field. How many Israelis have been killed or injured in this current protest? 0?

  4. 11 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Just another  attacker who got too close to the violent confrontation and paid with her life.

    Again you somehow twist the truth to come up with the word "attacker" when she was going to help one of her countrymen. She was armed with dressings and bandages.

     I think the term nurse may have been a translation error if she was in fact a volunteer medic.

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